/ April 12, 2006 03:42 PM |
Pamela Joan Rogers Turner, a gym teacher who was arrested in February of 2005 for having sex with a 13-year-old student, has been arrested again after violating her probation. Pamela Turner was sentenced to 9 months in jail, lost her teaching credentials, was put on probation for 7 years and 3months and had to register as a child sex offender. She served 6 months of the 9 and was released in February 2006.
In addition Pamela Turner was instructed not to have any contact with the family of the victim or to use the internet. Since then she started a website and a blog and linked several times to the victims sister violating her probation. She has been arrested and sits in Warren County jail awaiting her fate.
... terms of her conviction included an eight-year sentence and the prosecutor says his office might ask that Turner be sent to prison for the balance of it.
A McMinnville newspaper quotes authorities as saying Turner established a Web site with several photos of herself. A blog on the site indicated a communication between Turner and the victim's 17-year-old sister -- including a link to the sister's Web site.
There was no comment from the Turner camp.
Tipped by: Interested Participant

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Posted by Digger on April 12, 2006 03:42 PM (Permalink)
Ae galera..nossa esse mulher é linda de mais, se alguem conhecer uma professora dessa pode indica-la pra mim, com certeza irei pegar aula particular com ela!!
realmente é uma pena eu nunca ter tido uma professora como essa!
e pode ter certeza que se um dia meu filho tiver uma professora dessa, eu com ceteza erei ajuda-lo no dever de casa....rss
bom, o e-mail é esse e qlqr duvida é só mandar um e_mail.
Posted by: Junior on April 12, 2006 05:52 PM
I think this lady is hot and needs a good guy in her life... shes been hurt somewhere along the line in a relationship and this is the first guy to make her feel special... Come to Charlotte....
Posted by: Steve on April 14, 2006 01:25 AM
I can't be affiliated with Pamela anymore, what she's done tells me that she's crazier than any woman I've ever dated...and thats saying something because I've had some real dates from hell in my time.
.....she's all yours Steve. Good'd damn sure need it.....because she attracts BAD luck like a magnet.
Posted by: Brian on April 14, 2006 10:28 AM
Hey you guys...This Rogers woman is from Clarkrange, TN. where when I have worked up there ...the most beautiful blondes in the world are from there..Its a very small town located close to Crossville and Jamestown, and when you go out in the country you see some of the biggest mansions built by hard working people in East and Middle Tn. Most of the people work in other towns about 50 miles away...
Posted by: K Jones on April 30, 2006 05:52 PM
Indeed...Pam is part cherokee indian part alot of the beautiful blondes in that area....good mix of genetics bad she's going to prison for all those years to rot all because of her lust for someone forbidden....what a shame and a waste man...
Yeah the people in the clarkrange area are energetic and work-a-holics...pretty cool people....little strange but....their alright....good work ethics and talented at growing crops and raising farm animals....interesting people.
Posted by: Brian on May 1, 2006 01:10 AM
what did the kid have to say about all of this?
Posted by: Dino on May 17, 2006 12:06 AM
....I'm not particularly informed in this case. But I sure as hell would have wanted to have sex with this woman if I was thirteen!! I was having fantasies of my gymteacher.. Had to "relieve" myself frequently after she commented on my well developed thighs..
Posted by: Anders on May 18, 2006 11:59 AM
Young kids are having sex anyways. Instead of sending this teacher to prison, she should be given the chance to find understanding and love. She did not use any force against the boy. She dis not obligated the boy.
In addition, as another issue, men can have younger female lovers, but then why can't women do the same?. Remeber many years ago when women were thought as evil if they masturbated?. Well? What is said today? All females do it, and it is healthy. So why so much trouble for something like a women having sex with a younger man, even if he is 13 or 14?.
Jon LeBeuf
Posted by: Jon LeBoeuf on July 19, 2006 01:10 AM
Young kids are having sex anyways. Instead of sending this teacher to prison, she should be given the chance to find understanding and love. She did not use any force against the boy. She dis not obligated the boy.
In addition, as another issue, men can have younger female lovers, but then why can't women do the same?. Remeber many years ago when women were thought as evil if they masturbated?. Well? What is said today? All females do it, and it is healthy. So why so much trouble for something like a women having sex with a younger man, even if he is 13 or 14?.
Jon LeBeuf
Posted by: Jon LeBoeuf on July 19, 2006 01:14 AM
Posted by: PJ on July 20, 2006 10:05 PM