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Will We Fight For Our Country's Independence Again?

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On this Independence Day I'd like you to ask yourself what our founding fathers would do about a few things.

What would they say about the constant invasion of illegal aliens flooding across our borders?

What would they say about millions marching in the streets with foreign flags demanding rights?

What would they say about illegal aliens committing crimes against citizens?

What would they say about the current tax rates?

Would they support all the taxpayers money being given to illegal immigrants in this country through education, health care and other social services?

What would they say about outlawing guns or smoking or drinking?

Would they sit idly by and watch all of this going on?

I think not!

On this Independence Day let's remember who this country really belongs to. Let's remember that it's not our leader's country alone and they can't be allowed to continue to give it away in hopes of appeasing some people they see as potential future voters or to scratch the back of their business campaign contributors.

We can't allow the President to continue his lie that a guest worker program would work and that enforcement will actually occur. We can't allow those who are spewing lies that giving illegal aliens citizenship and rewarding them for sneaking in will actually solve the problems of our porous border.

We can't allow people to call us racist for wanting to protect our borders from both terrorists and invading foreign nationals.

This is our country. It was fought for with the blood sweat and tears of thousands and for the security of our country by the millions since it's founding.

We can't allow some spineless people to just give our country away because they don't have the will to defend it.

The same people who would outlaw allowing you to smoke in your own home are the same claiming that defending the nation by profiling the most likely terrorists is against someones rights. These are socialists and communists and they aren't looking out for you or the security of our nation, they're looking out for their next donation. Don't be fooled by these groups and individuals.

While we celebrate our Independence this day, don't fool yourself into thinking it will be easy to keep it.

There are many forces at work out there against us that would like the United States to vanish and be replaced by a North American country merging Canada, Mexico and the United States. There are those who hate us and want the United States to vanish entirely.

Freedom isn't free and neither is our continued independence.

Have a happy Fourth of July!

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Posted by Digger on July 4, 2006 06:00 AM (Permalink)

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