Kristian Menchaca (left) and Thomas Tucker (right) |
The animals in al-Qaeda have released a video of the beheading and desecration of Kristian Menchaca and Thomas Tucker, the two 101st airborne service members reported missing at a checkpoint attacked by terrorists. Their bodies were found June 19 and were booby trapped with IED's surrounding them. The video was posted on a terrorist website and reported on first by
The Jawa Report. Here's what Rusty had to say about the video.
The video bears the logo of The Mujahadin Shura Council and al Qaeda in Iraq. Contrary to reports by al Qaeda and in the MSM, the video appears to show that the two soldiers were already dead before at least one of them was beheaded.
After a brief introdcuction with an image and the voice of Osama bin Laden, the video shows the two dead soldiers lying on a bridge. Both are already dead.
One of the men has already been beheaded, the other man is dead. An al Qaeda member holds the severed head of one of the dead soldiers.
One of the two soldiers appear to have been shot, the other has multiply wounds but appears to have also been hit by an explosive.
The video also blurs out one of the dead men's genitals, apparently al Qaeda believes showing that would be over-the-top.
You can see the video and some stills from the video at The Jawa Report.
These terrorists are pure evil and anyone questioning their intentions should go take a look at these pictures and those we have covered before in our hostages archives.
They were with Steven Green unit, what's done to them is not enough, they deserve more
tough luck they are already dead
Posted by: Othman on September 15, 2010 03:59 AM
LOL to that Video? Did you see the one where binladen is sucking one of his son's cocks? It was hillarious!!They got it from the computer they took from him a year ago.Its alsmot as funny as the hd footage of the .556 round that split his cunt wifes head in half right before they cut down Osama like the homosexual faggot he was. Well you two have fun jerking off eachother in bed tonight. God Bless the USA biatches.
Posted by: hm on July 6, 2012 04:52 PM
You guys talking shit are fucking stupid,these guys actually had balls un like you faggots!! These guys have my respect and I'm willing to kill you guys in there name!!
Posted by: texas on November 26, 2012 07:39 AM