Mel Gibson's Mug Shot |
Someone is going to actually defend Mel Gibson's comments on the Jews? What the hell is wrong with this Digger guy?
Well first of all, yes, I am going to state a defense and understanding of Mel Gibson's comments. Before I do so I will state that I don't agree with his comments. If you want to think I'm a Jew-hater for defending his comments then so be it, but please read my defense before you slam me on the headline alone.
First, let's get the facts of the incident straight. Mel Gibson was pulled over on the Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) in the LA area for suspected driving under the influence (DUI). During the ticketing Gibson went off on a tirade and actually tried to flee the scene and after being apprehended and put in the back of a cop car was slamming his head against the seat.
Here's the details from TMZ.com
The actor began swearing uncontrollably. Gibson repeatedly said, "My life is f****d." Law enforcement sources say the deputy, worried that Gibson might become violent, told the actor that he was supposed to cuff him but would not, as long as Gibson cooperated. As the two stood next to the hood of the patrol car, the deputy asked Gibson to get inside. Deputy Mee then walked over to the passenger door and opened it. The report says Gibson then said, "I'm not going to get in your car," and bolted to his car. The deputy quickly subdued Gibson, cuffed him and put him inside the patrol car.
Once inside the car, a source directly connected with the case says Gibson began banging himself against the seat. The report says Gibson told the deputy, "You mother f****r. I'm going to f*** you." The report also says "Gibson almost continually [sic] threatened me saying he 'owns Malibu' and will spend all of his money to 'get even' with me."
The report says Gibson then launched into a barrage of anti-Semitic statements: "F*****g Jews... The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world." Gibson then asked the deputy, "Are you a Jew?"
We're told Gibson took two blood alcohol tests, which were videotaped, and continued saying how "f****d" he was and how he was going to "f***" Deputy Mee.
TMZ also goes on about how there was a cover up of the incident within the department report. I'm not going to get into that though.
Obviously Mel Gibson was pissed. Also it's quite obvious he was drunk. I'd also suggest that Mel has been under some pressure for some reason. Most people don't just fly off the handle unless the pressure's been building for awhile. Whether this is due to business or personal life issues, I could really care less.
I will only tackle the defense of his anti-Semitic comments though.
Ever since before the Passion of the Christ began filming Mel Gibson has been the continued target of Jewish activist groups. Before the movie was even "in the can" they were calling him an anti-Semite and barraging him, his family and his friends with outrageous comments and inserting themselves into his personal and professional life. They have done this not only with boycotts of his films but picketing and general harassment at every turn.
Since the release of the Passion of the Christ I'm sure this has not let up by some heavy activists. For anyone this would weigh on their mind. It's hard to ignore having a group in your face without eventually getting a little paranoid and angry at the group targeting you. Gibson has been particularly angry at those who focus on his father, a holocaust denier. I'm sure the activism against him has only increased recently since Gibson has been working on a movie about the holocaust.
Now into this we throw some alcohol and personal or professional problems. What you end up with is a Gibson who reaches his breaking point and lashes out at all those he sees bringing these problems onto him, the police, the Jews, the media and the world in general. I find it totally understandable as a man.
Is Mel Gibson an anti-Semite? Does he really hate Jews? I don't think so. I think he sees them as his bane over the past few years with the controversial movies he's been working on and it just came out in an angry tirade at the situation he found himself.
As for my opinion of Mel Gibson? In the end I haven't liked any of Mel Gibson's movies since his Mad Max days. I've seen the Passion of the Christ and found it unappealing. Who wants to sit through 2 hours of a man being beaten to a pulp? I saw it all for real when I went to Christian school as a youth and they re-enacted it all with real play actors, even putting the guy up on the cross. So it wasn't really my thing and neither was What Women Want.
But beyond my opinion of his work, most of us out here forget the pressures of being famous. Most of us wouldn't last as long as Mel Gibson has in dealing with the constant attention. Waking up and seeing 50 people taking your picture everyday when you just want to take a walk at a park or hounding your family. Everyone always looking to catch you in the worst possible light or with the worst possible quote so that they can get their lead or start gossip. There is almost no other position on this Earth that is as pressure filled as being in the public eye 24/7.
Do I feel bad for him? Hell no! These people have chosen this path. They have continued to remain in the public eye. They could retire and get out of the spotlight, but they remain in it. Mel Gibson has enough money to retire forever and remove himself from this pressure, but he chooses to remain.
So understanding why someone would lash out at the Jews unless they really were an anti-Semite is a hard conclusion to make for most, but when you look at Mel Gibson over the past few years and really put yourself in his shoes -- with the constant attacks on him by these activist groups -- it's just a little more understandable on why he would make any comments including them at all.
Does that make it right? Of course not! Do I agree with him? Of course not! Is it defendable? I think so and that's why I've stated my case for him.
Mel Gibson issued an apology for his comments and attributed his actions to alcoholism.
What do you think? Is Mel Gibson justified in his anger or is he simply an anti-Semite who has hidden it well for over 30 years and is just now letting it show? Comment below.
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Just One Minute
Jake...as far as the "whole dad thang" comment, I guess then you would tell Svetlana Stalin, upon her defection from the U.S.S.R. to the United States in 1967, that "hey sweetheart, we'd love to have ya, but there's the whole dad thang..."
And then when Castro's daughter took off from that island and came to the U.S., we'd be better off telling her, "hey, welcome conchita, but you're dad's a tool, so, sorry."
I am a Mel Gibson fan. I am proud of his refusal to not be silent about his political and religious beliefs in "Hollywood" without fear of backlash. The man stuck it to them with his incredible bankroll from "Passion" when all the Hollywood Libs were laughing at him. And really, isn't that, in that business, what it's all about anyway?
Per his DUI picture...it was a shitload better than liberal Nolte's ecstacy picture....
I don't care two chits if he's anti-semite, anti-trout fishing, anti-driving on the other side of the road. He does for me what I expect him too. For me, he does his job. He entertains me in his movies.
I hate Henry, Peter and Jane Fonda's political beliefs, yet I still enjoy their movies (some). I don't like Tim Roberts or Susan Surandon's politics but I dig "Bull Durham".
I'm trying to come up with a nice thing to say about Alec Baldwin's movies as opposed to his politics, but actually I think his movies and acting stink worse than his politics.
I am hopeful, however, that the perception of the movie industry is indeed changing as there seem to be more and more big name stars who are recently willing to, and publicly stating that, they are Republicans and are proud to support the party and the President. They include...
Gene Hackman. Clint. Robert Duvall. James Earl Jones. Kelsey Grammer. John Malcovich. Danny Aiello. Ted Nugent. Chuck Norris. Arnold. Joe Pesci. Kurt Russell, etc, etc, etc. There are SO many HUGE entertainment stars and powerhouses who are Republicans who actually still make $ and good movies (what's Bab's done in 20 years? What's Baldwin really ever done and what has Nolte done in 10 years that didn't involve X?) Why oh why do the GOPer's in the entertainment industry believe they can't tell the public, "I'm a Republican."
Note to those in the entertainment industry who are Republicans who might be reading this...there are more of us in the country spending money than there are of them.
Posted by: RealRepublican1854 on August 2, 2006 02:34 AM