I laughed and laughed as I read that Joe Lieberman called for the resignation of Donald Rumsfeld this weekend. For the past few weeks I've been watching as those on the right across the web have glorified Lieberman and admired him. I sat there thinking "WTF?"
Those on the right seemed to hold him up to a special lens since he lost to a leftie loonie for the Democratic nomination in Connecticut just because he sort of supports the Iraq war.
Now I'm guessing they're a little confused and see him as a backstabber, a flip flopper, a waffler or something. Expect the Lieberman love affair to end rather quickly.
news source
"With all respect to Don Rumsfeld, who has done a grueling job for six years, we would benefit from new leadership to work with our military in Iraq," he said on CBS' "Face the Nation."
Those on the left are a little confused too after hearing about how much Lieberman was in the "back pocket" of President George Bush.
Meanwhile I'm still laughing at watching these die hards on the left and right fall all over themselves.
Tipped by: Outside The Beltway
I see a lot of people on the right saying Rumsfeld is a failure. Me, for one. I have no dog in the impeachment fight, I think the whole thing is stupid. My beef is with Rumsfeld's idiotic "less is more" doctrine.
Posted by: JimK on August 22, 2006 06:07 AM
leftie loonie
Anyone who favors getting the hell out of Iraq is, almost by definition, not "loonie".
Posted by: eh on August 22, 2006 06:32 AM