There's a project called the 2,996 Project that has 3,000 bloggers across the web remembering just one person on their blog today. I encourage you to go visit and see all of the individuals that died this day 5 years ago in the terrorist attacks and read about who they were.
While today is the anniversary of the attacks, I ask you to not just remember these people today, but every once in awhile take a moment to remember them and that someone out there right now is living without them. A child, a parent, a spouse, a sibling, a friend.
A larger version of the above image can be found here (and mirrored here if that link is broken).
Also remember the reasons why this happened. The number one reason being complacency. Let's not allow ourselves to have another anniversary date that marks loss.
The above image is from an exhibit at the Moussaoui trial. (Link found via Michelle Malkin)