/ September 18, 2006 10:19 AM |
Crider Inc in Stillmore, Georgia has been running its poultry processing business by using illegal aliens for quite a while it seems and they've gotten away with it ... until now. They came under suspicion in May and after investigations by Federal agent, 600 workers that comprised half of their workforce, were arrested or fled.
What happened to the illegal aliens? Well they were rounded up and then it seems let go. I thought "Catch and Release" was over according to the head of the Department of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff. I guess not. Big surprise.
Antonio Lopez, who came here two years ago from Chiapas, Mexico, and worked at the Crider plant, said agents kicked in his front door. Lopez, 32, and his 15-year-old son were handcuffed and taken by bus to Atlanta with 30 others. Because of the boy, Lopez said, both were allowed to return. In his back pocket, he carries an order to return to Atlanta for a court hearing Feb. 2.
An order to appear 6 months from now? How many out there think "Mr. Lopez" -- if that is his real name -- is going to hang around for 6 months waiting for his appearance? I for one don't.
This guy is going to pick up and move somewhere else. Maybe along the way he'll buy some fake documents which he can get on any street corner that illegal alien day laborers hang out on for as little as $50. Then "Mr. Lopez" will be seen complaining to someone once again -- this time as "Mr. Rodriguez" -- the next time he is accidentally busted and then released with another order to appear.
This bust didn't contribute one bit to solving the invasion of illegal aliens. It's all a show and to create material for the next PR event held by our interior enforcement agencies.
But that's not the end of the story. The real meat of the story is what happened to Crider Inc. Other than some minor things that seemed to slip into this AP sob story, that was laughably entitled "Immigration raid cripples Ga. town", about how sad this is for illegal aliens, the story doesn't report anything about penalties against Crider Inc.
Crider President David Purtle said the agents began inspecting the company's employment records in May. They found 700 suspected illegal immigrants, and supervisors handed out letters over the summer ordering them to prove they came to the U.S. legally or be fired. Only about 100 kept their jobs.
If anything this company should be heavily fined and its owners facing prison time. If they really wanted to make a statement that they are serious about interior enforcement, they'd throw the book at them. In 2004 only 3 companies were fined and when they are fined, businesses normally negotiate these fines down to a few hundred dollars per illegal alien that they had employed. Hardly a deterrent.
One thing that is mentioned is that with half of their workforce gone, Crider Inc has now had to become a legitimate business and employer. What this includes is now having to pay a fair wage to workers in the area in order to attract them. If anyone had any doubts that illegal aliens are driving down wages in communities, this example should remove any doubt.
The poultry plant has limped along with half its normal workforce. Crider increased its starting wages by $1 an hour to help recruit new workers.
Stacie Bell, 23, started work canning chicken at Crider a week ago. She said the pay, $7.75 an hour, led her to leave her $5.60-an-hour job as a Wal-Mart cashier in nearby Statesboro. Still, Bell said she felt bad about the raids.
"If they knew eventually that they were going to have to do that, they should have never let them come over here," she said.
Stacie hits the nail on the head. We should keep these illegal aliens from getting in here in the first place so that we don't have to pull these raids and busts. Secure the border and all this whining we hear of families being broken up and illegal aliens crying that they've lost their job or had to move will go away.
As for Crider Inc, well they're now caught between a rock and a hard place as a business. They'll have to compete against the hundreds of other companies out there who currently employ illegal aliens at a lower cost. The government's not going to help them by actually enforcing the law. They'll be getting a taste of their own medicine, the medicine they've been feeding to other businesses trying to do things legally for all these years.
I'm not going to just end this as I have some business experience as an executive. So I'll give my piece of advice.
There's several ways they can compete other than just complaining about this "tragedy".
First, they can streamline their efficiency so they don't require as many workers.
Second, they can reduce their costs by negotiating with their suppliers who may lose them as a customer if they go under.
Third, they can raise their prices slightly. More than likely customers won't even notice the extra nickel they have to pay.
Fourth, they can cut some of the management and executive salaries, the people who got them into this position, and divert it to the workers. The managers and execs have probably been getting substantial increases in pay over the years anyway because of their unfair business practices in order to bring in higher profits.
Fifth, they can become a responsible community member and attract employees by offering some attractive benefits. They could keep their hourly wage where it was, but provide things like health insurance that they can organize at a reasonable price with the amount of employees they have. It may cost them more, but more than likely they'd have happier and more productive employees.
This doesn't have to be the end of Crider Inc as some would have you believe. Some would have you think that rounding up illegals and deporting them would kill businesses. It doesn't have to be that way. There are legitimate ways to run a business and still make a profit. America ran fine for hundreds of years without illegal aliens and we can do so again.
Others have been talking about this story. Some of them are below.
Freedom Folks
Hmmm, it appears they haven't gone out of business, they haven't closed the plant either. Well, this truly is a mystery, I was under the impression that losing our illegal workforce meant we would be living in stone huts and eating bugs. Turns out, we get raises, I'll be damned!
This “jobs American’s won’t do” garbage is formulated on the premise wages are too low for said jobs. Well, that’s because wages are artificially deflated by a massive importation of illegal workers.
Yes, they indeed are human beings and deserve to be treated so, which means that we should humanely round them all up and get them the hell out of our country, the country that they entered illegally, and then failed to leave.
There are more comments at the links above and also some comments over at: Say Anything

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Posted by Digger on September 18, 2006 10:19 AM (Permalink)
Kudos on your five point plan. As a longtime hospitality worker I have seen firsthand what happens when a company gives in to the temptation of hiring illegals, and it ain't pretty.
Posted by: Jake Jacobsen on September 18, 2006 02:47 PM
So...let me understand this. Crider Canning increased it's hourly wage offer $1/hour to entice 'American' workers to seek employment with their company after the company was 'forced' to 'fire' most of it's illegal workforce...the same workforce that supported other 'American' businesses in Stillmore by spending the money it earned at Crider there. If the current wage is now $7.75/hour, then that means that, when the Mexican work force predominated, the wage WAS $6.75/hour, yes? Stacy, a 'legal' American left her $5.60/hour job at Wal-mart to work at Crider at $7.75/hour but she wouldn't work there for original $6.75/hour? She obviously had no aptitude for math because apparently she WOULD work at Wal-mart for $5.60/hour or $1.15 an hour LESS than what Crider was paying it's workforce BEFORE it increased it's hourly wage!! So. Explain to me again how illegal Mexican workers are driving wages down? Those migrant workers were actually making more money than good o'l American institution Wal-mart was willing to pay it's employees....and spending it in the city in which they worked to the extent that 'Stillmore has grown dependant on the paychecks of Mexican workers..." ! And the good ol' Americans were willing to work for $1.15 an hour LESS than those 'illegal' immigrants, as long as they didn't have to work very hard, and they could be clean and in air conditioning.
Do we have an immigration problem due to non-compliance from BOTH sides with immigration law? Definitely. But let's use real issues here...and not the same, tired old racist excuses....
...the bottom line is that there are MANY Americans who are too GOOD to work in the yard doing manual labor, to work in the fields picking Vidalia Onions or to work in hot, uncomfortable canning plants, or car washes. The American 'Entitlement' AKA: Welfare System, though modified to some extent, will all-too-willingly accommodate that sense of aristocracy.
And all the while, it is 'rumored' that AMERICAN institutions like Wal-mart continue to treat their employees...the backbone of their second class citizens. Do some research on THAT...and get back to me
We have a LOT of work to do to correct immigration issues in this country, it is true...but SOME of it has to start in our own backyards...
Let's not forget that we ARE a country of immigrants...
...and who is the idiot that wrote this article? Apparently he can't do math, either...
May we ALL practice humility....and see the blessing of one another...
"....ain't it good to know, you've got a friend?..."
Carol King/James Taylor
Posted by: Lea Routledge on September 19, 2006 07:04 PM
But let's use real issues here...and not the same, tired old racist excuses....
Oh, so you're one of those people. Anytime immigration reform and enforcement comes up you'll play the "you're just a racist" card. You know I was actually enjoying the beginning of your comment on how lazy Americans are and then when I read that part your true colors came through.
Anyone who instantly plays the race / racist card is someone who doesn't believe in the rule of law and feels that we should just have wide open borders for everyone in the world, damn the working conditions, even at the expense of the lowest wage earning Americans in our country.
What makes you think they were all Mexican workers? Half of them could have been Ukrainian or Russian for all we know.
It's not about race, it's about the fact that wages in that industry were driven down by illegal workers. Down to the point that normal legal residents and Americans would not take that job. Who took that job in the past? More than likely they don't receive benefits at all, something that illegals are willing to settle for, but someone here legally, trying to raise a family, might not be willing to settle for.
The American 'Entitlement' AKA: Welfare System, though modified to some extent, will all-too-willingly accommodate that sense of aristocracy.
Yeah, Stacie has a "sense of aristocracy". You're attacking Americans who were working at Wal-Mart, not living on welfare and then willing to work a more strenuous job if the pay made it worth it and you're saying she -- and people like her -- have a "sense of aristocracy" and entitlement. What a pompous statement.
And all the while, it is 'rumored' that AMERICAN institutions like Wal-mart continue to treat their employees...the backbone of their second class citizens. Do some research on THAT...and get back to me.
And like Crider wasn't treating their workers like second class citizens?
You ever worked at Wal-Mart Lea, or are you one of those spoiled Liberals whose parents paid for everything so that you could look down your nose at the working class of America? My wife actually worked at Wal-Mart in the past. Yes, they suck, but they do offer some benefits beyond just the hourly wage. Things like matching contributions on stock option plans. And yes they do have some benefits. which while not a bargain. are cheaper than getting individual private insurance, something I doubt Crider offered to those illegal aliens.
I have covered Wal-Mart here in the past on several occasions, so when you do a search of the 2000 entries on this website and do some research rather than basing all of your statements off of rumor, then you can get back to me. It seems you talk a lot about which you do not know. Do some research.
Your post makes it sound as if Stacie should have been thrilled to go work in a more challenging and dangerous environment with fewer benefits. While I don't known Crider inside and out (and I'm betting you don't either), their working conditions are probably much worse than Wal-Mart's. The reason that they could only attract illegal aliens to the job for only a dollar more, with no benefits at all and the chance of permanent injury, was probably due to this fact. Making them have to hire legal workers not only will benefit workers with higher pay, but force the company to provide better working conditions to attract employees, rather than exploiting an illegal slave labor class.
Your assertion that the math in the story by the reporter is wrong, just because one person got hired at more than their base wage doesn't mean the math is wrong. Use your head a little.
The fact is people make choices on a job weighing the risk/reward, comfort, benefits, distance, hours, family, working conditions and many other reasons. Obviously Crider's increase passed Stacie's threshold of cost/benefit.
Now back to your ridiculous comment...
But let's use real issues here...and not the same, tired old racist excuses....
What are the real issues here? Is it racism as you claim or is it unfair business practices, exploiting of workers, wages falsely driven down, the plight of the working class, general lack of morals from management and execs, enforcement of the law, employer responsibility or any number of other issues?
Your choice to ignore all of the other issues in the story and write it off as simple racism is ridiculous.
Posted by: Digger on September 20, 2006 06:38 AM
I agree with Lea. I have two family members who work at Crider Inc. They get good pay AND benefits. And when it comes to the comment made by Digger, that how does they know they were all mexicans. I live just a short distance from Stillmore and based on what I see everyday and what my family members have told me ALL of the illegal immigrants were mexican. Yes, the community has been hurt because of them having to leave. Not only do the businesses need them to work, because most, not all, Americans dont want to do the hard/dirty work, but the businesses in the community also strive on the money they spend in the stores to support their families. I do agree that if they are here, they need to be legal, but I also have a lot of respect for those who are here to WORK and PROVIDE for their families. Do you have any idea the exchange rate of American Money to Mexican Money is? They can come here and work and then go home and take care of their families where staying there their families may starve. It is no different than Americans traveling to find better income to support their families.
More power to anyone who wants to better their lives, I know what it is to struggle.
Posted by: Natasha Outlaw on November 11, 2006 11:56 PM
Billy Crider should be held accountable for hiring illegal employees. I only hope the government will hold him accountable. This could not happen to better group of people. I know first hand, since my husband was employed for four years as a hard worker who brought a lot of business into the company and was backstabbed.
Posted by: sue r. on November 30, 2006 01:26 PM
I am an office employee of Crider, Inc. And my father has been an employee there in the office for almost 20 years. As for the person that said that "Billy Crider should be held accountable for hiring illegal employees." Ma'am, I have known Mr. Billy since I was a baby. He is one of the nicest and most generous men that I have EVER met. And for your information, Mr. Billy is the owner and CEO. He is not the President of the company; he does not 'run' the business, per say. He hired Mr. Purtle to do that for him. But when these illegal immigrants provide us with fraudulent documents, how are we to tell that they are not real?
I'm not saying that our company shouldn't be held responsible; I believe that our Human Resources Department could have handled it better. But it's not Mr. Billy's fault. But at the same time, cut the Human Resources Department some slack. At normal capacity, we have over 1,000 employees in the Canning, Cook, and Fresh plants. We are constantly hiring, even before the raids. I'd like to see you all try to do their jobs and keep your sanity at the same time.
Posted by: Brandon B. on December 1, 2006 11:28 PM
Hi Brandon,
Let me run through a few things that you've said. (and note I'm not saying that you personally are wrong as you seem a little lacking of knowledge on this issue. Maybe you should send this along to your HR department)
But when these illegal immigrants provide us with fraudulent documents, how are we to tell that they are not real?
The USCIS (US Citizenship and Immigration Service) has a 100% free service called the Basic Pilot Program that is accessible from any Internet connected computer allowing employers to verify a worker's eligibility. I'm sure your HR department has at least one computer on the Internet. If they don't, you can get an E-machine for a few hundred bucks and a dial up internet connection for $14 a month or cheaper.
Your company can signup for the Basic Pilot Program at:
I believe that our Human Resources Department could have handled it better. ... cut the Human Resources Department some slack. At normal capacity, we have over 1,000 employees in the Canning, Cook, and Fresh plants. We are constantly hiring, even before the raids. I'd like to see you all try to do their jobs and keep your sanity at the same time.
I would call your Human Resources Department and management incompetent and deserving of the slapping down they've gotten.
These people are paid to process applications and to know how to hire personnel. If they can't perform their job properly and put the company in danger, then they need to be fired. I give them absolutely no slack for either not knowing (or wanting to know) about services available to them. That is their job. Just like the rest of America, where workers have to keep up on their skills, so do your people in HR.
I have a feeling though that it is not the HR Department but management that has decided they don't even want to know if someone is legally eligible to work in this country. I believe that they have gotten away with this crap for so long and made so much money off of it that they've just continued on this illegal course of their own choosing.
I would suggest that to avoid future detrimental damage to their business as a whole and the potential for massive fines -- or even imprisonment -- that they start attempting to obey the law.
Those, like myself, who are on the front lines of this illegal immigration battle will never stop until businesses like Crider either suffer so bad that they are run out of business for illegal activity or change their ways and play on a legal and level playing field.
I encourage you to send this to your HR Department, your management, to the owner of Crider and anyone else in the chain of command at your company.
This stuff isn't rocket science, it's another item on the checklist of employing someone.
Step 1: Is the application filled out properly?
Step 2: Check Basic Pilot for free to see if their Information clears before even pursuing further action.
Step 3: Hire person as you do now.
Step X: Profit legally and not be a scumbag company that hates workers who are citizens and legal residents of this great country.
For more information on the Basic Pilot Program, please call the SAVE Program at 1-888-464-4218
Posted by: Digger on December 2, 2006 02:04 AM
Digger, You are absolutely full of crap. You are sitting there telling people that they dont know what they are talking about when they are up front and personal with the situation. This company does not hate workers who are citizens and legal residents. There are plenty of legal workers who work there. And as far as the Basic Pilot Program thing goes, if they need to implement this program then so does a lot of other businesses such as McDonalds and a whole lot of convienence stores. I have worked for several different companies and have not seen one that has implemented that program. Have you, like so many others, forgot how this country was founded? And have you like so many others forgot what people did to the indians? My great grandmother was an indian and her people were all but wiped out because of people like you who cant leave well enough alone. People like you are what is wrong with this country. This country is here to give people the chance to be free and take care of them selves. You are trying to hold down people that are trying to better their lives and take care of their families. You should be ashamed of yourself, and well as people like you.
Posted by: Natasha Outlaw on December 4, 2006 11:56 PM
And as far as the Basic Pilot Program thing goes, if they need to implement this program then so does a lot of other businesses such as McDonalds and a whole lot of convienence stores.
I agree with you 100%, but that is no excuse for Crider to not have done so. I hope other companies not using Basic Pilot, a free service, and hiring illegal aliens get slammed just like Crider.
The fact companies are not using this shows that they prefer to ignore that they may be operating illegally. Since that is the case, when they get caught they have no reason to complain and deserve ever single punishment that they receive.
People like you are what is wrong with this country. This country is here to give people the chance to be free and take care of them selves.
Let me correct you there. This country is here for legal immigrants and citizens to be able to have a chance to be free, safe and take care of themselves.
It is not for people to break our laws coming here, using fraudulent documents and committing identity fraud - which causes problems for Americans and legal residents here - and benefiting at the expense of legal workers by driving down wages.
You are trying to hold down people that are trying to better their lives and take care of their families.
I am ensuring that those legally here are not held down by those illegally here.
Our country is based on laws that have allowed it to succeed economically and for all those here legally to participate in that success. The moment you start disregarding all the laws that have made this country what it is, is the day this country will decline as a whole.
In order for us to continue growing so that we can continue allowing millions of legal immigrants to come we must control our borders and national sovereignty.
Or would you rather we allow this to continue for a few years more and get to the point where we have to end all immigration because it is causing too many issues?
Orderly is the keyword.
Posted by: Digger on December 5, 2006 08:42 PM
as to the article on the idea of cutting upper management's salary. What is really happening is faithful and hardworking employees who have been loyal to the company for years, those who have seen some pretty harsh times, those who remember what it was like to be praised and at least noticed for what they were doing are now the unmissable target of a rout. Our pay has been cut. Some, like myself, to the tune of three dollars an hour. I was a maintenance/fabricator tech and have watched these backstabbing money hungry beasts savagely turning on the ones who helped get them where they were. When the world of chicken as we knew it was close to perfect as they had ever been and sad to say (for the workers and their families) ever will be. Starting from the top and working their way down has always been the most logical thing to do but instead they would rather hurt the little guys rather than get rid of the overpaid idiots that have helped get them in this mess to start with. They will turn on you like a mother-in-law. His best people were ran off first due to pay cuts and now they are taking any and every reason that comes along to get rid of as many as possible and you better not mubble the word unemployment. I hope the workers and their families prosper as well as this little town of stillmore, but as for the "Untouchables" at the upper desks, I hope they have a lot of sleepless nights for what they have done and what they continue to do(yeah, they are still hiring illegals) however knowing what type people we are talking about, their conscience will not bother them at all.
Posted by: hoss on March 22, 2007 05:48 PM
Well to all of you that constantly complain about illegals, illegals, illegals!!! And it's mainly Mexicans that's being complained about.What have they done? they come here and work hard, if not to stay here it is to make money so they can go back home to help their families have better lives.You all talk about what this country was built and based on, what a laugh, It was mainly started by the exciled criminals from Europe.Then we go on to all the many thousands that just hurled in from afar "TO HAVE A BETTER LIVE IN THE SO CALLED NEW WORLD".If I had a business I would give anyone a job that would work and be responsible.So yeah for crider!!!and all the other employers that does the same.You talk about the Mexicans working for less... well, that's because "most, not all Americans" will not work for minimum wage. So what if there is another person to take that place in the work field being Mexican or whatever. It just makes me sick.... to know that people have the audacity to try an stop another race of people from coming here so there lives can be better. If your minds are so small and so twisted try n take that small mind back in time to a place when this land "The USA" was looked at like a paradise, by The VERY TRUE AMERICANS which we all know as Americans Indians.Just look at all that our ancestors took from them.For starters putting them out like a herd of wild animals on land that wasn't even good enough to grow crops etc... they really had to fight in order for their race to survive. Now, tell me how any of u so called American racists have anything to complain about!This is one world and God NOT MAN gave it to us, It's for all of us to love, live and enjoy. The way I look at it for all those here in America that is so against other humans wanting to do better, then u get out and make room for the new ones. And yes I live in Stillmore and no I don't know Crider or anything about his company I'm a human being regardless of where I live that thinks one human has as much right as another to make their live better.Really, what are the Mexicans gonna do to us that we havent already done to ourselves, lie, cheat or steal? Because I really don't know of any that are blowing themselves and other people around them up. That's another subject!
Posted by: tom small on August 20, 2007 10:58 AM
Well to all of you that constantly complain about illegals, illegals, illegals!!! And it's mainly Mexicans that's being complained about.What have they done? they come here and work hard, if not to stay here it is to make money so they can go back home to help their families have better lives.You all talk about what this country was built and based on, what a laugh, It was mainly started by the exciled criminals from Europe.Then we go on to all the many thousands that just hurled in from afar "TO HAVE A BETTER LIVE IN THE SO CALLED NEW WORLD".If I had a business I would give anyone a job that would work and be responsible.So yeah for crider!!!and all the other employers that does the same.You talk about the Mexicans working for less... well, that's because "most, not all Americans" will not work for minimum wage. So what if there is another person to take that place in the work field being Mexican or whatever. It just makes me sick.... to know that people have the audacity to try an stop another race of people from coming here so there lives can be better. If your minds are so small and so twisted try n take that small mind back in time to a place when this land "The USA" was looked at like a paradise, by The VERY TRUE AMERICANS which we all know as Americans Indians.Just look at all that our ancestors took from them.For starters putting them out like a herd of wild animals on land that wasn't even good enough to grow crops etc... they really had to fight in order for their race to survive. Now, tell me how any of u so called American racists have anything to complain about!This is one world and God NOT MAN gave it to us, It's for all of us to love, live and enjoy. The way I look at it for all those here in America that is so against other humans wanting to do better, then u get out and make room for the new ones. And yes I live in Stillmore and no I don't know Crider or anything about his company I'm a human being regardless of where I live that thinks one human has as much right as another to make their live better.Really, what are the Mexicans gonna do to us that we havent already done to ourselves, lie, cheat or steal? Because I really don't know of any that are blowing themselves and other people around them up. That's another subject!
Posted by: tom small on August 20, 2007 11:13 AM
I have worked at Crider and they do offer benefits to their workers. Not only do they offer Health Ins. and Life and Dental but they are also under a union so if the workers their do not like their pay or ins. they have a Union Rep. to talk to. I'm Not the smartest or best person on this issue but I was very happy working at Crider.I have seen Mr. Billy Crider and Bill Crider his son at that plant and they not only care about the money but they do care about the workers.
One Day Their was a lady in the dress out area trying to dress out for work. She was a large sized woman and was having a hard rime geting her boots on so she could go to work. I seen Mr. Bill Crider Bend Down and put this lady's shoes on her feet for her. Now you say all you want to but they do care about their workers. and if you have not meet them and worked thier then PLEASE SHUT UP.
It is hard work and it is sometimes smelly and sometimes stinks but as for as raising the wages after the immigrants left. I saw some of the payroll records and the spanish was making over $7.oo an hour before the raid they were not all making 6.75. and most of criders is airconditioned and the employees are paid what their union representative agreed to and if they have any greivances the they can talk to their union rep. Criders is a good place to work before the raid and now.
Posted by: John. on October 3, 2007 08:55 AM
hello digger,was reading some of the blogs.question do you know this union reps name and # @ crider ? if you could mail me that info it surely would underpaid driver.
Posted by: willie on December 13, 2007 10:42 PM
Found this site that lists Crider, Inc, twice, as involved in obtaining government contracts i.e. Ga. Dept of Ag -
Posted by: A lit'l bird on January 23, 2008 11:43 AM
Here is the Crider story behind the story.
Bill Sr was at a state poultry organization meeting sometime in 2006 and did not appreciate Sonny Purdue and the Tyson reps dictating what he and other smaller chicken companies should do. You might say he had his usual attitude problem. As I understand it, he mouthed off at the meeting indicating Crider was his company and he would do as he pleases. The net result was the raid on Crider Poultry and the illegal aliens being ousted. Now think about this. Crider insulted Sonny Purdue in public, then soon after this the raid takes place. Does the Governor have the pull to instigate a raid on Crider? I think we all know the answer to that question. My point is the raid would not have happened without the politics of the moment.
Why are we not pursuing the illegals more than we are? And why is it that it keeps getting easier and easier to qualify as a voter? The answer is simple. People who rely on government handouts are systematically pursued and nurtured by the democrats since they are much more likely to vote for the party most likely to vote for handouts...... Get it? Every illegal immigrant has entered the pipeline and he/she or at least their children will most likely become voters who vote straight across for the big govt. party of the dems. You did know that children born in the USA automatically become US citizens and they and their parent(s) are then 'legally' entitled to a multitude of benefits from our government? Right?
Any time an illegal immigrant sneaks into this country it costs us all far more than the meager salary they might make. Our welfare programs and hospitals are overrun with illegals showing up for 'free' health care that you and I pay for. The liberal democrats insist on painting these people who broke in line and jumped ahead of would be legal immigrants as 'undocumented workers' to try and put a positive spin on this problem. They should more accurately be described as 'undocumented law breakers'. They are breaking the law and draining our resources as well as taxing our people.
Tuberculosis had been completely eradicated in the US prior to the Mexican illegal immigration problem and now this disease is making a comeback. Why, because unlike our ancestors who immigrated legally, these people are not processed and subjected to health exams prior to fanning out through our country. My oldest ancestor immigrated to Philly in 1756. The ship anchored out from shore as usual until after a doctor examined everyone and then was allowed to tie up to a pier. My ancestor was legally processed and along with all the others, marched down to the court house where they took the oath of allegiance to England. He did not expect a handout or special treatment.
I will refrain from pointing out in detail the huge drug and violence problems we are now experiencing on our southern borders.
Posted by: Anonymous on June 18, 2010 12:38 PM
Digger, you are 100% correct!!! You are the only one who has given unbiased answers on this post comments. I have family that works at Crider Inc. in Stillmore, Ga and currently they do not offer benefits to their hourly employees. Once again, they DO NOT offer benefits to hourly employees. Yeah if you are in upper management your fine. We all are going to be held accountable for our mistakes in life no matter how far we run. I'm sorry that Mr. Crider was exposed in an embarrassing manner but that's the chances you take when you own a business corp. It is also sad and ignorant that Human Resources is blamed by one commenter. If there were over 700 illegal immigrants working in that plant, my radar is telling me that HR wasn't the problem. These people probably were doing what they were told in order to keep their jobs because Stilllmore, Ga is no where a booming economy. As far as illegal aliens go....America is going to suffer in the long run for not regulating the fair wages law to all employees. If America is allowing illegal aliens to work, then they should be allowed the same wages and benefits as Americans. It's only fair and illegal aliens are human beings...meaning not actually from outer space.
Posted by: TruthHurts on December 3, 2012 07:12 AM