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Photo ID To Vote - Federal Election Integrity Act (HR 4844) Up For Debate In House

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Debate is going on in the House over the Federal Election Integrity Act (HR 4844) which would require those who vote to provide government issued photo ID.

Update This bill has passed 228-196. See the votes for and against

The main arguments for this are to curb voter fraud at the polls. A logical idea. This would stop illegal aliens from voting.

Those against it are claiming it's a poll tax on the poor, minorities and elderly and that they can't afford to get a drivers license or passport. They fail to mention that the bill includes a portion to pay for free for the poor who can't afford a photo ID. They also claim that there is no proof of there even being a voter fraud problem. However, without any current way to track it there is no way to know how large the problem is. It certainly exists no matter how much they'd like to deny it. These people want illegal aliens to vote.

The also continuously bring up the voter rights act, as if that has anything to do with proving you are who you are and that you're eligible to vote.

Democrats call it a Republican ploy to enact a poll tax on the poor.

Polls show that 80-90% of the American public support this action.

The only reason someone would be against a bill like this is if they actually want voter fraud to continue. I can see no other reason. With it not costing the poor anything there is absolutely no reason or argument to stand against this.

For voters who don't see the point in this, let me point out that if you vote and someone fraudulently votes for someone else, they have effectively made your vote and your voice in this country as a citizen worthless.

This would enact the law by the November 2008 general election.

Update This bill has passed 228-196. See the votes for and against

Full text of bill

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Posted by Digger on September 20, 2006 02:46 PM (Permalink)

» Stuck On Stupid linked with Stop The ACLU Blogburst
» Conservative Thinking linked with ACLU: Requiring Voter ID = Poll Tax
» Stop The ACLU linked with ACLU Condemns Voter Integrity Act

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Photo ID is required to fly on all airlines and should be required to vote. It is the only way to insure the voters registration card belong to the person attempting to vote and that person is ALIVE! To even think of accepting a utility bill or such as a positive ID is a joke, anyone can pull that off. Photo ID insures the right of each individual by making certain voters registration etc. are not part of identity fraud or an attempt to place an invalad vote.

Posted by: Janice Byrd on October 29, 2008 05:14 PM

I just returned from casting my vote at a local school and was suprised and dismayed to see that no id of any kind was required, not even a comparing of prior year's signature as I know the case to be in some other states. We have three homebound elderly people in our neighborhood and I saw one their names two rows above mine. It would be rather simple to go back and cast another vote under my neighbor's name without anyone giving it a second thought. There are simple steps to put into place to prevent this kind of fraud. In today's electronic age we all know someone who has suffered id theft, it certainly would not involve much effort to pretend to be someone else and corrupt the voting process we hold dear.

Posted by: Urte on November 4, 2008 01:46 PM

this place is for the birds it sucks.

Posted by: Max lobbestal on March 15, 2011 03:24 PM

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