/ October 7, 2006 10:20 PM |
Nick Carter lost his virginity to Debra Lafave? That's the strangest thing I've heard lately. Talk about looking for publicity. First of all if it was true why would you come out and announce it on the Howard Stern show?
Star Pulse is reporting that he came right out of the blue and announced it though.
Nick Carter has revealed he lost his virginity to Debra Lafave, the Florida schoolteacher who shocked America by having sex with a 13-year-old pupil. The former Backstreet Boy told shock jock Howard Stern he dated LaFave for 18 months when they were classmates, but ditched her after learning "she had cheated on me with a girl."
The singer says, "My publicist is like, 'Stay as far away from that s**t as you can.' She was probably my number one. But maybe that's just because it was my first. Actually a lot of the girls I've had the best sex with or best anything with have been just normal girls."
I've never liked these manufactured celebrities and this is the reason why. When you have no talent like Nick Carter or Paris Hilton, you have to constantly going around finding the most outrageous things to do in order to continue to remain in the spotlight.
There are so many people out there with real talent that are being ignored while these fake people take center stage.
Freakin' losers, all of them.

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Posted by Digger on October 7, 2006 10:20 PM (Permalink)
O Nick jamais faria uma coisa dessas!!!! se ele teve sexo com ela é porque os dois queriam e a rapariga deve ter dito que tinha mais idade!!!!!!!!! O Nick é espectacular!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Posted by: Liliana on July 21, 2007 04:30 PM
Ok whoever wrote that nick carter has no talent then your the freakin' loser....cuz he has got an amazing voice.
The age he was when he started singing was 11 years old then he joined the backstreet boys when he was ONLY 13 YEARS OLD and i saw OLD videos from 1993 of him singing and he was amazing for someone that age. I couldn't even sing at all that amazing and cute when i was 13. But i do agree 100 percent with you about paris hilton having no talent all she is good at is being the most biggest slut who has a rich daddy who owns all the Hilton hotels around the world.
Nick should have never dated that bitch i don't know what he found so good about her!
Posted by: Amanda on August 16, 2007 09:59 PM
I did find it kind of shocking when i heard that he had sex when he was 15 years old with debra when she was 14 years old. Cuz like one day my friend and i were looking up articles about nick and we found one that said he had sex when he was 15 with a girl whom he dated for 18 months(pretty good for 2 young teenagers)my friend and i were all like "ewwwwwww thats so weird"
Posted by: Amanda on August 16, 2007 10:06 PM
No talents? Hahah, you must be really stupid to say that, just listen a little bit to any song of the backstreet boys, and you'll see that he has one of the most beautiful voice ever. And people who have talent have to put a lot of effort to be known. The ones who are ignored haven't put enough of effort in it, that's all!
Posted by: Antoine on January 29, 2008 02:16 AM
gosh...I cant believe that my Nick Carter has already a sex experience with some girls there in US...I cant accept it because I am in love with him since when I am was 12 years old!he was my dream guy and he has already lose his virginity?! I cant really accept it...I am always watching him in the backstreet boys into his albums but i never though that he can do that yucky things...I though he was a guy that cant do that cause he was still 15 years old...but even he do that,I still love him...not just because he's very handsome but also because I love him for what he was...My god he makes me full in love but I don't know how can I see him in personal...I love him...Nick Carter!!!!1
Posted by: Aidah on July 30, 2008 06:10 AM
Nick Carter you have the most beautiful voice that I ever heard!I really really love you...hope I can see you in personal cause you make me full in love!
Posted by: Aidah on July 30, 2008 06:14 AM
I dont think Nick was looking for publicity, but if he was, at least he didnt lie about anything!
heres a picture of them together for u
Posted by: Juliana on December 29, 2008 11:20 PM
First, Nick lost his virginity with her BEFORE she had sex with the 13 years old boy. If you were a little bit informed in your subject you'd know that. Second, who the f*** are you to say Nick Carter do not have talent? Just take 3 minutes of your life and listen to any Backstreet Boys song you'll notice he's full of pure talent. Third, I'm sure he wasn't looking for publicity at all! Who would like to get this kind of publicity? He's famous because he's talented, that's it. And by the way, even if he said she was his "number one"... Who cares? Maybe se's good and nobody has to do with it.
You say really talented people are ignored while people like Nick take center stage... Maybe it's just because there's more than just a loser to these "fakes".
Posted by: Joe on January 3, 2009 12:51 AM
Sorry I forgot a word in the last sentence.
"Maybe it's just because there's more than just a loser to LOVE these "fakes"."
Posted by: Joe on January 3, 2009 12:54 AM
omg are you for real???!!! what you said is a bunch of bull s**t! nick carter is sooo talented. why would you say that hes fake and they should let other people with so called "talent" be in the spot light when maybe its because they dont have talent and the people in the spot light deserve to be. sure some famous people dont have as much talent as we expect them to but the backstreet boys in general are amazingly famous for a reason. and why the h*** would they higher nick at the age of like, 13, if he HAD NO TALENT??!!! no duh. he was one of the favorites for a reason. because he is extremely talented and of corse cute. if all you have to do is gossip about people you dont even know then you dont even have a life do you? leave people you have no reason to bag on alone!
Posted by: alexis on June 10, 2009 03:01 AM
Who cares?!?! I think everybody liked one or two backstreet boy songs (maybe all of them). But, he is a grown ass man, and if he was so talented why the hell does he need fake publicity. No one cares what the hell he was doing at 11 and 13, what is he doing now!!!?!?! NOT A DAMN THING!!!
Posted by: Poetic316 on January 19, 2010 12:56 PM
Poetic316 He's doing more of a god damn thing than you ever will. Congrats for you for believing what you want to believe but I feel this article is a bunch of s***. At least Nick has more talent than you ever will. BTW the backstreet boys just released another ablum last october and went on tour so there's your proof that hes actually doing something. Look it up if you have to.
Posted by: Emily on February 14, 2010 11:01 AM
"Nick Carter lost his virginity to Debra Lafave?" If this story is true this has got to be one for the books on strange coincidences.
Posted by: luisa on September 12, 2010 01:43 PM
Posted by: LOL on January 23, 2011 11:08 PM
some of what you wrote was true and logic, but you totally screwed it up when you said that Nick has no talent. in my opinion, Nick has no talent in acting, but he have a great voice, just he need to focus on what genre of music he have to sing, cause I see him lost with all those styles he can't stick on one. Also the lyrics are cheesy. I'm not a fan of him, Just a symphonic metal lover, and I do agree of "There are so many people out there with real talent that are being ignored while these fake people take center stage" Paris Hilton is in the top of the list, then it comes the bieber.But nick carter is not one of them. so, he lost his virginity to a creepy woman, ok, he's not the first nor the last, what matter the most is he still alive and in good shape.
Posted by: Darine on July 13, 2012 05:27 PM
OMG you are such a liar get you facts right you liar the kid's name was never announced what is this bullshit
Posted by: cula on August 15, 2013 10:52 AM