Here's a must read from Loma Alta. If you read nothing else today, read this. Absolutely well written and thought out.
This essay starts as a political fable, a story of power and perfidy. The hero, a young American, fired by patriotism, led his fellow countrymen in battles against overwhelming odds. Two of these battles ended with our hero being seriously wounded. However, he rose again to fight the good fight for democracy, while inspiring others to do likewise. He sought to rouse all Americans to fight for their freedom
“Good God," he had once exclaimed, “are the Americans all asleep and tamely giving up their Liberties?”
They were not and rallied around him. But, in the midst of heroism and patriotism, something happened to this leader. He became arrogant with power and willing to risk his country and the lives of his countrymen to achieve personal glory.
You must go read the rest now.