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Illegal Alien Supporters Show Up At Ramos And Compean Rallies

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Rallies were held throughout the United States yesterday in support of Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean. Curiously illegal aliens and their supporters showed up to counter protest. The rallies were held over the injustice of the two border patrol agents being sentenced to 11 and 12 years in prison. Ramos and Compean shot a drug smuggler who had over $1 million in drugs and fled across the border. After struggling with the agents he was shot in the buttocks and later granted immunity by the Department of Homeland Security for his testimony against agents Ramos and Compean.

Now other than the fact that these two heroes were Border Patrol agents and therefore also tasked with preventing illegal aliens from crossing our border, in this case it had nothing to do with immigration at all and the rallies were against the injustice that befell these two agents.

Nevertheless illegal aliens and their supports showed up with signs and to rant and rave about opening the border and being granted an amnesty.

Simply ridiculous in my opinion.

Photo courtesy of Freedom Folks where there are more pictures and a forthcoming video from the Chicago rallies.

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Posted by Digger on January 14, 2007 11:32 AM (Permalink)

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Hello Digger, You know my feelings as sad as it is to say is I would suggest that all the border agents do like police used to do, when they initiated a blue flu as a protest. All border patrol agents should call in sick for one week and when these weak suck sell out officials see our cities being burned to the ground, riots taking place and homes being taken over and Americans forced to defend our property and protect our children with our right to bear arms -THEN - maybe the'll wake up, send in troops and protect our borders. Lets put up signs and arrange fleets of school busses at the crossings and transport the illegals to Schwarzenegger, Feinstein and Boxers homes and tell the illegals they can live with them.

Posted by: ken mallen on January 15, 2007 12:55 PM

Read the transcripts, that idiot bp agent tried to sub-do an unarmed man with his hands in the air by striking him with the butt of his weapon,so hard this idiot tried to hit him that when he missed he swung him self completely around losing his footing and falling into some pricker bush.The bp agent had no right to "hit him" as is recorded in the transcripts. The bp agents have rules of engagement rules and they were not adhered to. So all you people continue to call for a police state inside our borders and when it occurs see if you then have the tenacity to stand up and say you help cause this. !!!!!!!!IDIOTS!!!!!!!!

Posted by: John Carlson on March 4, 2007 09:15 AM

Mr. Carlson the only "IDIOT" here is you. Why do you not move to Mexico and have kids there and go on welfare... wait,,, Mexico would have you in prison washing your cellmates socks!!

Posted by: frank garibaldi on January 22, 2009 11:04 AM

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