/ January 17, 2007 04:07 PM |
Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) introduced the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act Of 2007 (S.9).
Co-Sponsors to the bill include Senators Patrick Leahy (D-VT), Charles Schumer (D-NY), Maria Cantwell (D-WA), Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), and Barbara. Boxer (D-CA).
This is basically a duplicate of the Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill passed last year by the Senate. Some dirty secrets found within the Senate bill once it was examined included a full amnesty for employers of illegal aliens and estimates that the Senate version of immigration reform - when compared to the 1986 amnesty which is almost identical - would give amnesty to 10 million illegal aliens, 25% which would be fraudulent, and an additional 4.5 million passes to their family members making the total 14.4 million and virtually doing nothing to stem the tide of illegal immigration which would surely continue.
At least they named it the same as last year. Americans preferred the enforcement first House bill The Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005 (HR 4437) over the Senate bill (S.2611) by a 2 to 1 margin.
Here is a list of the Senators who voted for the last Senate amnesty bill.
Don't be fooled by the fluffy sounding language of the bill itself. What it boils down to is adding a guest worker program (amnesty) and enforcement provisions that are lax and will never be implemented (just like in 1986).
Text of S.9
To recognize the heritage of the United States as a nation of immigrants and to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to provide for more effective border and employment enforcement, to prevent illegal immigration, and to reform and rationalize avenues for legal immigration, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
This Act may be cited as the `Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007'.
It is the sense of Congress that the Senate and the House of Representatives should pass, and the President should sign, legislation to recognize the heritage of the United States as a nation of immigrants and to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101 et seq.) to provide for more effective border and employment enforcement, to prevent illegal immigration, and to reform and rationalize avenues for legal immigration.

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Posted by Digger on January 17, 2007 04:07 PM (Permalink)
The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 S.9 and the House bill are the same S.2611 that passed the Senate last year. They both contain wording that has the Secretary of State submitting to Congress "progress made" in "...developing and implementing an immigration strategy for (NORTH AMERICA) that works toward the development of "a common security perimeter..." SEC.113, (3), (E)
SEC. 114, (a), (1 thru 4) and (b), (1,2) The Secretary of State would help Mexico secure its border with Belize and Guatemala, thus completing the common security perimeter.
This would allow the borders to be opened for that free flow of people (cheap labor) and commerce, and the completion of the North American Union. That is , if no one takes the two sections out and I doubt they will since John McCain was a co-sponsor of S. 853, which wasn't passed but contains the same wording.
See and
Posted by: Ray Kania on March 28, 2007 11:07 AM
What i want to know is why is it a problem that they want the same right's . I was told that this is the land of the free and the home of the brave. and i don't see all the amercan's looking to do the job's the illegal are doing and for less money. make them leggal so they can get health care for them self and be able to take care of there family's more better, and so there will not have to live in fear! I want to also throw out there that nobody is thinking about the american kid's that are also suffering in many way's and they might have an amerian parent. what about the american kid's!!!!!!!They should al so vote.. we need them to vote because we amreican's don't want to get off our butt's and vote.
Posted by: scott on May 15, 2007 01:19 PM
What i want to know is why is it a problem that they want the same right's
They are not US Citizens.
and i don't see all the amercan's looking to do the job's the illegal are doing and for less money
Because these industries have a falsely deflated wage scale due to the influx of illegal labor. Just look at the meat packing industry for example where wage levels have gone into the toilet due to the illegal labor situation.
Americans should not have to work in hazardous conditions with inhuman conditions (and neither should legal or illegal aliens), but businesses are taking advantage of this situation to pay much lower poor wages with much poorer working conditions and workers rights and no benefits.
make them leggal so they can get health care for them self and be able to take care of there family's more better, and so there will not have to live in fear!
Get health care at the expense of the US taxpayer? How is that fair and why should US taxpayers foot the bill for illegal alien health care because they illegally came across the border? If you are suggesting that they'll be able to get health care through their employer, you are mistaken. It is one of the reasons businesses are hiring illegal labor. Because they don't provide them with any benefits like US workers would demand. As for living in fear, well that's what happens when you break the law. Don't break the law and you don't have to live in fear.
I want to also throw out there that nobody is thinking about the american kid's that are also suffering in many way's and they might have an amerian parent. what about the american kid's!!!!!!
Yeah, what about the American kids? What about the kids of those here legally who are getting a second class education because their schools are crowded? What about the kids in this country who don't have health care because it is so expensive in part due to illegal aliens going to the ER and not paying? What about the American kids being denied scholarships that illegal alien children are getting? What about the American kids who are victims of illegal alien crimes? So I ask you again, what about the American kids?
They should al so vote.. we need them to vote because we amreican's don't want to get off our butt's and vote.
You may not have thought of this, but you also have a right as a US citizens to not vote! Wow, what a concept. A free country allows you not to vote.
And your solution is very poor.
Because not enough people vote we should allow foreigners to come here illegally from another country and make decisions for the American people? That is utterly ridiculous.
Posted by: Digger on May 15, 2007 11:04 PM
I welcome any people, from anywhere, to come and enjoy the freedom offered by the GREATEST country in the world. With that said; there has to be sacrifice or cost, because without it, there will be no appreciation or respect. Yes, we are a nation of immigrants; granted citizenship only after completing the necessary documentation and tests to insure the security and protection of all Americans.
What we have as Americans is rare and extremely valuable; we have an obligation to those Americans who died protecting it. Instead, we have chosen to allow greedy Politian’s to sell it to the highest bidder. Will those 12 million allegeable illegal aliens once granted amnesty be sent to fight next to our brave young men in Iraq? Of course not, why fight when the gift includes the blood that millions of brave men and women shed while protecting this country. I fear we have lost what made this Country great; TRUTH, HONOR, and DIGNITY.
The liberals in this country have made us afraid to tell the truth; for fear of being labeled a bigot or hate monger (freedom of speech?). How can we be honorable; America is responsible for all indignities, misfortune, and poverty in the world (so they tell us). What dignity resides in a country who's CITEZENS allow brave young soldiers to placed on trial for murder in a time of war? With the enemy as witnesses for the prosecution; what?
Have we become so hideously selfish, so blind, that we believe we are responsible for making this (at least for now) one of the most powerful countries on earth? If that's true, and as Americans we believe we are somehow responsible for the success, or helped to formulate the fair and successful governmental design of this great country; then we are most certainly doomed.
We were a country in the beginning with a well placed emphasis on GOD; his power and infinite wisdom combined with our willingness to admit our weakness’s and acknowledge his strengths is what created America. If that statement offends you, well good! If America and what its stands for offends you; get out! When will we remember we are the majority and we have the ability to throw the liberal trash out. Does anybody really think America is better today? Are we really going to allow those in Washington to sell our country out; without so much as a fight?
Read S.9 the amnesty bill; find out for yourselves the detriment this bill brings to our great country. If 70 percent of the people in this country don’t want it, and yet it still passes; what does that tell you? Its time to wake up, 12 million illegal and NO BACKGROUND CHECKS, this bill allows for CHILD MOLESTORS to become American citizens! Social Security benefits, yours and mine! READ IT! Understand what it is the liberals are doing to this once great country! Write your local newspapers; ask why they are not reporting the details of this bill. Call your local TV stations, what are they doing to inform the American people? Is anyone listening, does anyone care anymore?
This is only the beginning!!
Mike Brannon
Boise Idaho
Posted by: Mike Brannon on June 19, 2007 11:49 AM