/ February 19, 2007 02:05 AM |
On Thursday I reported that Kiran Chetry was leaving Fox News and later updated that she had already been spotted on CNN a day later. At the time there was an unconfirmed fax from FNC to Kiran Chetry's agent, John Ferriter of the William Morris Agency, that stated they were releasing her from her contract after they claimed an "arrogant disregard" by her agent during negotiations.
Now Fox has confirmed that the fax is genuine. In addition this article in The Hollywood Reporter also fills us in on some details from Kiran's side of the story and gives us a glimpse into how fast CNN scurried to grab Kiran.
Kiran Chetry ... was signed Friday by CNN about an hour after Fox News sent a fax to her agent, John Ferriter, releasing her from her contract that was to expire March 6.
The source of the dispute seems a matter of interpretation, with Fox News saying that it would have led to them agreeing to fire the current co-host, Gretchen Carlson, and another source saying that it merely asked for written clarification of whether Chetry would become a "Fox & Friends" co-host and when. If that didn't happen by a certain date, then Chetry would have a window to exit her new contract.
CNN President John Klein said he dreamed of getting Kiran Chetry, but he never thought the chance would arrive since she seemed happy with FNC. Upon being contacted by Kiran's agent, Klein contacted other CNN execs and they made a verbal agreement with Chetry's agent within one hour. Klein marveled at the speed of the deal, since most negotiations with talent normally takes a year or more. He said it was the most amazing deal he's seen in his 30 years in the business.
Kiran filled in Friday for Soledad O'Brien on American Morning and then returned that evening to fill in for Anderson Cooper on AC 360 that night. She will be filling in through Wednesday of this week.
Those are some pretty big names at CNN that Kiran just walked in and took over for in just a single day. I hope she didn't step on any toes of those who normally would have covered those positions. I caught the tail end of the AC 360 coverage and she looked relaxed, yet not as bubbly as at FNC. It might have just been that I caught her at the very end of both a long day and a real roller coaster ride of emotions. Kiran really shines when she has someone to interact with though.
I always thought Kiran should have gotten the job that Gretchen Carlson ended up receiving on Fox & Friends. Though I never really liked E.D. Hill, the chemistry on the show really died when E.D. left and Gretchen Carlson took over.

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Posted by Digger on February 19, 2007 02:05 AM (Permalink)
i will miss those sexy legs and yummy pantyhose and skirts, that i wanted to wear so much
Posted by: jim on February 23, 2007 05:38 PM
How disappointing it was to find Kiran had joined the CNN news station. My family was visiting from out of town and they are CNN watchers. My family is avid, devoted, Fox watchers. . . especially Fox and Friends. What were you thinking to handle her negotiations in this way? She was fabulous as is her husband. This is truly a sad day in our household; however, I shall let her know she has not lost her true follower.
Why was she not considered for the Gretchen Carlson spot? Gretchen is lightyears better than E.D. Hill whom my family refused to watch. But Kiran would have been even better.
Gosh, our patriotism of Fox has taken a nosedive. Who is making the decision over there? Very very disappointing.
The Kester (former) fans
Posted by: Carol Kester on March 13, 2007 03:01 PM
I have been a devoted Fox news watcher for years and in my opion you guys have made a big mistake BIG Mistake, I don't understand why this could not have been worked out. I will miss her bright and cheery smile. Maybe I will have to watch her on CNN.
Posted by: John Tice on March 17, 2007 12:33 PM
We are an avid morning Fox and Friends viewer. We (I and my husband) personally enjoy Kiran's bright smiles in that morning show. It's too BAD she's's disappointing but hope to see her in her own regular CNN program.FNC just blew it, it's unfortunate!
Posted by: Novi Nichols on March 17, 2007 02:01 PM
Kiran Chetry was the best lady anchor that Fox had. That idiot attorney in the Fox front office that cut her loose should get the boot herself. I saw last weekend that they had brought in another fill in anchor in place of that cute blonde bimbo that they flew in from the west coast to replace Kiran originaly. It takes more than looks alone to make a good anchor and Kiran had it all, looks, intelligence, personality, a quick wit and the nicest legs on TV. She made it fun to watch F&F in the morning. Maybe it's beginning to sink in to the know it all's in the Fox front office just what they lost when they dumped Kiran. At least at CNN Kiran will get a chance to be a real "fair and balanced" news anchor.
Posted by: DonDeAgo on March 20, 2007 04:09 PM
Thank god Kiran left was tired of watching that crappy morning show. The only reason I ever watched it was when Kiran was on or Tiki Barber. Now hopefully Tiki will get a job with CNN or MSNBC. Thank you FOX. You made CNN look better.
Posted by: Rick on March 23, 2007 05:42 AM
We are also FOX devotees, however our world has been shaken more than a little by so many of our favorites suddenly disappearing or being replaced. I find that we spend much less time watching FOX and straying to other sights. We will certainly watch Kiran and her husband if we can find them. Big mistake FOX!! Sorry about that but you can't mess with the "family" and expect loyalty. Why spoil a great concept over a few bucks or whatever?
Posted by: Yvonne Metes on March 27, 2007 08:54 AM
I miss see Kiran on TV. When I found out FOX fired her I quit watching Fox and Friends, my favorite morning show even though it has gone down hill since Mike, Julian, and Juliet has left.
I have yet to see Karin on CNN. CNN sent me an e-mail telling me Karin would be on Anderson Cooper. I watched him all week and no Karin.
FOX needs to fired the person that fired Karin and rehire her for twice what she was asking.
Posted by: Vernon Cole on April 2, 2007 08:45 AM
TMZ is report today 4/3/07 that Kiran Chetry is replaceing Soledad O'Brien on CNN morning show...YAHHH
Posted by: Bridget on April 3, 2007 10:30 PM
Who gives a shit, just another dumb ass bimbo.
Posted by: dick semon on April 16, 2007 11:48 AM
What are we to do? Follow a network's programming content or follow the hottest babes? Crimeny! I watch Fox & Friends, and Fox News because I like their fair and balnced presentation of the news.
You people need to your hands out of your pants!
Posted by: Al Berry on April 17, 2007 10:33 PM
This is just another dissapointment from FOX in what seems to be an infinitely growing list. I've had enough!!! My wife and I following Kiran to CNN in the mornings.
Posted by: billo on April 20, 2007 09:21 AM
That E.D.Hill was outshined by pretty Kirin. I could NOT beleive our good fortune when ED left Fox & Friends. Just knew that pretty and SMART Kirin was to be the new anchor. You idiots took too long and let her get away. Not just get away but go to your #1 competition CNN!!! We still can't beleive it and hate CNN but watch it solely to see her--she is great and Chris too. Also would you please tell Hill the proper enunciation of Al-Qaeda--she puts three or four syllables in there and is really annoying as she is the ONLY announcer who does it that way.
Posted by: Gail Anne and Benny Beckett on September 22, 2007 06:56 PM
I stopped watching Fox & Friends because they made me sick with their holier than thou crap. I couldn't believe it when I started flipping around in the morning and found Kiran on CNN. I found my new news network after that!
Posted by: Sandy on March 20, 2008 10:48 PM
Posted by: terry on July 28, 2008 10:50 AM do you leave Fox and join CNN? I lost a lot of respect for Kiran when I saw her on CNN. Stay true to yourself......
Posted by: Heather on September 5, 2010 01:01 AM
I love waking up at 6am and watching kiran chetry on cnn. I wish she was on longer. I only watch cnn because of kiran. I use to watch only nbc 7days a week for fifeteen years until I learned who kiran was. She looks so hot in her short dresses and she has the sexiest feet and legs in the world. I wish she wore pantyhose more. Ecspecially, in nude, suntan, or even black or white. Beige hose look so hot on her.
Posted by: ed on March 22, 2011 11:57 PM