Yes, because
Elvira Arellano has been treated so unfairly by this country we must now listen to her cry about how hungry she is as she goes on a hunger strike with her aiding and abetting "pastor". This is not going to be a nice post. This is going to be an angry post, as it damn well should be!
This is the same Elvira Arellano who snuck into our country, was deported, snuck back in several days later, committed identity fraud to get a job, had an anchor baby, remained hidden for 9 years, became an illegal alien activist, ignored her deportation hearing when she was caught again (in 2002, 5 years ago!), became a fugitive from justice, ran into a church to hide and then sent her young kid all around the country and to Mexico (all the while him remaining truant from school) to beg for her to be given amnesty. Even scumbag, racist and "Hispanic before American" presidential candidate Bill Richardson endorsed Elvira Arellano receiving amnesty. Along with Representative Luis Gutierrez of Chicago who sponsored a bill specifically to give her amnesty as well as co-authoring the latest bullshit amnesty for illegal alien's bill in the House with Rep. Jeff Flake.
You got all that? She's a criminal, no more, no less. Now that she's been caught and cornered she expects to be forgiven for all and if she has to use her little kid to do it so be it. If she can sink to that low of a level, it should be no surprise that she would compare her suffering to that of Gandhi, someone who was truly persecuted.
"I made my decision to go on a hunger strike, and that is not easy," Arellano said through an interpreter. "But it's a sacrifice I believe is just because I cannot continue to see such injustice." (Source)
She also complained that immigration agents are doing their job during the "holy week", as if our country's laws are supposed to be suspended during her religious holiday. We might as well just convert to a theocracy if Arellano had her choice. She pulled the same "hunger strike" stunt in May 2006, but you know what, it's not a real hunger strike. They're eating "broth" and drinking juice, water, tea and sport drinks. That's not a hunger strike, that's a diet.
I've had it with this woman! That's right, I'm sick of her making a fucking mockery of our justice system and making demands on the American people that we're supposed to feel sorry for her criminal activities. If she would have come here legally in the first place she would not be facing all this "hardship" she claims is being forced on her. This woman is a disgrace and she receives less than one drop of sympathy from me.
To top it off, in all of her interviews she still uses an interpreter. That's right, she's been in the United States more than a decade and still hasn't even bothered to learn English. That's how bad she wants to stay here. And before some asshole comes on here and says I just hate Hispanics, grow the hell up. This is a criminal illegal alien. Legal Hispanics in America don't pull bullshit like this because they're legal and follow the law.
Elvira Arellano With Her Friend President Vicente Fox |
So who is the "pastor" guy you ask?
Walter "Slim" Coleman, the reverend at Adalberto United Methodist Church, just
happens to be married to Latino activist Emma Lozano the head of
Sin Fronteras that often works with the Service Employees International Union and has worked with the AFL-CIO to get amnesty legislation pushed through. Lozano said when Arellano was first hiding in the church "Elvira is here, she works hard, her kid is a U.S. citizen,
they allowed her to come into the country." Nobody "allowed Elvira to come into the country" she snuck in illegally. She's a criminal. This is not some poor woman hiding in a church, this is a coordinated political attack on our country.
Adalberto United Methodist Church needs to lose its tax exempt status because the donations they aren't being taxed on are being routed to not only illegal activities, but also to political causes. A clear violation of the separation of church and state.
The complaint is that being sent back to Mexico would be a hard life. There's no way that living in Mexico would require this whining pain in the ass to starve for 25 days at a time. So, Elvira has just proven that sending her back to Mexico wouldn't be as hard as an inconvenience as she is willing to endure. So what's the problem? Send her ass home.
I always wonder why these radical Mexican illegal aliens here in the states don't actually do something positive and go home and try to change things there. No, they'd rather come here and break all of our laws, drain our services and then bitch that they aren't being given enough and that their "rights" are being violated. It's really no surprise that Mexico is a fucking shithole when you look at the mentality of people like Elvira Arellano.
This is all Immigration and Customs Enforcement's fault for not apprehending and deporting this woman immediately and prosecuting those who have aided her. ICE is quite possibly the most incompetent government agency in the United States. They should have went in day one and taken her out and said that the American people are not going to stand for this flagrant violation of our immigration laws.
But of course that would never happen because we have crony, recess appointed, underqualified people like Julie Myers heading agencies like ICE and people like Michael "I love illegal aliens" Chertoff heading the Department of Homeland Security.
Immigration activist Elvira Arellano ... and her pastor, Reverend Walter Coleman, announced today that they're going on a 25-day hunger strike starting tomorrow.
Both she and her pastor say they feel the hunger strike is necessary to get the attention of politicians to change immigration laws.
Arellano and Coleman are having their last meal tonight with members of the community at the Adalberto United Methodist Church, where Arellano has taken refuge since mid-August.
The hunger strike will end on May First.
May 1 happens to be the day illegal aliens are planning another massive reconquista revolution in our streets and a boycott. Yep, the same May Day the Communists celebrate.
A few weeks ago illegal aliens tried to join hands around a federal building in LA (and failed). Maybe we should have an American rally at that church and join hands around it.
Damn I'm pissed.
Other wimpy commentary from people who refuse to get angry:
(They all sound like a bunch of simply annoyed individuals... Where's the anger, where's the outrage at the blatant thumbing of her nose at not only our justice system, but at all Americans?)
Freedom Folks (link broken) (whom I'll give a break since it was reported by MJ and not Jake who I'm sure woulda tore her a new asshole).
Immigration Watchdog (link broken)
.. that's right. Two stinkin' sites covering this. It should be on every single American blog out there.