First, I would like to thank everyone who donated to send me to DC! I am humbled at the outpouring of support so far.
I'm still a little short of my goal, but that's not going to stop me. I'm heading down there and will trust that some patriotic Americans will drop a few more dollars in the donation jar to offset the costs. Maybe that person is you!
(Donations handled by PayPal, Credit Cards Also Accepted)
I also want to personally invite you to join me in DC. I know a lot of you don't have the time. If you are in the DC area though, you have no excuse not to hop on the Metro and join us Sunday afternoon from 3:30 to 5:30 in Lafayette Park in front of the White House.
Look, the fact is that illegal aliens will take to the streets and demand rights and legislation that they don't have any right receiving and no right to demand since they can't vote. You, as an American citizen though, have every right and every reason to stand up and say enough is enough, the American people have had it!
Poll after poll shows that 80% of Americans are against illegal immigration. It doesn't matter your race, color, creed or age, everyone can agree it is wrong. But how much longer are you going to sit back and say "ahh, someone else will take care of it"? Well nobody else is taking care of it. Bills keep getting introduced to give illegal aliens amnesty. We're not speaking loud enough against this. A simple whining gripe isn't enough for our representatives in Washington to pay attention.
So I'm asking you to join myself - and other legal residents and citizens of this country - in the heart of our nation's capitol to send the message loud and clear...
I'll see you there!
(Donations handled by PayPal, Credit Cards Also Accepted)