A slew of allegations, intentional misinformation and assaults on character have been hurled over the last few weeks regarding the June 5, 2010 Phoenix Rising Rally in Arizona. I wish to clear them up in this 9 part article.
Before we move on though I wish to let you know that the June 5th rally in Phoenix is solid and is still on. We are all on board and excited to come and stand up for the Great State of Arizona, America and the Rule of Law. I will be there myself, coming from Pennsylvania, and none of this has dampened our spirits.
After having watched someone I have worked with on many occasions dragged through the mud, along with a prominent politician in the pro-immigration enforcement community, it is time to set the record straight. At this point there have been at least three attempts to sabotage the June 5 rally, they have all come from inside the movement and have all come from one group and one individual. William Gheen, President of ALIPAC.
 William Gheen, President of ALIPAC and Dan "Digger" Amato - 2007 |
I have been at the center of all that has happened and know the full story from start to finish. Both Gheen and Smeriglio were on the phone with me constantly and via email during all of these proceedings. I know both of them well having worked with them on numerous occasions and have spoken with them for countless hours prior to the events that occurred below.
I am going public with this report because I feel that the people who are spending their time and money to go to Arizona - and Arizonans themselves - deserve an explanation for why they have been receiving so much misinformation.
This is the story I have to tell...
It all began on April 21, 2010 at 2:16PM. Dan Smeriglio was thrilled that SB1070 had passed in Arizona and typed away at his computer. To Facebook he posted how he was elated and began thinking of holding a rally in June or September in Arizona to show support and so that all Americans could come and stand together.
As can be seen in the shot to the right Smeriglio was already focusing on June. Note the date is April 21.
Around April 24, 2010, I received a call from Dan Smeriglio of Voice of the People USA. He said that he was going to Phoenix whether anyone came with him or not. My first thought was "well this is a hair-brained idea" and "it’s too far for us to organize anything from way out here in Pennsylvania". Oh, believe me I wanted to go to Arizona and show support for SB1070, it had just been signed into law, but actually getting people together to do so would be a challenge.
Smeriglio was vehement and with having known him and worked with him on rallies for years I knew that he wasn’t just spewing hot air. If he put forth the effort that he had put forth before (Smeriglio has organized the two largest pro-enforcement rallies in the country - that of Hazleton, Pennsylvania and Shenandoah, Pennsylvania) then I knew that he would be able to do it.
He went on to explain that he had already started organizing things and had begun making phone calls to potential speakers and other groups in the Arizona area. He gave no hint of stopping and I told him that I’d get the word out and give him any support I could. I received this email soon thereafter. It went out to a number of group leaders and prominent individuals.
April 27, 2010
Good early morning!,
Ladies and gentlemen, be advised that within the next 48.72hrs I intend on announcing what day we will be heading across the country to hold a rally in support of Arizona and the rule of law in this country and to rebuke the anti-americanism! Please stay tuned.
I will ask all of you for one thing only and that is your help advertising the message and broadcasting the date and time of our event and that's it! I thank you in advance and God bless you all!
Smeriglio made his decision and was moving on things (see image to the left). He had already settled on June 5, 2010 as the date of his rally. He was drumming up support and contacting groups.
Next: Usurp