On April 24, 2007 there was a dinner held for the families of Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean in Washington D.C. at the Hold Their Feet to The Fire event..
A hat was passed and money was collected for the families and their legal defense funds.
Leaders spoke at the dinner including Dan Stein of FAIR, Presidential candidate Congressman Duncan Hunter, Congressman Ted Poe and Congressman Dana Rohrabacher brought down the house with a speech for the ages. The wives also spoke, including Ashley Hernandez, the wife of Deputy Gilmer Hernandez, thanking those who have given them support through their ordeals.
 Monica Ramos reads a letter from Ignacio Ramos |
 Patty Compean thanks those who have supported their families |
 Ashley Hernandez speaks at the dinner |
Click images below to enlarge
 (L to R:) Ashley Hernandez, Monica Ramos and Patty Compean |
These families face major hurdles. I ask that you please donate to help them. You can donate at AgentRamos.com
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