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Immigration Watchdog Goes Into MacArthur Park 'Candlelight Vigil'

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If you had a scale with the Earth on one side and my absolute respect and appreciation for the brave soul in California known as the Immigration Watchdog on the other, the Earth wouldn't stand a chance. This guy goes into the heart of immigration rallies - both those favoring illegal aliens and opposing them - all the while running a pro-American anti-illegals website. He is known in the illegal alien community, so it's not as if he is a chameleon at these events.

Why does he do this? Is it for fame or fortune? "He must be getting paid a great deal?" you may ask. No.

Is he a masochist? "He must just like getting pushed around and putting himself in harms way right?" While I don't know him personally, I'm betting no.

The truth is that this guy is simply an American patriot who is out there fighting for you. Bringing you the truth about the situations in California regarding illegal immigration that you won't see anywhere else.

There is simply not enough that can be said about this brave American citizen.

Just as an example, you must absolutely go now over to this entry on the MacArthur Park 'candlelight vigil' at Immigration Watchdog (sadly this entry is now defunct).

Here's just a little taste of what this brave American patriot does to bring you the truth.

I saw a few of my pals from the opposition, Olin and Carlos from the Mexica-Movement and many other familiar faces that I see at rallies and marches. People know who I am and I stick out like a sore thumb at these Raza events. This will no doubt get me into trouble at some point and today I had a close call.

After the marchers arrived at MacArthur Park they descended into a low lying area to listen to various performances and speeches. There were a few thousand people down there and I decided to head into the middle of it all to get a few shots.

Macarthur Park Candlelight Vigil

Now that takes some balls. Walking into the heart of thousands of your enemies when they know who you are. Would you do it?

Read more about his close call on his entry on the MacArthur Park 'candlelight vigil' (also defunct)

Also make sure you bookmark his website, add it to your daily read and pass it on to all of you friends, family and other concerned citizens who may not know the truth.

Stuff like this is coming to your city if it isn't already there.

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Posted by Digger on May 19, 2007 12:36 AM (Permalink)

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