Wow. It's not often when a politician as rehearsed as Senator Harry Reid lets his true thoughts be known, but in a video that was prominently placed on the front page of his official website Harry Reid is shown talking on the floor and says outright that the Senate Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill will "bring 12 million undocumented Americans out of the shadows".
Reid obviously is living in an America that we don't live in. Like a boxer who looks past his next opponent at the big payoff fight, he has obviously assumed that all illegal aliens will surely be given amnesty citizenship and that just for right now they are "undocumented Americans", not illegal aliens.
Is this the new tactic for those who support illegal aliens? First it was "undocumented immigrants" then it was "undocumented workers", then it was "let's regularize them" now it's "undocumented Americans". What will they come up with next "documented in the future super human better than Americans"?
Give me a damn break!
Watch the video over at Hot Air, who has cached it so that Senator Harry Reid's staff - who obviously had to have known exactly what he was saying as they put it on the front page - can't claim otherwise.
Tipped by: Freedom Folks
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Michelle Malkin
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