The Outraged Patriots have really been having an impact and stirring up the anger of supporters of illegal aliens by putting up billboards asking if Americans have had enough yet of the illegal alien invasion. Now they have put up yet another billboard this time in Little Rock, Arkansas.
There was even a TV station at one of their billboards asking viewers if the billboard offended them! As if a simple billboard against illegal aliens should actually offend anyone here legally. I doubt even Mexicans legally in this country would be offended.
The group Outrage Patriots was founded by Dan Howard and Jack Horath, two retired Oklahoma State Troopers with a combined 35 years in law enforcement.
We remember what it was like when people could work and make a decent living without the devastation of uninsured, unlicensed, illegal aliens competing against them. We've seen good people with successful businesses suffer the past few years as their earnings progressively decreased due to poverty-level bids from illegal aliens driving down the industry standard wage for their respective trades.
We remember the days when we arrested illegal aliens and the federal government did it's job by quickly dispatching Immigration Enforcement Agents who promptly deported the criminals back to their home countries.
We remember the days when more than 2 out of 3 motor vehicles on the roads in Oklahoma were insured and driven by licensed drivers.
We also remember a time when both, Democrats and Republicans, would do their jobs in Washington when it came to protecting our borders and our culture.
We remember the days when U.S. Border Patrol Agents were honored for doing their jobs. We never believed we would see the day when agents would get sentenced to 11+ years in prison for shooting an illegal in the ass that was smuggling 740+ lbs of marijuana into our country !
And, we definitely remember a time when Americans would have protested by the thousands had they witnessed illegal aliens protesting on OUR sacred American soil by raising the Mexican Flag above an upside down American Flag!
 Billboard From Oklahoma City |
The Outraged Patriots are looking at putting up more billboards across this country. You can help them by donating to them at their website at
Keep up the good work Dan and Jack!
Tipped by Dan over at Save Our State where the members there want billboards like this plastered up and down the freeways of LA and San Diego.