I attended the Morristown, New Jersey Pro America rally this past Saturday, July 28, 2007 with Ruth of Illegal Protest. It was a nice day for a rally and wasn't too hot. The rally was organized by The Pro America Society. Morristown's Mayor Donald Cresitello is looking at implementing 287(g) in the city.
As we pulled up to the location the roads were blocked off and there were counter protesters on one side of the street and patriots on the other in front of Town Hall. Security was heavy including horse mounted police, riot police and helicopters. An estimated 100 law enforcement personnel total.
Law enforcement consisted of not only town police officers, but officers from the Morris County Sheriff's Office, officers from the Morris County Prosecutor's Office and also officers from the New Jersey State Police squad.
The area was barricaded off with steel railing and we were required to go through a wanding and search prior to entering the area. That's funny, because when I looked across the street at the counter protest area for pro illegals there was no police checking those in their area for weapons and dangerous items. Just another travesty of justice in this country as those who are calling for the law to be enforced are treated harshly while those calling for the breaking of the law seem to receive a free pass to act out and make their own rules.
There were an estimated 350 to 500 patriots at the event. A good sized crowd that filled the front of the Town hall yard.
They came from every walk in life and were people you'd meet everyday.
As for the opposition side of the protest, well they were an eclectic group.
As you can see above, Code Pink showed up. I didn't understand this as they are an anti-war group *shrug*. Then you have the "Working People Have No Borders" sign guys. Anarchists through and through and will even try and use "the working man" to promote their no borders, no countries agenda.
Then you have yet another anti-war group protesting as can be seen above. The NYC Labor Against The War group who seem to be opposed to racist detentions of people who have broken the law. Also the National Organization for Women (NOW) with their "Stop Racism Now" signs.
Among those assortment of anti-war and liberal groups were a bunch of thugs wearing bandannas.
There were an estimated 75-100 illegal alien supporters on the other side, but after you remove the anti-war groups above there were really only a handful of people opposed.
Now my question is why are anti-war groups protesting a small town mayor? Obviously they were bussed in from locations outside the area and I'm thinking just looking for exposure since it was known that local media would be present.
We got there a little late due to traffic, so I missed a few speakers. Here were the speakers.
John Ruckie - NJ Citizens for Immigration Control
Carmen Morales - You Don't Speak For Me
Andrew Woodring - Voice of the People USA
Daniel Smeriglio - Voice of the People USA
Miguel Cruz - You Don't Speak For Me
David Marlett - ProAmerica Companies
Peter Gadiel - 9/11 Families for a Secure America
Donald Cresitello - Mayor of Morristown
Robb Pearson - Founder, ProAmerica Society
 Morristown Mayor Donald Cresitello |
There was only one incident while I was there...
An illegal alien supporter sneaked into our barricade and held up a "No Human is Illegal" sign. She was quickly escorted out by police. When they approached her she dropped to the ground and refused to move, so they picked her up and carried her out.
The opposition on the other side of the street began chanting "Let her go. Let her go". They did let her go... outside of the barricade.
I think they should have arrested her for inciting a riot or a similar charge. Not that our side ever causes violence, but her act was definitely meant to cause a reaction.
Here is the story of this "innocent" and oblivious protester who was "surprised" that coming into a barricaded area with hundreds of police to prevent any potential clashes would escort her away.
Daily Record
Among those who tussled with police during the rally was Diana Mejia, head of Wind of the Spirit, a Morristown-based immigrant support organization, who was forcibly escorted from the lawn of town hall by Morris County sheriff's deputies as she carried a small sign reading "No Human Being is Illegal."
"I walked in with the sign and no more than 10 minutes later police started to push me out," she said. "I didn't say anything at all. I was a little sad this was all happening."
If she was just a peaceful protester why didn't she just walk with police away? No she fell to the ground and wriggled around whiile they tried to carry her out. Actions speak louder than words.
Here is something I didn't see though...
Ultimately, five people -- all affiliated with the counter-protesters, police said -- were arrested on Saturday, and dozens more were ticketed for disorderly conduct. Organizer Robb Pearson of Mount Olive, whose ProAmerica Society Web site fueled interest in the event, was pleased by the turnout, estimated at 500.
While there were several incidents of disorderly conduct, five arrests were made.
Those arrested were Sergio Crosco, 28, of Bloomfield, and Jessica M. Ford, 18, of Newark, both arrested and charged with trespassing and disorderly conduct, police said. Jonathan Harvey, 25, of Brooklyn, N.Y., Andrea Flowers, 37, of Connecticut, and Abraham Greenhouse, 29, of Boonton, were arrested on disorderly conduct charges.
The paper states there were over 200 counter protesters, but just looking at the pictures above, it was far from 200 on the other side.
Some masked thugs did follow us back to our vehicles though and stood outside it as we drove away. They seemed to be contemplating some sort of action against us, but we drove away.
Throughout the protest the other side yelled with their bullhorns, Just like every other rally against illegal immigration. Thier catch phrase seemed to be "Stop Racism Now" to which I went up to the barricade and shouted back "Yes, Stop the racism now". For every racist group that these illegal aliens supporters attempt to tie to the "enforce the law" movement, there are three racist groups on their side openly working for open borders and massive illegal immigration like La Raza ("The Race"), MEChA, MALDEF and the Mexica Movement. These racist groups are openly embraced by their side. So who is the racist?
I'd like to thank the law enforcment agents that were out in full force at the event
There were some true patriots out in full regalia.
Ruth of Illegal Protest shot the video and had a great spot to do it from, right in front of the speakers.
Here's a few pictures from the other side of the protest who took pictures of us at http://nyc.indymedia.org/en/2007/07/88862.html
Ruth didn't just sit around taking video...
Some hateful Ron Paul racists...
Too bad they didn't get any pictures of me. I stood at the rail for quite a while just waving to them with a big smile on my face. Then again, maybe they did get a picture of me and didn't post it because the truth of the matter is they don't want you to see the reality of the situation. That those on the other side are just everyday Americans not filled with hate, but that just want their laws enforced.
Ruth has the video coming.
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The Freedom Folks