Enrique Morones, a "dual citizen" of Mexico and America, went to the San Diego City Council meeting to oppose a statue of former California Governor Pete Wilson from being erected. He claimed/threatened that erection of the statue would incite violence. Nowhere did Enrique Morones mention the statue of Mexican President Benito Juarez that is located in San Diego's Pantoja Park. Obviously that is of no concern of his though because his loyalties lie with Mexico first and not America.
One other thing of note about the Pete Wilson statue... it is being funded with private funds and will be on private land.
He compared the erecting of the Pete Wilson statue to that of erecting an Adolf Hitler statue in front of a synagogue. Funny, I don't remember Pete Wilson gassing and cremating anyone.
Morones then went on to call people like myself who want our laws enforced hateful racists and Nazis and blamed America for the deaths of illegal aliens trying to break our laws and sneak into our country. Yes, according to Enrique Morones it is your fault as an American that someone died in the desert when they weren't supposed to be there.
The first thing we need to do is get rid of "dual citizenship". You are either for America or you are not. We don't need these split loyalty individuals in our country. Second, we need to confront and hold account racists like Enrique Morones who are actively threatening and fomenting violence against Americans who simply want the rule of law to stand. We as Americans have a right to say who and who can not come into and stay in our country.
As for the Pete Wilson statue, he was a California Governor and it's only fitting that a statue of him be allowed to be erected. As for the Benito Juarez statue in a public park that is being maintained with public funds, it should be removed immediately.
Pete Wilson will be on the Roger Hedgecock show tonight July 31, 2007 at 3PM EST. Click through to listen live.
See the video of this lunatic Enrique Morones below.
Tipped by: reader Lone Wolf