/ August 19, 2007 07:30 PM |
Finally our federal officials take action. Elvira Arellano was arrested outside Our Lady Queen of Angels Church in Los Angeles as she was on her way to another church in San Jose to spew more of her "woe is me" rhetoric.
What a despicable shame this has been for our federal law enforcement officials. And a ridiculous slap to the face to the American people - and their laws - to have let this go on for more than a year.
Now let's see how many lawsuits are filed on her behalf.
The most obscene part of this all are the statements attributed to Elvira Arellano when the officers stopped her. As if she were the Holy Mary Mother of God herself or Jesus in Gethsemane. "Calm down. Don't have any fear. They can't hurt me."
Chicago Tribune with their always offensive headlines regarding Elvira - Immigration activist Arellano arrested. How about "Fugitive Illegal Alien SSN Thief Arrested In LA" instead?
Elvira Arellano was arrested about 4:15 p.m. Chicago time by law-enforcement officials after leaving Our Lady Queen of Angels Church in downtown Los Angeles, said Emma Lozano, an adviser who was there during the arrest.
Let me break in here for a second and point out the Emma Lozano is not an adviser, she is a partner in crime and the wife of Pastor "Slim" Coleman who was helping Elvira evade law enforcement by harboring a fugitive illegal alien. There goes the sanctuary media again ignoring the facts.
After talking to news media inside the church, Arellano and her supporters got into their van to head north to San Jose, where she was scheduled to speak at another church, Lozano said. Moments after they entered the van, an unmarked vehicle stopped them.
The driver of Arellano's van, Roberto Lopez, poked his head out because he wanted to see why they were being blocked. Several other unmarked vehicles surrounded their van.
Agents emerged from all the cars screaming for Arellano to get out, Lozano said. Her 8-year-old son, Saul, started to cry, and Arellano said to everyone in the car, "Calm down. Don't have any fear. They can't hurt me."
Then she turned to the people who were about to arrest her and she said, "You're going to have to give me a minute with my son," Lozano said. She spent time with her son in the car, then surrendered.
If I was law enforcement I would have said "We don't have to do shit lady. You've had a year with your son to discuss this and you put him in this situation rather than doing the responsible thing and voluntarily returning to the country where you're supposed to be."
Arellano was arrested on Main Street, near the church, where she slept Saturday night and where she's held several press conferences Saturday and today.
This just made my week though. If you could only see the grin as I type this.
You can only hide from justice for so long.
Other Commentary:
Freedom Folks where Jake finds no such glee.
I’m sure there are some people out there crowing over her arrest. I find no joy in it. I’m glad that the federal government did what they should have done a long time ago. But Elvira is just one illegal alien...
I disagree, she is an icon for the illegal alien movement in this country and to prove that even she will not get away is something that needed to be done. Granted it should have been done the first day she went in there and then she wouldn't have been able to make the feds and this administration look like a bunch of bumbling idiots and could have prevented this whole national attention and "sainthood" she has had bestowed on her by misguided fools.
The real tragedy is that they didn't also arrest the driver, Lozano, "Slim" Coleman and everyone else with her. They obviously knew who she was and were aiding her in her flight from justice.
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Illegal Protest

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Posted by Digger on August 19, 2007 07:30 PM (Permalink)
Posted by: A PERSON on August 19, 2007 09:58 PM
I’m sorry to intrude in your obvious ignorant commentary. but might I remind you that your ancestors came to this country to kill her very own ancestors the problem with you people is that you think that just because you stick a flag on a piece lands its yours. Well allow me to tell you that the term immigrant stems from gang mentality that empowers the lesser of the kind that you all gang up on a certain escape goat to define your Americanism. Well to your ignorance I say one day the immigrants of this country will prevail because we are the back bone of this country and with out us you are nothing,,, don’t you even forget that in a capitalist country the workers are the back bone...don’t you dare forget it
Posted by: lili on August 19, 2007 10:34 PM
AWESOME....Now ship her back to Mexico where she belongs!
Posted by: Stephen on August 19, 2007 10:36 PM
Let's see, nobody mentions that one of the times she was deported was for felony assult, since she's a "mother"
guess that does not count as a bad thing. Two, unless the person out there is dead the social she used belonged to
someone and if acctive she was an identity thief, gee calling an illegal allien a criminal is a bad thing, so
in all this time she was here what positive thing did she do, from the audio she was so concerned to stay here she never learned english!
Posted by: john castaneda on August 19, 2007 10:38 PM
i think that she is not a crimal she is just here to work and give a better life to his child like every other immigrant this country wouldnt be anything with us immigrants you dont see white people working in the fields or do you so fuck all you hatters and races people you cant live with out us just like a guys and live with out a women
Posted by: veronica on August 19, 2007 11:01 PM
All their rallies and protests have back fired because all it did was enrage legal citizens. If they want to live here, do it legally, learn to speak English and try carring an American Flag instead of a Mexican Flag. Perhaps American's would have more sympathy for them. She broke the law and they should have stormed the church last year and arrested her instead of letting it go on for so long. I'm tired of supporting illegals that don't contribute to the tax system. They get more breaks and free services than citizens that pay into the system.
Posted by: Dennis on August 19, 2007 11:21 PM
Yeah for ICE. Boooo for ICE. This is disgraceful for our nation.
For those expounding on the immigrant status as their defense. Everyone is an immigrant all the way back to Adam and Eve. Have you not learned from history? Every piece of land on this earth has been conquered and reconquered throughout history. Just because you cite recent history as your immigrant defense, does not mean it is relevant to any discussion. Your latinos are immigrants to your lands. If you want to get highly specific, one could argue that asians and vikings were here first and thus this is their country.
We fought for this country. We won. Get over it. If you don't like it, then join your local MS13 gang and try and take it back. If you want to join our glorious culture instead of just stealing from it, then please become an American.
Posted by: captainfish on August 19, 2007 11:40 PM
Its sad that it took 3 ICE vehicles to arrest an illegal alien, while we don't even have enough troops over in Irak and its been over 4 years since we believe the lies that were given to us. Its sad that still in the 21st century people are fighting over who belongs and has the right to live in a small piece of land(U.S.A.) while we the world is being wasted by pollution and over exploited. Its sad that the U.S.A. is one of the fattest countries in the world while we see people in other countries starve to death. But still we call our selves Americans, I bet Washington is not pleased with our actions.
Posted by: Louis on August 20, 2007 12:10 AM
Great news. The multiple offense, fugitive criminal finally gets what she deserves. Watch, those who defend this criminal will use laughable phrases such as "The sanctity of family" If that is so important I have two questions, 1)Where's Daddy? and 2) Bring him with you. Pretty simple solution to the "separation" debate.
And please do not use the excuse "she is here to work". How much work has she done in the last year?
Posted by: Max Power on August 20, 2007 12:17 AM
Fuck all you racist-ass mother fuckers who claim this "This is OUR country. Go back to Mexico!" bullshit. I guess you idiots don't know that if it weren't for these people that work in the fields or as maids or as whatever, nobody would. Just because they don't have papers, doesn't make them worthless to this country or as HUMAN BEIGNS. If we were in their shoes, we would also do anything to make a better life for our families. So may all of you racists burn in hell!
Posted by: Jess on August 20, 2007 06:00 AM
I will be sure to remember that all these people only want a better life for their children the next time I see a news report of 2 illegals who line up kill 3 college students execution style. I will remember how these people only want a better life for their children the next time I am walking down the street and see all the illegals sitting on their stoops smoking dope wearing clothes emblazoned with their Latino pride. Funny, I can't wear a white pride shirt and be able to sit anywhere in public.
Posted by: Jason on August 20, 2007 09:48 AM
I am an emmigrant from Asia. My purpose of coming here is the same as what these illegals claimed "to give better life to their family". However, there is a big differenc to which I achieved my purpose and that is I did it legally according to the law of U.S.A. If Elvira wants to stay in this country she should follow the Immigration Law of the Country, period. Defying U.S.A. law makes her a CRIMINAL and should be punished and jailed. It was a blessing for her to be returned to her country of origin. I wish ICE sould continue arresting all these ILLEGALS and kept deporting them.
Posted by: nebur s.nomis on August 20, 2007 11:28 AM
lili said:
I’m sorry to intrude in your obvious ignorant commentary. but might I remind you that your ancestors came to this country to kill her very own ancestors
You might want to check your own ignorance first.
First of all, my ancestors came here in the early 1900's ... legally.
Secondly, if you are referring to others ancestors, they killed the Indians not Mexicans.
Thirdly, you might want to go do little research on Spanish conquistadors instead of once again trying to blame Americans for everything that is wrong with Mexico.
At least get your proper ethnic group right the next time you try to blame whitey for something.
Posted by: Digger on August 20, 2007 11:54 AM
Technically it is legal to seek refuge in a sanctuary like Elvira did. The government has no Jurisdiction there. She is here like many other immigrants to achieve the American dream. Working and heping her family. The fact that she wishes not to disclose who the father of her child is has nothing to do with her situation. Yes, she can take her son with her to Mexico, but that would completely alter his life and change the quality of it. It is easy to say for her to become legalized. The truth is that it is very difficult and takes approximately thirteen years to do all the paperwork, ply it costs about $10,000 to do this. Most Mexicans get paid $110 weekly on a 60 hour work week.
Try having compassion for our human race and put yourself in that situation.
Posted by: Connie Farias on August 20, 2007 11:59 AM
Fuck all you racist-ass mother fuckers who claim this "This is OUR country. Go back to Mexico!" bullshit. I guess you idiots don't know that if it weren't for these people that work in the fields or as maids or as whatever, nobody would. Just because they don't have papers, doesn't make them worthless to this country or as HUMAN BEIGNS. If we were in their shoes, we would also do anything to make a better life for our families. So may all of you racists burn in hell!
Posted by: Ary on August 20, 2007 12:14 PM
And those who do so illegally should also take the personal responsibility when they get caught to accept the punishment for their actions.
The fact that illegal aliens seem to think that laws should just be ignored - when they knowingly broke the law - is repugnant to any law abiding person in this country.
Those of you in support of illegal aliens, who think they should be given a pass, are in the small minority in this country. Most Americans believe in the rule of law and that when caught you should face the consequences of your actions.
Posted by: Digger on August 20, 2007 12:32 PM
The truth is that it is very difficult and takes approximately thirteen years to do all the paperwork, ply it costs about $10,000 to do this.
And this is precisely because of illegal immigration. People legally coming to this country have to wait in line because of the flood of illegals into this country which prevents us from increasing the number of legal immigrants into this country.
Stop illegal immigration and we will have plenty of social services and infrastructure to handle a higher number of legal immigrants each year.
The current situation prevents this though as the massive invasion currently going on is destroying health care and the education systems and other infrastructures in places where they settle in huge numbers.
Until we can control the flow of illegal immigration I will remain against increased legal immigration into this country.
Posted by: Digger on August 20, 2007 12:39 PM
Technically it is legal to seek refuge in a sanctuary like Elvira did. The government has no Jurisdiction there.
Technically you are incorrect. There is no sanctuary law on the books and the United States government has jurisdiction over all land in this country, religion based or not, except for Indian reservations.
Posted by: Digger on August 20, 2007 12:43 PM
digger I really think you are a very ignorant person. If you are so proud of what happen to elvira you should go out there and work at the fields, or be a maid of your people. She was just trying to make a living and for all the ignorant people out there I just want to say that California was part of MEXICO and the US government stole it from us. So we are not illegals here this is our land. This is a country of immigrants and not because you have legal papers means you are better than everybody
Posted by: evelyn on August 20, 2007 12:49 PM
digger I really think you are a very ignorant person. If you are so proud of what happen to elvira you should go out there and work at the fields, or be a maid of your people. She was just trying to make a living and for all the ignorant people out there I just want to say that California was part of MEXICO and the US government stole it from us. So we are not illegals here this is our land. This is a country of immigrants and not because you have legal papers means you are better than everybody
Elvira stole someone's identity to work in a secure area at O'Hare Airport. They should throw the book at her. If she tries to bill herself as representing illegal aliens she is a very poor representative and also an extremely poor role model for her son. I don't give a rat's ass if she just wanted to work in this country and pursue the American Dream. She went about it illegally and for that she gets the big ICE boot back to Mexico - FINALLY!
Now ICE and the Feds need to arrest Slim Coleman and Emma Lozano for AIDING AND ABETTING Elvira Arellano as an illegal alien AND as a fugitive from justice. They should not get a free pass to do such a thing JUST because they run a "church". If they do, soon we will see churches springing up to harbor bank robbers, murderers and rapists.
Posted by: Ruthiness on August 20, 2007 01:03 PM
Posted by: Digger on August 20, 2007 01:21 PM
Technically it is legal to seek refuge in a sanctuary like Elvira did. The government has no Jurisdiction there. She is here like many other immigrants to achieve the American dream. Working and heping her family.
Umm... wrong.. The Federal government has jurisdiction in all places INCLUDING churches. Please listen to this NPR Segment
Posted by: Ruthiness on August 20, 2007 01:25 PM
Ok now, again i know you guys might think what all immigrants are doing is stupid and illegal right.but its not like their doing it a legal citizen but my family isnt.Im not tryin to be mean to say some white people and black people are doing worse then us immigrants. im mean how many black people do you see robbing banks killing people and etc. and how many white people do u see abusing children and teens?Now how many immigrants do u see doin all that stuff? the only thing you see immigrants doing is working hard. i mean the only thing the immigrants did was make 2 or 3 strikes but you guys know that they are only doing that because all they want is a better life but they cant come legal because they dont have alot of money thats why their taking any risk to get their family a better life.
sinceraly, a person
Posted by: a person on August 20, 2007 03:19 PM
Why wouldn't a mother take her 8 year old child with her when she moves, as she did yesterday when she returned to Mexico? Why fuss because she is separated when she could take the child with her? I don't understand this. If she can't stay here because she is breaking the law, and she must move back to Mexico, her homeland, then why not take her 8 year old with her to her home there? Poor or rich, a child needs to be with family. Is her cause more important than her child? This is crazy.
Posted by: L.J. Rhea on August 20, 2007 03:40 PM
Another important distinction is that my ancestors came here to be American. The 3rd world refugees just come here to work,and are holding down wages of our own unskilled laborers. They're enabling the corporate interests, while still flying their native flags and speaking their own language.
Sovereignty is not racism.
Posted by: Angela on August 20, 2007 03:50 PM
Posted by: Sandra on August 20, 2007 05:11 PM
I do not understand why wanting people who CHOSE to come to this country to learn the language and abide by the laws and not abuse the welfare system (that they are NOT helping to pay for) and that they be punished for STEALING someones identity is racist! AND NO I do not care how much you want to do for your children, man I was poor once and I surely did not go and steal someone else's identity and I had a sick son (really sick)!!!! I found a job and worked my butt off and now I am fine. It took aid yes, but after working since the time I was 15 and paying TAXES I think I deserved that aid...someone who refuses to become a part of this society and not pay taxes and break the laws DOES NOT! FINE you want people who commit crimes to not be deported (which compared to ten years in jail! I think she got of light) then put her in prison, because had I done that then they would have charged me with a FEDERAL crime. For all those people who say people who want this country to be cohesive and not have people committing crimes and getting away with it because they are unaccountable due to being illegal are racist, then fine all of those illegals using SS numbers and birth certificates that are not theirs should be put in jail , would that make you all happy?? Because if they do not get deported than for committing crimes than the only other option is jail. Period
This woman committed a federal since everyone is crying for her not to be deported than throw her in jail. Because she knew what she was doing when she stole that identity and committed a felon while using it! What about the person whose id she stole? Mine was stolen by an illegal...and they have caused me so many problems so I feel no sympathy for her at all!!
Posted by: kim on August 20, 2007 06:57 PM
one down;20 million to go.
Posted by: wayne on August 20, 2007 07:03 PM
Posted by: mario on August 20, 2007 07:32 PM
Racism is a funny word, usually thrown around by people when they have lost. Funny thing about racism is it's everywhere, especially south of the border ;-)
Elvira broke the law and got caught, big deal, she knew what the consequence of her game was, it's just too bad she used a child as a shield...coward she is.
Don't worry about Elvira's wellbeing down there in Mexico, there will most likely be some ignorant suckers willing to fork out some of their hard earned money to support her, a thing called charity. If she were smart she would have taken her son with her so he could enjoy in the wealth she'll be receiving now from her celebrity status. Instead she chose to leave her son with others to raise, while she goes about saving the world....pahleeze! She's no hero.
Posted by: Mare on August 20, 2007 07:47 PM
We understand wanting a better life for themselves and their families. You claim to want to be part of America and be treated like Americans. If that's the case, please explain why you refuse to speak English and carry Mexican flags? Why do we have to double print everything in English and Spanish? Our language is English and if you want to live here and be considered part of society, citizen or not, learn to at least speak the language. Instead, you want to bring Mexico here. If it was so good, why did you leave? Remembering traditions and heritage is one thing but wanting to change our society and have everyone bend over backwards to print signs in Spanish, having to go through voicemail picking English, trying to find English on ATMs is not the way to become part of society. Try assimilating into society and perhaps you would be welcomed. Employees stand around speaking in Spanish and then when you ask for something, they don't understand. I'm to the point if I see anything in Spanish, I walk out.
She was breaking the law. Not only by being here illegally but by stealing identity. If that was an American citizen, they would be in jail
Posted by: Dennis on August 20, 2007 08:02 PM
So this has the reconquista racists all riled up ehh? Good. Now get the hell out of our country!!!
12,999,999 more illegal aliens to deport!!!
Posted by: Emery Woodall on August 20, 2007 10:00 PM
Stole California??
hahahahahahaa. Now that is funny.
As Digger stated, the Spanish Conquistadors were far more viscous than we Europeans were. One line of thought has the Spaniards being the cause for the disappearance of the Mayans. Oh, speaking of which, if the people of Central and South America are of the Mayan and Indonesian culture, then whose land did they take? Aren't these people immigrants?
How is it racist to want people coming in to this nation to be law-abiding? Why is it wrong of us to want the people wanting to come here to do it right and legally from day one? If we break the law, we know we are going to get caught. These illegals know it to. Thus the reason why they sneak across.
And as for the discussions that we need these people because we "whiteys" wont do the field or motel work is wholly racist. Are you saying that the only jobs these people from down south are menial jobs and subservient ones as well? Who do you think did these jobs before illegal immigration became rampant? My mom for one. She and her family picked cotton when she was young.
It is you people defending illegals who want to keep them repressed along with our economy who are racist. You obviously feel nothing for America and for the laws that many have fought and died for. Did you know that there was a regiment of people of Japanese descent that fought in WW2? They were one of the most decorated and honored regiments in all of European theater. Yes, they had Japanese blood, but they were AVID AMERICANS. They shed their blood for the IDEA of Americanism and the bounty that this country gave them and their families... even despite the internment program that went on. I don't hear of massive numbers of illegals standing up for this country in any way... except to use our resources, clog our jails, protest against our government and bring drugs and crime into our cities. Yeah, we got a bone or two to pick with illegals.
Posted by: captainfish on August 20, 2007 10:38 PM
Another fine example of having learned English so well in our free public schools. You would think illegal aliens would actually TRY to learn English to work here and better themselves. For crying out loud you are getting the education for FREE and you still don't appreciate it.
The last time I checked, the larger number of rapists in the news in the US has been illegal aliens from Mexico and South America. Care to put up some REAL statistics showing Americans raping Latin Americans? I didn't think so...
Oh and one more thing.. it's a cultural thing in Latin America for families to throw their daughters into prostitution so don't blame the tourists if they take advantage of what is being offered.
How many drunk Mexicans do we see at Day Labor Sites also? These are supposedly men looking for work but they are falling down drunk. Just about every car accident involving an illegal alien is because the illegal Mexican is DRUNK, driving without a license, car insurance and without being able to understand English street signs.
Americans are SICK and TIRED of having our immigration laws IGNORED. Mexico enforces its immigration laws and every country has a right to limit who is able to come in.
Elvira is a FELON - she did not BORROW someone's identity as one reporter said - she STOLE IT. Elvira is a criminal and has USED her child as a pawn. She does not deserve to have the title of "mother" after how she has dragged poor Saul all over the place, put him into fugitive situations and kept him from school for a year.
Posted by: Ruthiness on August 20, 2007 10:56 PM
Ok now, again i know you guys might think what all immigrants are doing is stupid and illegal right.but its not like their doing it a legal citizen but my family isnt.Im not tryin to be mean to say some white people and black people are doing worse then us immigrants. im mean how many black people do you see robbing banks killing people and etc. and how many white people do u see abusing children and teens?Now how many immigrants do u see doin all that stuff?
Well... plenty of illegal Mexicans are guilty of child abuse in that they have a nasty habit of raping children. And illegal alien Mexicans don't rob banks because they don't know how to say "stick em up" in English.
Posted by: Ruthiness on August 20, 2007 11:04 PM
fuck u all '
hispanics dont ask you white shit nothing because of them you eat salads fruits and clean the city pick up your trash. Then if you dont want them here then do the shitty jobs urselves assholes /
Posted by: norma on August 21, 2007 03:35 AM
OK America! Come Sept 12 we need to take back our country from "illegal" (law-breaking for all you morons who do not know the definition) immigrants... when they walk out on their jobs, we need to walk in! These Mexicans are destroying our economy just like they did in Mexico, by driving down wages from major companies. Hotels, Restaurants, Factories, and many more! The Mexicans don't even want this SCUM anymore. I've had enough, and waving the Mexican flag in OUR AMERICA is the final stage of rabies for me! Just think how much less energy this country will be using each day with 20 million less SCUM??? Not too mention the health care costs, lives saved from gangs, drug dealers, and drunk drivers, and so on! Come on America WAKE UP to the damage being done by this SCUM!!!!
Posted by: Julie on August 21, 2007 04:51 AM
Elvira Arellano broke the law...Period! When Mothers in USA break laws they are also separated from their families. She is separated from her child by the choices she made. Stop standing behind a child who u chose to give birth to in a country that has laws & rules. It doesn't give you or anyone that comes to America a free pass to being legal. Get a number like every other person who came to this country in the last few hundred years !!
Posted by: Sweet on August 21, 2007 07:40 AM
I can't believe anyone is actually in support of this woman! All of you illegals writing in to complain about this, did you ever stop to think that if you put as much effort into making your own country a better place to live as you do trying to make us change our own immigration laws, you might actually have a country worth living in and being proud of? By the way, do a little research into Mexican immigration laws and what it takes for someone from another country to live there legally and then come back and tell us all how unfair the US laws are.
Posted by: GC on August 21, 2007 08:06 AM
Good!! This nation finally got some guts and did their job. This illegal broke into this country, not once but twice. She is expoliting her own son in efforts to bring higher exposure to her pathetic situation. She complains that families should not be separated and I agree. If she really lived by that statement she should have taken her pokeito burrito with her to mexico where she is!!
Posted by: juanito on August 21, 2007 10:10 AM
Let me see if I correctly understand the thinking behind these protests.
Let's say I break into your house.
Let's say that when you discover me in your house, you insist that I leave.
But I say, "I've made all the beds and washed the dishes and did the laundry and swept the floors.
I've done all the things you don't like to do.
I'm hard-working and honest (except for when I broke into your house).
According to the protesters:
You are Required to let me stay in your house
You are Required to add me to your family's insurance plan
You are Required to Educate my kids
You are Required to Provide other benefits to me and to my family
(my husband will do all of your yard work because he is also hard-working and honest, except for that breaking in part).
If you try to call the police or force me out, I will call my friends who will picket your house carrying signs that proclaim my RIGHT to be there.
It's only fair, after all, because you have a nicer house than I do, and I'm just trying to better myself.
I'm a hard-working and honest, person, except for well, you know, I did break into your house.
And what a deal it is for me!!!
I live in your house, contributing only a fraction of the cost of my keep, and there is nothing you can do about it without being accused of cold, uncaring, selfish, prejudiced, and bigoted behavior.
Oh yeah, I DEMAND that you learn MY LANGUAGE!!! so you can communicate with me.
Why can't people see how ridiculous this is?! Only in America .....if you agree, pass it on (in English). Share it if you see the value of it.
If not blow it off......... along with your future Social Security funds, and a lot of other things
Wish I had thought of this!
Posted by: Navy Vet on August 21, 2007 11:32 AM
I must say that all this pitty pat bullshit sickens me. If you want to be here wait your turn like all the people before "who want a better life" - as far as some of the comments about jobs that no one would do, here's my question, who did them before?? we did! and we can do them again. someone needs to stand up and be truthful about this. if your white you can't because you'll be deemed racist. being that i'm black, i'll do it for myself and all other legal citizens. bottem line most mexican immigrants no sneak in rather than do it legally ,they abuse an already faulted system, they over produce and expect everyone to pay for it except them, they have a wonderful way to not need to learn english, which to me, is the most classless thing anyone could do as a immigrant. everyone knows the raise the new found american pups poorly. theres more gangbanger hispanics brewing than any other race. the fuck up neighborhoods and bring down the realestate value. they stole my hip hop, ha ha.
Posted by: SOUL DESTOYER on August 21, 2007 11:56 AM
I think that it is ignorant and stupid for all those people who are in some way or another immigrated to this country themselves and now are treating immigratants in a selfish way. What happened to the melting pot? What happened to the land of the free? This country is made up of immigrants from all over the world. I am an American citizen because my grandparents migrated here, like most of our relatives did at some point. We must stop being selfish and ignorants and instead of pointing fingers and being ignorant, we should compromise on the immigration issue. I think that this country is an open door to all the world and those who want to join us are welcome to at any time. For those who oppose to this, the door swings both wys and you are welcome to LEAVE! It is not like you would want to mow the lawn anyways or cleam dirty bathroom, so stop all of the bitching and let them do the dirty work. Letting immigrants in, is not as bad as stats make it seem. Let them all go and see how all of our country goes down the drain. Our country will be in ruins and we will no longer be one of the top countries.
Posted by: Erika Marie on August 21, 2007 01:06 PM
GOOD GRIEF will people get a freakin clue! No one is bitching about immigration! We are ANGRY because of people coming over here committing crimes, taking all of the aid that they REFUSE to pay for, REFUSING to learn English and trying to force everyone to learn their language (whilst no OTHER immigrants are doing this, which is the reason why no one is bitching about those illegals), no other illegals aside from Mexicans are demanding that we take care of them and their 5 or more kids, whom now that they are US citizens could go to school for free but for some unknown reason refuse to do so, rather be in gangs! Living in 2 bedroom apts with 8 or more people and then beating or fighting black people because according to them we are lower on the totem pole and yet then people have the nerve to liken this thief Elvira to Rosa Parks..grrrrr......who was it that beat those black boys to death because they are black? 3 ILLEGAL Mexicans!!! Who rapes women and girls so much around here? Mexican Illegals!! Who compromises most of the gangs in California? Illegal Mexicans! Who steals SS numbers and birth certificates? Illegal Mexicans! I will clean my OWN gotdamned bathroom, mow my own lawn and clean up my own freakin trash rather than someone to come over here and assume they can do whatever the hell they want because we are too snobby to be maids hahahahha...........there are plenty of Asian illegals, African illegals, Russian illegals who would love to take over all those illegal Mexicans positions....and they wont do any of the crap that these illegal Mexicans are doing!! Look at the drop out rate among Mexicans! Yet they are here to better themselves? How many of these kids whose parents just about killed themselves to get here and resorted to stealing, are in college? A small amount, the rest have babies force the government to pay for those kids and housing and food and healthcare or they commit crimes and/or join gangs!! Thats what you defenders of this behavior call bettering oneself? No I believe that the people illegally immigrating from Mexico are already criminals..they are just coming to the USA because we are too stupid (Unlike the Mexican gov. whom is wanting open immigration so they can get rid of their scum) and end up letting them abuse the system. NO ONE should get aid in any form unless they A) speak the language B) Do not commit any crimes and C) are at least working on being a citizen...or getting a green card and I think if anyone hires an illegal than their business should be shut down immediately and they should be charged with hiring a criminal and aiding and abetting because they knew that person had stolen and ID from an innocent person who did not deserve that just so that person can "make a better life" for THEIR we are the selfish ones? They go out and break laws all over the place and steal a persons "life" essentially all in the name of their family and yet Americans are wrong? We are selfish? LMFAO
Posted by: Kim on August 21, 2007 01:29 PM
And I by no means mean ALL Mexicans who come here illegally are criminals but sadly the large amount I KNOW of ARE!
Posted by: Kim on August 21, 2007 01:32 PM
fuck u all '
hispanics dont ask you white shit nothing because of them you eat salads fruits and clean the city pick up your trash. Then if you dont want them here then do the shitty jobs urselves assholes /
I mow my own lawn and grow my own vegetables thank you very much. We don't need you parasitic Hispanics doing anything for us. We have plenty of Americans who could work in the fields. Lets start with the imprisoned criminals who spend their days in prison working out in the prison gym - let's get their asses out to the fields like the old days - bring back the CHAIN GANGS!
And let's clarify exactly what "you Hispanics" do ask of us.. start with free education for your anchor babies and illegal children - then food stamps for the anchor babies that gets used by the whole household - then free healthcare at the local hospital emergency rooms forcing many hospitals to close from the large amount of "indigent care" - meaning people who DON'T PAY for services. Go to any ER and you will see many Hispanics there - none of whom are seriously ill. You drive cars in our country without insurance and driver's licenses. You refuse to learn our language and business bend over backward to your illegal asses by putting Spanish options everywhere. You pay no taxes and if you DO pay taxes it is because you are using an American citizen's social security number. Then you claim you should get what you paid into the system - give me a break! If you are using a fake SSN you get one option because you are a criminal - DEPORTATION.
Viva La Migra!
Can we deport 20 million illegal aliens?
Posted by: Ruthiness on August 21, 2007 04:00 PM
I think that it is ignorant and stupid for all those people who are in some way or another immigrated to this country themselves and now are treating immigratants in a selfish way. What happened to the melting pot? What happened to the land of the free? This country is made up of immigrants from all over the world. I am an American citizen because my grandparents migrated here, like most of our relatives did at some point. We must stop being selfish and ignorants and instead of pointing fingers and being ignorant, we should compromise on the immigration issue. I think that this country is an open door to all the world and those who want to join us are welcome to at any time. For those who oppose to this, the door swings both wys and you are welcome to LEAVE! It is not like you would want to mow the lawn anyways or cleam dirty bathroom, so stop all of the bitching and let them do the dirty work. Letting immigrants in, is not as bad as stats make it seem. Let them all go and see how all of our country goes down the drain. Our country will be in ruins and we will no longer be one of the top countries.
Earth to Erika - your ancestors immigrated here legally. What happened to the melting pot? Well I'll tell ya. The recent wave of illegals are not MELTING they are IN SUSPENSION which means they are NOT MIXING aka not ASSIMILATING. They are trying to preserve their language and their culture even while here in our country. Legal immigrants learn our language and speak it in public. They may continue to speak their own language at home and preserve their culture AT HOME. But the US speaks ENGLISH and to come here to this country and expect us to speak SPANISH is ARROGANT.
We are NOT AGAINST IMMIGRANTS YOU IDIOT. In fact, illegal immigration spits in the face of legal immigrants. They are cutting in line and saying - we don't need no stinking immigration laws. Anyone who supports ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION is supporting the new class of SLAVES because illegal aliens are exploited by businesses. Making them legal does not solve the problem. They need to go home and fix their own damn country and protest in the streets of Mexico or Guatemala if they don't like it there. It's NOT OUR FAULT THAT THEIR COUNTRIES SUCK AND THEY FEEL THEY HAVE TO COME HERE TO HAVE A BETTER LIFE.
Posted by: Ruthiness on August 21, 2007 04:09 PM
Well, let me write something here...
I red she first had a felony assul, then she has a criminal record. She was given a voluntary leave but she did not do it and then made herself a victim. I am from Honduras but I have lived in this great country for 10 years. Mexico deported more than 10 thousand Hondurans last year but nobody is talking about that. How about that? When an illegal immigrant is taking by Mexican Federales they have no rights whatsoever. they do not go a immigrantion judge to claim their rights because simple and clear they have nothing, nada, finito!!! Now this lady Elvira Arellano is a poster martir for left-wing, liberal, anti-goverment, secular, ACLU, amnisty international and all radical organization. Elvira is not a victim but someone who broke the american laws and she needs to pay for her crime. Why is she becoming a single case since there is many been deporter everyday.
I am more than greteful for being here
Luis Padilla
Posted by: Luis Padilla on August 21, 2007 06:14 PM
who cares about her she just another wetback trying to get over the usa.i say this all these tocos come over to the usa and think that the law only applies to the u.s people not the beaners but when you go to mexico i we have to follow there rules they come and buy house here but we cant buy anything there they dont obey are laws be when we go there we have to obey theres forget about!!!!!! send the soprano or the spilotros to get them to swim with the fishs
Posted by: tom on August 21, 2007 06:29 PM
Make no mistake about it, when real Americans gets pushed against the wall, they will come out fighting for their country and sovreignty. ILLEGAL (ERICKA) ALIENS, are not welcomed here, and can kiss my fat white ass!
Posted by: Mare on August 21, 2007 06:54 PM
People here are missing the bigger picture. The goal of NAFTA was to create the free flow of good and labor across the border. It's no accident that since NAFTA passed we are seeing unprecedented levels of Mexican immigration.Farmers can't compete with the cheap agricultural products flowing into their country. This is exactly what was supposed to happen. Unfortunately, the laws have no kept up with changes in the economy.
Everybody says that they should come here legally, but when the government tried to legalize them, the same people opposed it. Frankly, Bush should just issue an Executive Order legalizing them, and tell the racist base of the GOP to STFU.
We didn't take a vote on whether or not to let the Irish immigrate, or the Jews, or the Italians. ALL of these groups were unwanted at the time, but the government let them in because the economy demanded it.
We need to legalize these immigrants or get rid of NAFTA. But what we are doing right now to the Mexican people is immoral and unethical. You can't destroy the ability of millions of people to support themselves and then act like they are criminals for trying to work to feed themselves. It's insane.
These immigrants are descended from the people who gave the world CORN. Corn was cultivated in Mexico 5-7,000 years ago. Pumpkin also originally comes from Mexico, as do chocolate (cacao) and vanilla. And the turkey was originally domesticated in Mexico thousands of years ago.
So on Thanksgiving when you are eating your turkey, your corn, and your pumpkin pie, you can thank the illegal immigrants from Mexico for the foods their ancestors gave the world.
Posted by: Karen on August 21, 2007 08:02 PM
You can all keep on bitchin' about how much you hate mexicans, blah blah blah. You're just scared because our country is becoming less and less white. I'm not threatened by that fact, but apparently all of you are. But there is no way you can stop it, you soon will be outnumbered. Then I'd like to see how bold you will be with your racist comments! The native people of this continent are here to stay!
Posted by: Jess on August 21, 2007 08:50 PM
good job elvira i give u promps for trying so hard to stay in such a great country.
Posted by: henry mcdaddy on August 22, 2007 10:19 AM
all them people saying all them bad things about you are nothing but haters. I support you for all you do. keep tring to get back in cause with out hispanics america wouldnt be the best country in the world. we helpedd make it god.
Posted by: ryan on August 22, 2007 10:27 AM
Great news she's deported. That's one in 12M, what about the 11999999 other illegals? Can we deny jobs and benefits, can we deport them too?
We must reduce latino presence as Los Angeles here pretty much looks like Mexico already. We must stop irritating signs in spanish, stop the gangs and crime, stop our coutry from becoming an annex of Mexico!
Posted by: edla67 on August 22, 2007 12:39 PM
Let me see if I correctly understand the thinking behind these protests.
Let's say I break into your house.
Let's say that when you discover me in your house, you insist that I leave.
But I say, "I've made all the beds and washed the dishes and did the laundry and swept the floors.
I've done all the things you don't like to do.
I'm hard-working and honest (except for when I broke into your house).
According to the protesters:
You are Required to let me stay in your house
You are Required to add me to your family's insurance plan
You are Required to Educate my kids
You are Required to Provide other benefits to me and to my family
(my husband will do all of your yard work because he is also hard-working and honest, except for that breaking in part).
If you try to call the police or force me out, I will call my friends who will picket your house carrying signs that proclaim my RIGHT to be there.
It's only fair, after all, because you have a nicer house than I do, and I'm just trying to better myself.
I'm a hard-working and honest, person, except for well, you know, I did break into your house.
And what a deal it is for me!!!
I live in your house, contributing only a fraction of the cost of my keep, and there is nothing you can do about it without being accused of cold, uncaring, selfish, prejudiced, and bigoted behavior.
Oh yeah, I DEMAND that you learn MY LANGUAGE!!! so you can communicate with me.
Why can't people see how ridiculous this is?! Only in America .....if you agree, pass it on (in English). Share it if you see the value of it.
If not blow it off......... along with your future Social Security funds, and a lot of other things
Wish I had thought of this!
I mow my own lawn and grow my own vegetables thank you very much. We don't need you parasitic Hispanics doing anything for us. We have plenty of Americans who could work in the fields. Lets start with the imprisoned criminals who spend their days in prison working out in the prison gym - let's get their asses out to the fields like the old days - bring back the CHAIN GANGS!
And let's clarify exactly what "you Hispanics" do ask of us.. start with free education for your anchor babies and illegal children - then food stamps for the anchor babies that gets used by the whole household - then free healthcare at the local hospital emergency rooms forcing many hospitals to close from the large amount of "indigent care" - meaning people who DON'T PAY for services. Go to any ER and you will see many Hispanics there - none of whom are seriously ill. You drive cars in our country without insurance and driver's licenses. You refuse to learn our language and business bend over backward to your illegal asses by putting Spanish options everywhere. You pay no taxes and if you DO pay taxes it is because you are using an American citizen's social security number. Then you claim you should get what you paid into the system - give me a break! If you are using a fake SSN you get one option because you are a criminal - DEPORTATION.
Viva La Migra!
they come to this country they do not follow any of are laws!they brake are laws and want a free pass, but when you go to mexico you have to follow there laws or your ass will be put in jail with no court date..they come to the united states buy homes ,but when you go to mexico you can not buy a home there or own anything there unless you are a beaner.if you or i used someone else social secrity number you would be put in jail and charged with a felon and put in jail,but if you are a wetback and use someone else social secrity number ,,what the law does not apply to them? give me a break.she is where she belongs in mexico, am from chicago over here its like little mexico with beaners everwhere pushing there little carts selling corn and ice cream,,all these mexicans are ugly.. why is it that mexicans have china men hair and indian face??? ugly bastards
Posted by: chicago man on August 22, 2007 12:45 PM
I crossed the border in 1984 on the back of a coyote, jumped from a moving train, squished into the trunk of a small car and held until the payment was made for my release. I was five years old. I am now a U.S. citizen. Attended school from kindergarten to college and currently own a small business. I hate,hate,hate! to hear other latinos go on and on about how we are here to pick fruit and clean houses. It's awfull when someone from another race puts you down, but it's worst when it's done by your own race. Come on. I try hard to be proud of latinos who protest for illegal immingrants but when I see those Mexican flags waved I know they will do more harm than good. Not to mention the stupid phrase "si se puede" What the hell? I agree 100% that everyone who wants to stay should know how to speak english and strive to become the best for their families. We should be proud of our heritage and prove we can be great, not a maid or janitor. Stop waving flags of Country's you have abandoned. Stop posting signs that are written only in one language. One last thing. Using phrases like; Latino pride or black power, are unfair for white people. We do not allow white people to claim white power. Why should we. We are all Americans. We live in the American Continent.
Posted by: Guatemalan American on August 23, 2007 01:22 AM
If it comes to braking the law who are we to say what's just.I have seen many of my friends buy pot from beaners.But we the american people demand a high supply of illegal drugs from beaners.Elvira is not a pot head she likes to work even though she did it the wrong way.I understand why she used a fake ssn, she needs to feed her son.If illegal immigrants had a ssn,they wont be asking for welfare, they will get paid better ,they would be able to afford a health insurance.If an illegal immigrant is granted a ssn they will get a D.L and they will get insurance on their crappie cars.Its all a chain reaction.Why is the usa call the land of opportunities? when the opportunities are given by caucasian desendents ? Bottom line give this woman an opportunity.We brake the law as much they do.The only difference is that we were born here and we dont get caught.If we get caught the consequences are less harmful a natural citizen (born in usa)will not get kicked out from the country if a felony is committed they will serve time but get the point illegal and legal immigrants have to do everything by the book. this poeple deserve an opportuinity
Posted by: kenneth on August 23, 2007 09:32 PM
Kenneth, you and your friends demand a high supply of illegal drugs...not I and not my friends or family...don't include all Americans in your twisted need of narcotics. Don't be placing this wench up on a pedestal, she didn't want to work, she had to work...amazingly enough just like the majority of us she wasn't born rich, we do our own lawns and clean our own homes, but you know what the difference between her and the majority of Americans are...we didn't steal someone's identity and then hide like a coward behind an 8 year old child.
You people who say that poor woman was just trying to work, I'll give you that, she was looking for a better life, but guess what, so don't millions of Americans. Scenerio, if you had a family member or good friend who needed a job, and a place to stay and you also had an illegal alien who needed a job and a place to stay would you bypass your own relative or friend so you could give those things to an illegal alien and let your relative or friend struggle further? What happened to taking care of our own first? We have many of our own home grown poor and homeless people, let's take care of them first.
She purposely and willfully broke OUR laws. I'm tired of these ILLEGAL aliens coming to my country and demanding we take care of them....why do these people not stand up against their own government and demand from them...if 12 million illegal aliens would go back to their countries and change the way things are, just like our ancestors did here in America, don't you think, their lives would be better...but I have no sympathy for those who think they are above the law i.e. Paris Hilton, Saddam Hussein, and Elvira Arellano. Elvira got caught doing something she shouldn't have done, plain and simple...big fucking deal. S he played the game and lost, but don't worry Kenneth you and your ilk will have near 12 million more to buy your drugs from.
Posted by: mare on August 24, 2007 07:17 AM
Im with Jess
Fuck all you racist-ass mother fuckers who claim this "This is OUR country. Go back to Mexico!" bullshit. I guess you idiots don't know that if it weren't for these people that work in the fields or as maids or as whatever, nobody would. Just because they don't have papers, doesn't make them worthless to this country or as HUMAN BEIGNS. If we were in their shoes, we would also do anything to make a better life for our families. So may all of you racists burn in hell!
Posted by: Jess at August 20, 2007 06:00 AM
Posted by: the ovious on October 25, 2007 05:53 PM
Technically it is legal to seek refuge in a sanctuary like Elvira did. The government has no Jurisdiction there.
Technically you are incorrect. There is no sanctuary law on the books and the United States government has jurisdiction over all land in this country, religion based or not, except for Indian reservations.
Posted by: Digger at August 20, 2007 12:43 PM
Thank you for the info you see how stupid u are that you don't even know how 2 protect your own STUIPD DIGGER
Posted by: lol on October 25, 2007 06:01 PM
As I read your comments, I can't help but realize what a horrendous school system the US has...the ignorance of some people who post here says it all. You might want to go back to school, before you label "puertoricans" as "illegals" or "crossing the border"...You are a bunch of morons...The morons who see nothing wrong with Americans going to Mexico and living off the people there, going to Panama and living off the people there...and Puerto Rico, YOUR colony unfortunately, and living off the people there.
Morons, please go back to school and learn some world history...realizing that it was the morons in the US that gave ALL puertoricans their US CITIZENSHIP!!!
Posted by: whatamess on September 9, 2008 11:47 PM