Congressman and presidential candidate, Tom Tancredo, has called for the removal of Laredo Border Patrol Chief, Carlos X. Carrillo. Carrillo made these statements earlier this month at a town hall meeting.
"The Border Patrol’s job is not to stop illegal immigrants. The Border Patrol’s job is not to stop narcotics … The Border Patrol’s mission is not to stop criminals. The Border Patrol’s mission is to stop terrorists and terrorist weapons from entering this country."
Now to any American that would seem to be the most idiotic thing every stated by the supposed head of a border patrol sector. Even those in favor of open borders would probably agree that it's a ridiculous statement.
Now Tancredo has stood up and called for his outright removal.
Houston Chronicle
In a letter to the editor published in the Laredo Morning Times three days later, Carrillo sought "to fully explain" his comments, saying the agency's job historically has been to protect the nation's homeland by detecting and apprehending people or contraband coming in illegally.
Tancredo, who says he was contacted by concerned Border Patrol agents and others, said the explanation doesn't address concerns that Carrillo is minimizing the need to stop all illegal immigrants. Carrillo has headed the sector covering 171 river miles since October.
"He has established a clear attitude in regard to what the Border Patrol is supposed to be about, and it is diametrically opposed to what the Border Patrol is supposed to do," said Tancredo, who believes the comments reflect an attitude among some that illegal immigrants seeking jobs are harmless.
"You have to stop everyone, or at least as many as you can, who is coming into the country illegally," he said.
 David Aguilar |
Now you would think that Carrillo would be alone in his thinking, but apparently not. The head of the Border Patrol, David Aguilar, actually came out
in defense of Carrillo's ridiculous statement. That's right, our head of the Border Patrol is about as serious about illegal immigration as our head of the Department of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, our head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement,
Julie Myers and our president George W. Bush.
Not a single one of these individuals sees it as their mission to end illegal immigration. All they will continue to do is feed us the same old tired argument so that they can personally continue to benefit at the expense of American citizens and taxpayers.
Here's Aguilar's exact quote. I don't believe a bit of it and you shouldn't either.
"Our mission is to protect our country's borders from all threats. Our highest priority is keeping terrorists and terrorist weapons from entering our country, ... We have never, nor will we ever, decrease or minimize our aggressive efforts in enforcing the rule of law."
That's funny, since July 2004 when Aguilar took over as head of the Border Patrol, illegal immigration has skyrocketed. Of course that's to be expected, since stopping illegal aliens isn't in the Border Patrol leader's playbook.
Other Commentary on Carrillo's comment:
Hot Air
Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler
Ace of Spades
American Pundit