With Mexican trucks coming across our border and roaming throughout our land unmonitored the least we can do is to stand up and rally around our American truck drivers. These truckers are out there working not only for themselves, but America. There is a reason author Stephen King calls truck drivers the "Knights of the Road". I have heard countless stories of truck drivers helping people in need all along our highways and they do so not for money or power, but out of common decency. Do you think a Mexican truck driver would stop and help you? I think not.
So rally around these "Knights of the Road" this weekend near San Bernardino, California.
SUPPORT AMERICAN TRUCKERSPatriotic flag rally in support of the U.S. trucking industry

The Department of Transportation (DOT) administers the Mexican Truck Pilot Program, and DOT is run by BUSH APPOINTEES such as: Mary Peters and John H. Hill
Although the success of the Senate Amendment to stop the funding of the Mexican Truck Pilot Program is a monumental victory, the Bush Administration and DOT could have more tricks up their sleeves - we will monitor developments closely.
On September 6th, when activists protested the Mexican Truck Pilot Program at the U.S./Mexico border, truckers also protested at the Ontario, CA Truck Stop - Travel Centers of America
This Saturday, patriots will rally at this same Ontario Truck Stop to demonstrate support for the American trucking industry and to embolden the American truck driver. In addition, we will distribute information on how truck drivers and the public can take action to stop Mexican trucks.
signs will be provided
Saturday, September 15
4pm - 6pm
Travel Centers of America
Ontario Truck Stop
4325 E Guasti Rd
Ontario, CA 91761
In Ontario, from the 10 Freeway, go south on Miliken, left on Guasti Rd. - the Travel Center is on the northeast corner of Milliken and Guasti Rd. - parking lot on-site
click here for Google Map of location
Also see Minuteman Project