I've been watching coverage of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's visit to Columbia University today. My take on it is that it was simply wrong to invite him, we need to look out for the best interests of America and inviting and giving credibility to this swine was simply idiotic. However, the most disturbing and ridiculous portion of the coverage that was simply made as an offhand comment on one reporters take - and that I thought should be the centerpiece of the coverage - is that there were attendees and students in the audience who actually applauded this man of evil.
If that doesn't show you the downward spiral of pride in our country our youth have, I don't know what will.
The fact of the matter is that if you find this dictator so "charismatic" and "charming" as some students said after his speech, then why don't you move to Iran and experience what this man truly stands for?
The total cocoon that some people tend to be in is just appalling to me. We are in this country together and we should be fighting for its survival, not placating some dictatorial regime that has called for the destruction of our allies, the destruction of us and our culture in this country and the killing of our troops. It doesn't really matter what your stance on the war in Iraq is, this leader of another country has been calling for - and aiding - the deaths of American troops and to any citizen of this country, young or old, that should be enough right there to scorn this leader.
 Protests against Ahmadinejad outside Columbia University |
The headline from most news sources seems to be "Columbia President Calls Iranian President a Petty Dictator", but the real headline should be "Why Are Youth in America So Hateful of the Opportunities They Have Been Given By The Culture and History of America?"
We're all in this fight together to preserve our country and until many more people realize this we are destined to disintegrate based on our decisiveness and seeming hatred of ourselves by many in this country.
It never ceases to amaze me that the writer and the commenters are the loudest screamers about their 'RIGHTS' being violated, when they are so eager to strip other Americans rights away from them. As it happens I wanted to hear what he had to say for himself. If we just ignored liars or run them out of the country, Bush would be the first to go, and GOD knows, the American people seem to be used to it if not downright agreeable. Gives them a liscense to lie too. No wonder you are all so lousy at your relationships and ignorant of American principles and ideals. Not to mention Constitutional and civil rights. It's called free speech. And even though I think you are a bunch of idiots who will be first in line to get your bottom-line cut off, I STILL support your right to speak your opinion. Even though it's stupid. And that's the reason we have so many wars. If you aren't a part of the solution, you are part of the problem. You are too lazy to seek to be a part of the answer or change the status quo, you just want to kill something. And if we're talking personalities and who a country should or shouldn't let in and if they were guided by the jackass notion, Bush would never be able to go out of the country. Although I do agree it would be better for the world at large. God didn't give you people brains to take them out to play with. Stop IT!
And besides, it was the American corporation Blackwater employees that have been arming the insurgents. And don't think Americans will ignore that fact. Only someone working for someone or making money off that effort COULD or would ignore it.
And BTW; your daddy bush is killing innocent people worldwide everyday. INCLUDING HUGE numbers of women and children. He's a BABY KILLER. Murderer, murderer, murderer!!! May he receive ten-fold of of the innocent blood he has spilled for money and filthy lucre! For a fact; HE IS NO CHRISTIAN. But a liar like his father the devil.
And if anyone is brainwashed; it's the dopes that still believe the lies that leap out of Bush's mouth like the frogs that invaded Egypt.
If there are any terrorists at all, it's Bush and the people who still defend his lies.
You people say you are christian but you lie, or you would know the bible and what they say about meddling in your neighbor's business and what happens when you go to often there. It's not religion that is at fault here...unless you are following the old testament and there is only one people who doesn't believe in Jesus that uses the same old testament we do.
Posted by: Zena on September 25, 2007 10:15 PM
It never ceases to amaze me that the writer and the commenters are the loudest screamers about their 'RIGHTS' being violated, when they are so eager to strip other Americans rights away from them.
Who's talking about removing their rights? I simply said they are useful idiots who don't care about the country that has allowed them to flourish and remain safe their whole lives.
As for Ahmadinejad... let me remind you that he's not an American. Or have you forgotten that? There's plenty of video and tape of him making speeches and being asked questions that we don't need to give him a platform inside our country to trick our youth into thinking he's a lovable fellow.
This guy has openly called for the destruction of America because we have not converted to Islam, there's not much more you need to know.
Posted by: Digger on September 25, 2007 10:37 PM
Columbia University claims they are America’s best and brightest?
Did you see the way they applauded Ahmadenijad?
They are just a bunch of filthy Little Eichmanns.
It is too bad that Cho Seung-hui didn’t go to Columbia University!
Posted by: Steve on October 7, 2007 04:45 AM