Former Border Patrol Agent Gary Brugman, prosecuted and sent to jail for doing his job by Johnny Sutton, needs our help! Gary has been dubbed the "forgotten Border Patrol Agent" because having been one of the first victims of Johnny Sutton he was overlooked by the media who were focused on Border Patrol Agents Ramos and Compean. I first met Gary in Washington DC in April 2007 at the
Hold Their Feet To The Fire event and he is quite simply a man of courage and determination. What is he determined about? He is determined to make people aware of other Border Patrol Agents who have been falsely imprisoned like himself, such as
Border Patrol Agents Ramos and Compean.
Since that time Gary has lost a lot. He lost his wife and home and is now living alone in an apartment eating ramen. This is a travesty of justice. Since being prosecuted he has lost his livelihood because he can no longer work in law enforcement. So not only did Johnny Sutton put him in prison, but has cost him a portion of his future as well.
I ask for all Americans out there now who have been touched by the stories of these injustices to please donate to help Gary get back on his feet.
Below is word of Gary's current struggle as passed on to me by Danny Smith of American Freedom Riders and reprinted with permission.
Videos of an interview from Hold Their Feet To The Fire and a speeches made by Gary in support of Ramos and Compean and telling his story can be found at the bottom of this entry.
10 - 8 - 07 From the American Freedom Riders - Danny Smith
Important - Please pass this on to everyone you know, and post it on any website you so desire.
Urgent plea for help for ex BP agent Gary Brugman......the first Johnny Sutton victim.
On February I received a call from a U.S. Congresman's office. I was asked if I would follow up on an important story of which the American public was totally unaware. The story concerned an ex Border Patrol agent who had been sent to prison years earlier under circumstances strikingly similar to the case of agents Ramos and Compean. I heard only a few sentences before I realized this was an assignment I would readily accept. I was given the phone number of Gary Brugman.
When Gary answered the phone I explained how I came across his number and that I was the co-founder of an Arizona biker group, the American Freedom Riders, which was making a serious effort to expose the malicious prosecution of other border law enforcement officers. I explained to him that I believed the details of his case would serve as tremendously helpful evidence of a pattern of unethical practices by the El Paso U.S. Attorney. In the first few minutes of our conversation I learned that Gary had been riding Harleys for many years, and a foundation for mutual trust was laid. His concern over repercussions from the man who convicted him, U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton, was evident in that first conversation, and still exists today. He promised me, however, that he would do everything he could to help agents Ramos and Compean, and he has kept that promise. That conversation was the beginning of our friendship, a friendship which is now strong and lasting.

Gary Brugman possesses uncommon courage and I am so proud of him. Publicly supporting and defending other agents while still on probation is a frightening activity when you consider the unethical and malicious practices we have seen displayed by Sutton and the Department of Justice. The possibility of being returned to prison as revenge, on some trumped up violation, is very real to Gary - and terrifying. Try to imagine taping magazines to your body every day in the hope of mitigating a fatal knife attack which could come at any time, from any direction. Try to imagine the terror of wondering every day if you will still be alive that night. Just try. Try to imagine the confusion and disappointment in your mind from knowing that you were in this position simply because you did your job as you were sworn to do.
The exposure of his case was instrumental in proving a pattern of false prosecution by Johnny Sutton. It caused previously skeptical people around the country to stop and think, and begin to realize that an agenda and pattern of false prosecution actually did exist. The incredible details of his case energized everyone, including members of Congress, to renew their quest for justice for subsequently convicted agents Ramos and Compean. We will never know the full value of Gary's decision to step forward and tell his story, but we do know that it is has been enormous.
In defense of agents Ramos, Compean, and Deputy Hernandez, he has appeared on national television talk shows from Bill O'Reilly to Glenn Beck. On countless radio shows from from Roger Hedgecock to Edd Hendee to G. Gordon Liddy, he has recounted his own experience as truthful evidence of what Johnny Sutton is capable of. He has both energized and intensified the nationwide demand for an investigation into the malicious treatment of border law enforcement officers. He has made a difference!
Gary's entire career has been spent in military service for our country and law enforcement and then, thanks to Johnny Sutton, he lost his wife, his home, and everything he had ever worked for. On top of this, he spent two years in federal prisons in constant fear for his life. I suggest to you that none of us can begin to imagine the fear, despair, disappointment, and futility that Gary Brugman has experienced because he dared to uphold his oath to defend our country.
Still, as the enclosed U-tube video from Phoenix on September 8, 2007 shows, he has the courage to stand on the front line of defense for his fellow agents in an unselfish attempt to spare them the life threatening and devastating experience he suffered. Our country could use a lot more patriots with the strength and honor of Gary Brugman.
Today, not to mention rebuilding his personal life, Gary faces the daunting challenge of creating a new and productive career. His chosen profession of law inforcement has been stolen from him because of his felony conviction. Thank you, Johnny Sutton. He lives alone in an apartment, is going to college, and working part time as much as possible to make ends meet, and I have never heard a single complaint from him.
When I asked him to come to Phoenix to assist in our benefit for Nacho Ramos he said yes with no hesitation whatsoever. While I knew money was an issue to him, I did not know at the time that he was behind on his rent and eating Top Ramen noodles to survive. He put the $345 air fare on an overloaded credit card and he showed up without a single mention of the hardship. He has always shown up!
Now it is our turn to show up for Gary Brugman. The American Freedom Riders do not have a donate button on our website as most organizations do. We have limited financial resources. We are simply patriotic Americans struggling to preserve the sovereignty of our great nation. Now we are asking for help - help for Gary Brugman.
I recently learned that Gary has the opportunity to purchase a Snap-on Tools franchise. A proven career opportunity which is a perfect fit for his energetic and outgoing personality. As a competent mechanic, his product knowledge is more than sufficient to eliminate lengthy training time. This opportunity is tailor-made for Gary and he would be productive immediately. The American Freedom Riders are asking you to join with us to make it possible for Gary to take advantage of this opportunity.
Snap-on also recognizes Gary's qualities which would make him successful and a valuable member of their company. They want him and they are willing to make every possible concession to enable Gary to qualify but, as always, there is a bottom line. That bottom line is a $40,000. This is a lot of money, but surely there are 400 appreciative patriots in this country who can afford to contribute $100. Surely out of millions of American citizens who understand the sacrifice Gary has made and the ordeal he has suffered, there are 2000 patriots who can afford to contribute what they would spend going out to dinner on just one night of their life. The American Freedom Riders sincerely appeal to you to show Gary Brugman that we recognize and appreciate his service and sacrifice. Any amount you send will be helpful and appreciated.
This payment would put Gary in business immediately. It includes the specialized truck, inventory, insurance, and territory with excellent potential. It includes everything he needs to use this opportunity to create a new life, a life with hope and dreams again. His immediate reaction when I told him we were going to make this request was to say that he never expected any help. But, then, that's just the way Gary is; he has never asked for anything. The American Freedom Riders solemnly appeal to you now - let’s make this work for Gary.
Please view this U-tube video of Gary speaking at the Nacho Ramos benefit in Phoenix on September 8th. You judge the kind of man Gary is: Click for Video
Please also read Gary's detailed accounting of the events which led up to his conviction. It is difficult to believe, but it was written by Gary himself and it is true: Click for Gary's Story
Below are instructions for helping Gary recover and rebuild his life. Your contribution is not tax deductible, but then, neither is the ordeal that Gary continues to endure. Keep in mind that every single penny donated will go to directly to Gary - every single penny! All correspondence included will be treated as private and confidential and will also go to directly to Gary. Please do it now. If you wish to receive a response from Gary, please include your email address, and be patient. (Please do not email the AFR for progress reports as they will periodically be posted on the AFR website).
Make checks payable to: Gary Brugman
Address the envelope as follows:
Gary Brugman
5886 De Zavala Road, Suite 102 #186
San Antonio, Texas 78249
On behalf of Gary Brugman and the American Freedom Riders - thank you for your generosity.
Danny Smith
American Freedom Riders
American Freedom Riders © 2006-2007 All contents copyrighted. All rights reserved.
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