Jackie Shogan is running for Superior Court in Pennsylvania and gave a speech last night at the Berks County GOP dinner in Reading, Pennsylvania. Her speech is below along with other video from the event. Of particular note is the presentation of a plaque to Ray Bostard and a drawing to Mayor Lou Barletta, but I personally thought the little girl who sang to all of the veterans and first responders in the room took the cake. She's so damn cute!
 Marge and Alice Rode Up With Us |
I have already completed my other posts on the Berks County GOP dinner, including
my interview with Mayor Lou Barletta and
Mayor Lou Barletta's speech and question and answer session, so this will be the last of my posts on the dinner last night.
 Ray Bostard Receives Plaque |
Ray Bostard received a plaque for his distinguished service for the Republican committee. Ray is really a nice guy and I've hung out with him a few times, including at a protest rally in downtown Philly at the Mexican Consulate
in support of Border Patrol Agents Ramos and Compean a few months ago.
 Panorama shot - Click image to enlarge |
 RNC Chair Mark Gillen and Mayor Lou Barletta talking politics |
 Panorama shot - Click to enlarge |
Mayor Lou Barletta |
Below is Jackie Shogan's speech and the video with the little girl singing.
Jackie Shogan's speech:
Crowd walk-through, little girl singing and other events at the dinner: