Vicente Fox, I'm sure, didn't expect a hundred or so people to show up protesting his presence in America giving speeches, but that's just what he got last night as patriotic Americans flooded the street across from the FM Kirby center in downtown Wilkes-Barre PA, just down the street from Hazleton.
I attended the pre-rally along with Ruth of Illegal Protest and Marge and Alice of PA4ICE.
Things kicked off in the Ramada Wilkes-Barre Tiffany Ballroom. The rally was organized by Voice of the People USA and the ballroom was provided by 9-11 Families for a Secure America.
We got going a bit late and after the speeches by Frank Scavo and Dan Smeriglio, we were running too late for the other speakers, myself included. So we got our signs ready and headed out to the FM Kirby Center across the street.
It was a cool night with a slight wind. There was a minor police presence that would later prove to be lackadaisical in the way they ran things. Granted we were happy to have their presence, but several times they disappeared from the scene.
 Wilkes University was proud to present Vicente Fox |
Wilkes University should be ashamed of themselves for inviting this corrupt leader to speak under their banner.
The diversity of the crowd ranged from young to old, from black to white. The claims that our group is racist simply cannot stand if you have read any actual coverage of these rallies put together by myself or others. It is definitely representative of every group in America that stands against illegal immigration and against corrupt leaders like Vicente Fox. So now I present to you some shots of the patriots at the event.
The news showed up and interviewed Dan Smeriglio of Voice of the People USA
Shouts at the event ranged from "No To Fox" to "Go Home Fox" to "We're giving you a Revolution of Nope" referring to the book that Vicente Fox is promoting called "Revolution of Hope", which espouses the removal of borders between the US and Mexico and the continued flood of illegal aliens into this country.
Several of our patriots actually did go to the speech by Vicente Fox. They walked up, bought tickets and went in. Bruce DeCell of 9-11 Families for a Secure America was quickly singled out by those at the speech and he was told he had to leave or he would be arrested, even though he didn't say or do anything.
Others reported back that the speech was ridiculous with some Mexican music and Fox making some kind of little joke play with his wife who was in the audience and her cell phone. Calling her or something like that. He called for a "bridge of love" to be built between the US and Mexico. His speech was supposed to be to promote his new book, but according to reports it quickly descended into just rants on illegal immigration with Fox at one point declaring that he is against people coming here illegally.
I guess us patriots outside had a little to do with him feeling he had to counter our valid points we were making outside by addressing the issue with his false rhetoric.
Back outside we were having a ball. There really is nothing like attending these rallies and shouting with your fellow countrymen. If you haven't been to a rally what are you waiting for?
There were really no illegal aliens and their supporters protesting against us. There was one kid with a Mexican flag dancing around, but the majority of them were inside with "their leader".
The anarchists however did show up. Well fake anarchists anyway as most of them appeared about 16 years old and really didn't know what they were talking about. Several patriots were yelling back at them, but it really is fruitless. I approached one kid who was standing next to a cop. I engaged him in a pretty civil discussion. I saw his eyes light up a few times when I pointed out some of the flaws in his beliefs. I honestly believe that many of these kids haven't been approached with rational thought and facts on the issue.
 The "Anarchists" |
After about a 5 minute discussion where neither of us were yelling or making threats the police for some reason thought this would be a good time to end our talk. One cop turned around and smiled at me and said "Thanks for that", but the other cop turned to me as I walked away and said "You're not going to change their minds". I wholeheartedly beg to differ! Most of these kids have grown up in one town. They've never been out of their area. They certainly haven't been to a third-world country as I have. I honestly believe that that young man will think about some of the things I said to him whether he believes them or not. At least he'll think.
At least half of these "Anarchists" were little teenage girls who seemed to just sit by and titter when their "boyfriend" yelled some insult or vulgarity at us. The immaturity was palpable.
We continued on with people manning the bullhorn continuously. I took it up for a bit calling for freedom for our border agents that Fox had a hand in calling for their prosecution and calling for the closing of borders and that Americans come first and for Fox to go home and tell his people how to fix their own country rather than spreading his ridiculousness here.
Yes, my voice is a little gone today. I have a habit of going overboard. I now sound like a male Marge Simpson. A small price to pay though.
Oh the wrath bestowed on those attending the Fox speech. They got an earful and more as they waited outside to buy tickets or go inside. Most were dressed in suits and ties. Definitely the elitists who are benefiting from illegal immigration. The rest that were attending were bussed in from outside the area. Obviously Fox doesn't have many supporters in this area other than the ones making money off of this issue.
Fox arrived in a limo and our crowd started a continuous chant of "Fox Go Home" for a good long time and then "USA".
As the event preceded the cops seemed to actually disperse and wander away. The "anarchist" punks were still standing there where the police had put them, yet weren't separated from us in any way. A recipe for confrontation.
The "anarchists" came into our crowd and there was a lot of fronting going on between a few anarchists and patriots, yet nothing came to blows. The cops were nowhere to be found and didn't come back for a good 5 minutes after the confrontation started. Eventually when they got there they hauled away one kid who had repeatedly ignored their directions and arrested him.
The rain started coming down and yet we persevered, something I'm sure Vicente Fox would never do for "his people". One lady there had her baby in a baby carrier and was standing in the rain outside the Fox speech. She got quite an earful from those on our side for keeping her baby out in the rain. Probably one more child American taxpayers will have to pay for when she has to take it to the Emergency Room with a cold for keeping it out in the cold rain.
The rally ran from 7-10PM, an hour after the scheduled end time. We were all awaiting the traitorous people coming out of the Fox speech. And they got a big earful upon leaving. From "you wasted your money" to "how does it feel to support a corrupt leader" to "you should be ashamed you bunch of slave owners" the people coming out visibly had their heads down, as they should have. The most vicious shouts at the people leaving came from the Latinos among us who see Fox as the biggest traitor alive.
And once again one of our own made the poor decision to walk around outside near the "anarchist" thugs after the rally. It is a shame that you can't walk around in America without being assaulted, but that is exactly what happened to Jim. He was jumped by 3 or 4 "anarchist" punks. One punched him in the face and he punched him back, but was then hit from behind with a skateboard.
The police once again proved incompetent as they apparently wouldn't take eyewitness testimony as to which punks it was without having pictures. Several patriots went with Jim to the police station with pictures. I don't know the results of that complaint yet, but will report back when I find out further information.
Overall this rally was a success. Those attending the Fox speech visibly showed their shame. We had our say and apparently Fox heard us as his speech focused more on our issue than on his book sales. I am proud and glad to have attended it and haven't felt this good about an event since Washington DC.
(Video is below)
Video of Wilkes-Barre protest against Vicente Fox (yes, that is me on the bullhorn about halfway through):
Other Commentary:
Ruth at Illegal Protest
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Posted by Digger on November 6, 2007 08:45 PM (Permalink)
Dan, your email link is not working. I need to let you know that some of your info about Jim Picard's attack is incorrect, and we need it to be reflected accurately. Please email me ASAP so we can get the facts straight (he dictated his encounter to me and I wrote it for him on the police report, so I do have the information you need). Thanks so much!!
Posted by: corhanem on November 7, 2007 02:25 PM
Good work Digger. You are a great activist. And I hope that if anyone called you a racist, you replied that you are a culturist!!!
Posted by: culturist on November 8, 2007 11:01 PM
Digger this post was riveting! Wow! It shows the American spirit and what people can do when they gather together.
Posted by: Jude on December 2, 2007 12:34 PM
Where are the comments of those who disagree with your viewpoint?
Posted by: JQPublic on January 7, 2008 04:09 PM
you like to say that there is no racist motives behind these rallies.
then in the picture there is a racists with a sign that says "Mr.Fox go back to mexico and take your crimeliens with you." sure, thats not racism.
one drunk hispanic kills a white woman; its a freaking epidemic. America is being invaded. We are being over run by criminals.
One drunk WHITE american kills a hispanic woman; o that person was just a rotten apple, one in a million.
not racism. yea right.
Posted by: THISISRACISM on February 5, 2008 07:01 PM