I am for legal immigration and I want the borders closed, especially from illegals. But you are a victim of the left/right paradigm. Who is in control? George W. Bush. He like Nancy Pelosi want an open border so that the multinational corporations can exploit the Mexicans, Canadians, French, German (yes there are white illegals too)for their cheap labor. And by using them to manufacture goods, why should they pay Americans...no, citizens of the United States a decent wage with benefits, when corporation you shop at like Wal-Mart and other non-union stores hire illegals, exploit them and eventually call the ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) to deport the illegals after their work is done. And the U.S. citizens they do hire, they lay off and have them on welfare. again, the Bush Crime Family and the Clinton Crime Family are banking off the sweat of illegals. Does the Republican National Committee care about Americans? No. Why? Because they endorsed and supported a fascist dictator who would give Amnesty to illegals. Another person who did this and caused an influx of illegals was former President Ronald Reagan. And the amnesty was NOT just for Mexicans.
NY Times
The so-called liberal commies never allowed amnesty. So prior to 1980s, was there an immigration problem? Not really but when Reagan allowed amnesty, illegals came in droves to become citizens. it was /is the party you support, the Republicans who support illegals. The conservatives, along with the communists who want this New World Order. Except for one Republican and that's Dr. Ron Paul and one Democrat: Dennis Kucinich.
Please keep up this bad behavior, it only shows that your stupid cause is without grounds, and is made up of left wing socialists who want to turn the USA into a 3rd world garbage can like Mexico.
Posted by: Ken Dreger at November 13, 2007 10:54 AM
If you're calling the people wanting amnesty bad and evil people, you know commies and lefties, then you're attacking the wrong people. The people to go after are the:
Council on Foreign Relations
Tri-Lateral commission
and other elite organizations that create that left-right party. Do you REALLY want to stop the flow of illegal immigration? Do you REALLY want citizens other than people who have green cards, visas and other legal documents to work here? Do you really want the borders secured with out a militarized zone, thus violating the Constitution and Habeus Corpus? Undo the Reagan tax cuts, and do what conservatives and liberal speakers recommended, speakers like:
Alex Jones
Jim Marrs
Frosty Woolridge
Mike Malloy
Thom Hartmann
Randi Rhodes
Had said: don't go after the illegals and deport them, go after the businesses that hire them. As Woolridge said, "If you close Disneyland down, people will go home." Have the business owners arrested. Then after they learn that you will be fined millions of dollars and imprisoned, what business will run the risk of losing everything? None. because they hired the illegals to save money. Fine them and imprison them, they will not hire illegals. And with no jobs, the illegals will return home to their native lands. Educate yourself folks and realize that the president we have in office does not care about you.