/ November 19, 2007 06:11 AM |
Catholics must keep in mind that they must stand with illegal aliens when voting or they could go to hell. The US Conference of Catholic Bishops have released a statement called "Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship" (PDF) with 90 or so demands that US Catholics must think about with the upcoming election.
Nestled in there is number 83 on their list of demands. It includes the demand that Catholics must care for and stand with illegal aliens, give amnesty to illegal aliens, bring the families of illegal aliens here from their home country and all illegal aliens and their families be allowed to use our provided public programs.
Remember folks, if you don't agree with the Catholic Bishop's decree you may be burning in a pit of hell for all eternity.
83. The Gospel mandate to “welcome the stranger” requires Catholics to care for and stand with immigrants, both documented and undocumented, including immigrant children. Comprehensive reform is urgently necessary to fix a broken immigration system and should include a temporary work program with worker protections and a path to permanent residency; family reunification policies; a broad and fair legalization program; access to legal protections, including due process and essential public programs; refuge for those fleeing persecution and exploitation; and policies to address the root causes of migration. The right and responsibility of nations to control their borders and to maintain the rule of law should be recognized.
The last sentence above is completely laughable after the preceding paragraph of absolute amnesty for foreign invaders written before it. Jake at the Freedom Folks goes one better though and calls it outright Socialism and points out that they also call for public funding for private religious schools like Catholic schools.
... why is anyone affiliated with this socialist organization? This isn’t a religious organization anymore, not by a long shot. This is just one more smelly socialist organization looking to suck at the gubmint tit and squander tax dollars.
The burn in hell part is under number 38.
38. It is important to be clear that the political choices faced by citizens not only have an impact on general peace and prosperity but also may affect the individual’s salvation
Does anyone really take the Catholic church serious anymore when they issue a list of demands that their followers must adhere to that are totally unrelated to religion in any way? What a "pathway to citizenship" in the United States has to do with the Bible is beyond me.
... And don't even get me started on the priest sex scandal and Cardinal Mahony.
Tipped by: Hot Air (via Freedom Folks)

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Posted by Digger on November 19, 2007 06:11 AM (Permalink)
Holy Crap is what that is.
Posted by: Tim on November 19, 2007 08:33 AM
Well, isn't that interesting, support criminal immigration and arms and drug smugglers, or go to Hell. Is it any wonder people are losing their respect for religion? Maybe these priests should go back to their child molestation and leave the law to those who think.
Posted by: Ross on November 21, 2007 06:48 PM
We need to remember the basic outlines of history. Rome ruled the mediterranian for 600 years. Then the Catholic church took over from 500 - 1500ad. In the 16th century nations emerged. Part of what they used to rise was the renaissance. The renaissance was based on remembering not only Greek knowledge, but local history. Part of crafting French autonomy was official historians recovering and trumpeting, and creating, French history.
Nations did not rise out of nowhere, they were a response to Catholic hegemony. This was not a historic coincidence. Nations rising required fighting for sovereignty from the church.
When the Church says borders should be ignored, they know what they are doing. The Church has a long memory and its leaders are VERY well educated. They know this is a direct assault on our national soveriegnty and what the implications of that are. They envision Church universal again having dominion. This can only happen when there is no competing power.
It is wonderful to have many Catholic citizens. They are every bit as wonderful as the non-Catholics. But we, like the Catholic heirarchy must remember - Rome, the Catholic headquarters rose when Rome, the empire, fell.
Knowing basic history is key to being successful culturists.
Posted by: John Press on November 22, 2007 09:31 AM
Well the catholik church is willing to speak for everybody in order to get more believers, as long as they don't have to pay for anybody. Do you have any idea how much money the churches in Germany get from the state? More than 20 Billion Euro each year.
Posted by: Browserspiel on November 24, 2007 02:20 PM
Catholics are the ones going to hell. The gospel clearly states render unto Ceasar that which is Ceasars and render unto God that which is Gods. You can help "stranger" who follow the law. The Gospel never mentions anything about aiding criminality, nor does any other religion in the world.
Posted by: Bobby on November 25, 2007 03:49 PM
Well, it seems that your article post mentioning catholic leaders speaking on a non-dogma purely politicial matter has brought out the religious bigots here. THIS IS NOT A CATHOLIC THING! THIS IS NOT A CATHOLIC THING! THIS IS NOT A CATHOLIC THING!
Those that make this distinct immigration law violation matter a phony catholic matter are closet anti-catholic bigots. Drop the catholic angle, there is NO room for religious or racial bigotry in this matter. That is a smoke screen to cloud the real issue and is a dodge to not discuss this matter in a rational manner. THIS IS NOT A CATHOLIC THING!
The Catholic church does NOT officially accept this matter and neither do a majority of it's catholic parishoners. A poll was taken of catholic parishioners, and it said that 85% of them did not accept illegal aliens & any sick catholic church leaders media lies. Only some rogue church leaders with a racial/political agenda have mis-used their leadership job to rant about this self-serving immigration issue. (I would also like to point out that the same church group were the same ones that covered up the pedofile matter for decades! Got credibility ?...NO!)
They have no law degree to speak well informed about this matter. It's just another uninformed opinion from another biased source of little real consequence to knowledgable people, just like me writing this responsive post.
BTW: The present day religious 'Santuctary Movement' is made up of protestant, muslim, jewish, catolic and baptist church beliefs. Look it up!
This is about THE LAW!
I do believe that if some of the catholic church leaders wish to step into the politiical area like this; their non-taxible federal exempt status show be reviewed and revolked by the IRS. They are mis-using their organizations from being a spiritual one into a political action committees (PACs). The federal govt, should enforce and regulate them just like any other PACs.
This article only pisses off the huge numbers of US citizen catholics that support the immediate full enforcement of our immigration laws.
Posted by: Stopanticatholicbigotry on November 27, 2007 08:19 PM
So how come Catholics aren't out there speaking out against these lunatics in your organization making statements as if they were made by all Catholics?
The same thing is happening with terrorists under the mantle of Islam. The lack of Catholics marching and demanding that these "leaders" be removed from their positions speaks volumes, just as a lack of Muslims speaking out against terrorists using Islam speaks volumes. The fact that people like Cardinal Mahony in LA are still in positions of power after covering up the rapes of young men by priests, speaks many more volumes than you can imagine.
If you don't want someone to hijack your religion TAKE ACTION and stop trying to put the blame on those of us reporting what they are stating is the Catholic position. As if it's my fault for reporting that Catholic Bishops are stating that not supporting illegal aliens is a sin that can condemn you to hell.
Posted by: Digger on November 27, 2007 10:49 PM
"May affect Salvation". Where do you get "Going to Hell From"?? Talk about shouting WOLF. You should write for the Kremlin............
Posted by: Irishboy on November 28, 2007 09:57 AM
hey Digger,
Let me respond to you directly...
D-"So how come Catholics aren't out there speaking out against these lunatics in your organization making statements as if they were made by all Catholics?"
Repeating since you are overlooking these facts...The Catholic church does NOT officially accept this matter and neither do a majority of it's catholic parishoners. A poll
was taken of catholic parishioners, and it said that 85% of them did not accept illegal aliens & any sick catholic church leaders media lies. Grassroots Catholics are speaking out in many ways and in many organizations. Last time I checked, when joining groups like SOS, we didn't have to show a catholic membership card. WE are there, too!
D-"The same thing is happening with terrorists under the mantle of Islam. The lack of Catholics marching and demanding that these "leaders" be removed from their positions speaks volumes, just as a lack of Muslims speaking out against terrorists using Islam speaks volumes. The fact that people like Cardinal Mahony in LA are still in positions of power after covering up the rapes of young men by priests, speaks many more volumes than you can imagine."
There are many muslim groups that have been in the news as speaking out against the terrorists as well as several presidential candidates during the televised debates. I suggest your google 'Muslims against terrorism'. It was grassoots CATHOLICS that brought up the pedofile court cases and won. The church is a religious organization, not a democratic political one. Many other religious organizations as well as the Catholic church, officials are not voted into office by the parishioners. They are appointed.
D-"If you don't want someone to hijack your religion TAKE ACTION and stop trying to put the blame on those of us reporting what they are stating is the Catholic position. As if it's my fault for reporting that Catholic Bishops are stating that not supporting illegal aliens is a sin that can condemn you to hell."
I find it very laughable that someone so ignorant and religiously bigoted is ordering me about such religious matters that they have no real knowledge about this topic. Again grassroots catholics don't have to obey political edicts about illgal immigrants or other such non-dogma matters. That's the beauty of the catholic religion. We have free will on such political matters, as I said before in my previous post.--The Catholic church does NOT officially accept this matter and neither do a majority of it's catholic parishoners.--
Everytime you attack catholics for their beliefs you are only losing any real credibity. That is the view of crackpots and koolaide drinkers and bigots. Enjoy you hatred of others.
Posted by: stopanticatholicbigotry on November 30, 2007 12:09 AM
Your points are valid until the end.
Number 1, I attended a Christian school for a good portion of my early school life, so your assertion that I have no knowledge of religion, The Bible or Christianity is flawed.
Everytime you attack catholics for their beliefs you are only losing any real credibity. That is the view of crackpots and koolaide drinkers and bigots. Enjoy you hatred of others.
So only crackpots, Kool-Aid drinkers and bigots can question the statements of religious leaders and the churches they represent? That statement in itself shows a closed minded view and hurts your credibility not mine. I'm sorry if you find it bigoted because I disagree with the statements of a religious group of leaders that is trying to impose its views on the whole of the American people by telling its followers that they are going to go to hell.
Who is the Kool-Aid drinker here? Someone who thinks for themselves based on facts, statistics and the betterment of the country? Or some religious leaders who think there needs to be threats of damnation to get their viewpoints through, which are not for the betterment of the country, but for their specific religious sect?
If you want to beat around the bush and claim that Catholics aren't bad because they received a civil judgment against child raping priests, fine, but these people with a judgment against them are still in positions of power, have suffered in no way and are not in jail where they belong.
Civil lawsuits for child rape...pffft...
Posted by: Digger on November 30, 2007 12:24 AM
"BTW: The present day religious 'Santuctary Movement' is made up of protestant, muslim, jewish, catolic and baptist church beliefs. Look it up!
This is about THE LAW!"
Umm.. the Sanctuary Movement is about THWARTING THE LAW it is not THE LAW. Just because it is made up of many different religions does not excuse the fact that these groups are openly sheltering criminals and felons in the name of "helping immigrants". If the churches truly wanted to help immigrants, they would help their home countries treat them better. I have nothing against helping people in need, but right after they give them some blankets and a hot bowl of soup, they should be making sure they are heading back from whence they came instead of continuing to shelter them in a foreign country. Are these churches saying that these people are REFUGEES? If so then they are saying Mexico is an enemy of this country and it's about time we should ALL see Mexico in that light.
Posted by: Ruthiness on November 30, 2007 12:33 AM
Digger, Irishboy, stopanticatholic bigotry None of you are all right or all wrong. Catholic bishops are the "shepherds" of the Catholic Church. If they take a moral position which is not in agreement with church teachings, they create confusion and dissent among many Catholics and they, as members of the hierarchy, have an obligation to "get it right". Yet the laity are not in total agreement with every teaching either. To stopanticatholic bigotry I ask, "Do you believe that the 95% or so who receive Communion at Sunday Masses have followed the Church's commandment to confess sins at least once a year? Are all of them abstaining from artificial birth control?
Etc, etc. In other words, are they all "worthy" to receive this sacrament? I doubt it. When John Kerry,
for one, can receive Communion, that says a lot.
I don't know how many bishops, archbishops and cardinals covered up for pedophile priests. Also, I don't know how many, if any, Catholics, left the church as a result. (I wonder if ANY of the parents of the victims have remained in the church.) IMO
every one of these "princes of the Church" should have been ousted upon proof.
Posted by: Harmony on November 30, 2007 04:02 AM
I find it laughable that Digger is now talking about christians when this thread started attacking catholics....Alittle backpedaling and changing the question at hand? That is a sign of an intellectually bankrupt person's thinking.
It's a real shame you can't be happy for some justice coming for those victims of pedofiles in the civil cases. The victims accepted the settlement, I'll agree with them on that. Got empathy?
Don't take my comments out of context here. This whole matter is about obeying established The Law not about religious beliefs. That is what I said. get your hatred under control. No one will take you seriously in your bigotry. THIS IS NOT A CATHOLIC THING!
Posted by: stopanticatholicbigotry on November 30, 2007 06:08 PM