An East Bakersfield, CA veteran is so fed up with illegal aliens destroying his community and his property that he has posted a sign in his front yard that says "Wetback Go Back". As you'll see in the news report below they put up a banner under the sign that says "racist sign", yet the fact is that the veteran is Hispanic. Slanted news coverage? They put the banner up written as a statement, not a question (i.e. "racist sign?")
As you'll see in the interview with David Garcia below there is nothing racist about the sign. He realizes that illegal aliens in his community are destroying its fabric and his property and he wants the law enforced. Sure wetback can be considered an insult to some, particularly illegal aliens, but it is not a statement against all Latinos, just the illegal ones.
Tipped by reader Lone Wolf.
Apparently President Eisenhower was also a racist when he implemented "Operation Wetback" in the 1950s.
Is it insensitive to point out freedom of speech allows us to say wetbacks go home LEGALLY? It is amazing that people are upset by rudeness but jumping the border is perfectly acceptable.
Perhaps the news report should focus on illegal aliens and not legal signage.
Posted by: ken pope on December 9, 2007 04:58 AM
Would it be racist to have a sign in your yard that read, "Criminals Go Away"? There's no difference. Illegal alien work and services thieves are criminals, plain and simple.
Posted by: Anonymous12.23.08 on December 23, 2008 03:30 PM
The law of immigration should do something about it there so many here in Arvin Ca that you cant seem too walk up the streets or to the store because there standing around and doing nothing but thinking that every chick that walk they think we are prostutes and pulling out there money and saying how much and this is located at the public parks in Arvin and it scare me to walk alone and watching my back all the time there was 3 illegal aliens following me from the Di Giorgio park in Arvin Ca I feel unsecure and unsafe. This show be investigate and be done with because we just dont know what can happen to a inncocent person Thank you
Posted by: Terry on February 4, 2010 03:39 PM