/ December 19, 2007 07:19 AM |
(Columbus, Ohio) For the fifth straight year, a high school Spanish teacher has assigned her students a three-week project to devise a workable plan for a Latino to sneak into the U.S., plus find shelter and food to survive. Try it legally, Erica Vieyra told her 40 senior Spanish students at Olentangy Liberty High School. Fill out the correct documents, follow the proper steps. And then, after they spent days completing the actual paperwork from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, she took out her red ink pad and stamped a big, fat DENIED across every request.
Now, she told the students, come illegally. Forge your documents, find a way across the border. Then, research real ads and find a place to live in Columbus. Figure out what it would cost, how to get food. Plan how to survive.
The students had to go to real businesses and ask for Spanish-language job applications. They had to visit a bank and ask for new-account documents written in Spanish.
Vieyra promised them that the process -- even in make-believe -- would frustrate them. But they would gain, she hoped, an understanding of what is one of the most important political and humanitarian issues facing the U.S. government today. Kind of one-sided, I'd say. After all, instead of having the students simulate being generic, non-descript Latinos, Vieyra could have them pretend to be MS-13 gang members sneaking into the U.S. to develop crime networks.
Alternatively, Vieyra could have the students imagine themselves as intelligence operatives for Venezuelan marxist thug Hugo Chavez, charged with infiltrating the U.S. government to conduct espionage.
However, it's not to be. Vieyra's teaching of the Spanish language has taken a back seat to propagandizing the students with her leftist political beliefs. She cautions, though, that she's not trying to influence the students, rather just teach them "a little empathy."
As such, I'd recommend renaming the course from "Spanish V" to "Empathy for Illegal Aliens in the U.S."
Tipped by a very unhappy Olentangy Schools taxpayer.

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Posted by Mike Pechar on December 19, 2007 07:19 AM (Permalink)
I am a student of Vierya's class and I must say nothing that you present here is accurate and is completely asinine and one-sided. She NEVER once stated her political views. She gave us information on both sides to form our own opinion. I can tell you right now that every student in our class has a differing idea.
Keep in mind we did have to go through a legal process not just illegal. And I must tell you, I am against illegal immigration. She did not brainwash us into her own political views. All of your statements are completely biased and one-sided to an issue you know nothing about.
In English you learn about how to speak and grammer structure but you also learn about themes. Spanish is the same way, meaning you learn about the language, themes and culture. Do you know that there is some 15 billion dollars illegals pay into social security and never see a dime? Do you know that their are millions of illegal immigrants here right now?
No. Get your facts straight, you might learn something.
Posted by: Anonymous on December 19, 2007 09:39 AM
"Do you know that their are millions of illegal immigrants here right now?" Uuuugghh!!! Really? What a surprise! The constant propaganda of the open borders crowd does affect the young and mentally feeble, sorry to say. And these people are not immigrants, they are illegal foreign nationals or, to use an immigration term, illegal aliens.
If the teacher really wants to challenge the class have the class lobby congress for years to enforce US immigration laws.
I'm sure burglary is more difficult than it seems. Why not have the class plan a burglary to develop empathy for the hungry burglar, after all, burglars need to eat, too.
To the above comment: do you know that the US has the right to admit who we want in this country, that to demand entrance is a criminal sense of entitlement? Do you know that Mexico has the right to decide who is invited into Mexico? Do you know that the vast majority of Mexican citizens here illegally don't speak english as required, just as Mexico demands it's (legal) immigrants speak spanish?
Too many people coming at once, all speaking the same language, lends itself to a lack of assimilation. But our government need not explain itself, it is enough that our laws be respected. The DENIED red stamp has a reason behind it.
Hey, how about 300 million Americans fill out a Mexican immigration application and act surprised when 299 and 3/4 million are denied; my how hateful and racist.
You say there is misrepresentation on this website. I have an open mind, explain; I doubt you can do better than LaRaza. Man, I am so tired of this s***.
Posted by: ken pope on December 20, 2007 11:55 AM
To Anonymous,
50 people have shown up at your house and have requested entry into the house. They tell you that they have asked before and from past experience they expect you to say they can't come in.
Class assignment: Make a plan to get into the house.
Posted by: ken pope on December 20, 2007 12:04 PM
"Do you know that there is some 15 billion dollars illegals pay into social security and never see a dime?"
There is a way to avoid this injustice. Stay in your home country. And the users of this web site know nothing of this issue and you haven't been brainwashed? The proof is in the pudding, the results speak for themselves.
That your teacher may have physically said it is up to you to decide was simply a lie to cover herself. You are a victim of, and the result of, propaganda.
"Fill out the correct documents, follow the proper steps. And then, after they spent days completing the actual paperwork from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, she took out her red ink pad and stamped a big, fat DENIED across every request.
Now, she told the students, come illegally."
At this point your teacher should have told you to respect the laws/decision of a sovereign nation, not to come illegally.
Posted by: ken pope on December 20, 2007 12:14 PM
There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools, no special ballots for elections; all government business will be conducted in our language.
Foreigners will NOT have the right to vote no matter how long they are here.
Foreigners will NEVER be able to hold political office.
Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers. No welfare, no food stamps, no health care, or other government assistance programs.
Foreigners can invest in this country, but it must be an amount equal to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage.
If foreigners do come and want to buy land that will be okay, BUT options will be restricted. You are not allowed waterfront property. That is reserved for citizens naturally born into this country.
Foreigners may not protest; no demonstrations, no waving a foreign flag, no political organizing, no bad-mouthing our president or his policies, if you do you will be sent home.
If you do come to this country illegally, you will be hunted down and sent straight to jail.
Harsh, you say?.................
The above laws happen to be the immigration laws of
" MEXICO " !
Posted by: George Parker on December 20, 2007 01:21 PM
George Parker,
Before you spout off about "immigration laws" in Mexico, please learn them. Uneducated responses to posts only solidifies the belief that the mentally handicapped need to see their name onscreen. The "laws" you quote as being real came from a white supremist handbook.
Posted by: Bigflogger on December 21, 2007 06:50 AM
To Bigflogger, okay you tell us. What are Mexico's immigration laws? From what I have gleaned from internet searches George Parker seems to be in the ballpark.
"Uneducated responses to posts only solidifies the belief that the mentally handicapped need to see their name onscreen."
Uh, does that include you? Are you a trespassing supporter, too? If you want to get into the 1492/1848 BS we can get into that, too.
As for the mentally handicapped, illegal aliens don't seem to get the message; go home, you are not welcome here.
Posted by: ken pope on December 21, 2007 06:07 PM
"In English you learn about how to speak and grammer structure but you also learn about themes. Spanish is the same way, meaning you learn about the language, themes and culture."
Dear student, "grammer" is spelled grammar. And exactly the point. English speaking culture is being raped by Spanish speaking culture, and in an unapproved way.
Posted by: ken pope on December 21, 2007 06:10 PM
"The "laws" you quote as being real came from a white supremist handbook."
Well, at least they are American citizen white supremisists. Illegals shouldn't be concerned with American citizen opinions, they should just go home and complain where the evil white people can't victimize them anymore.
Your comments reflect the inherent equality of citizens; you are wrong. When the illegals go home they are entitled to equality among their peers.
Posted by: ken pope on December 21, 2007 06:17 PM
I guess now the teacher can teach about the degree of hate that these people are confronted with
Posted by: Ralph on December 21, 2007 08:52 PM
The "laws" you quote as being real came from a white supremist handbook.
The info is posted on a Mexican government trade organization website. As far as "harsh" treatment of illegal aliens, the Mexican govt. has their army on Mexico's southern border to keep out Central Americans who try and enter illegally. If a Guatemalan gets caught illegally entering Mexico, they are thrown into filthy jails. Many others are raped and murdered with a wink and a nod from the Mexican govt.
Seems like a lot of teachers trying to brainwash young minds to their leftist views. The students, like the one posting above claiming to be in the class, are so naive that they don't even know that they're being duped. They are taught to think they are getting "both sides" of the argument when they're not.
They can repeat the talking points about how illegals pay into social security (which itself is not completely true as many illegals are paid cash and many others receive low income tax credits to offset SS payments), but they are never presented the other side, which is the cost of the illegal aliens - national average school cost per pupil is approx. $7,000 per pupil per year. An illegal alien family with 2 kids, typically pays almost no taxes and would cost taxpayers an average of $14,000 to educate their kids. And that doesn't include the taxpayer costs of their "free" lunches, "free" medical care at city and county health facilities, and other services which they take but do not pay for. And why not consider the incarceration costs from illegal aliens, as 17% of those in federal prison are illegals (only "looking to to work"?). Perhaps a basic lesson in arithmetic would be called for in Vierya's class
Posted by: Mook on December 22, 2007 04:03 PM
"I guess now the teacher can teach about the degree of hate that these people are confronted with"
That's right, Ralph. If you can't beat them with logic insult them. I am a hater of this flood. And Jews hated Hitler. You got a problem with that? Sometimes hate is justified. If someone someday victimizes your family you will know hate personally.
And teach about hate? She is a spanish teacher; she should stick with spanish and stay out of government policy if she opposess enforcement of our laws.
Posted by: ken pope on December 24, 2007 07:55 PM
In addition to not having the guts to use your real name, you seem to be the only one without the intelligence to research before you write a post. From all I've read, George Parker is at least basically correct. At least we don't rob and beat them like the Mexicans do to so many American beach goers in the Baja. And we don't go into their country and fly their flag upside down either.
Posted by: Ross on December 29, 2007 01:24 PM
Well for starters my real name is Chuck and I live in Houston, Texas. An area inundated with illegals. I DO NOT approve of illegals, in any way shape or form, however it sure is nice there is someone to actually work here, or I would be out a job/company.
As for research, George Parker may have got two points near correct, 1) unable to hold political office(not entirely true, based on position/jurisdiction) and 2)foreigners may not protest etc. etc.(not such a bad idea). Everything else is either entirely wrong or just an uneducated guess at the law. How do I know? I developed a 1200 acre oceanfront property there during the early nineties and lived there for 9 years. My children were educated in a fully billingual school, my parents (who after ten years of retirement in Mexico) have become citizens, they vote and even receive a small pension. Although the uneducated may perceive I am saying this in defense of illegals, I am not, it is just hard to hold an intelligent debate when you don't know all the facts. Don't feed the negativity surrounding this issue by appearing as uneducated white trash. Learn the facts and defend your viewpoint with clarity and substantiation, otherwise you are another skinhead unwilling to work.
Posted by: Bigflogger on December 31, 2007 09:28 AM
BigFlogger, you sir, are very uneducated
Posted by: ChuckSucks on January 31, 2010 03:13 PM