The racist governor of New Mexico Bill Richardson once said "we have to be more politically minded - we have to put aside party and think of ourselves as Latinos, as Hispanics, more than we have in the past." has dropped out of the race for president and in a stunning statement that I just witnessed on Keith Olberman's show on MSNBC said point blank that "I've Neglected My State For A Year".
 Bill Richardson cares this much about New Mexicans |
How does that make you feel if you live in New Mexico? That your governor flat out knew that he would neglect you and all who live there in order to chase after his political ambitions? He should be kicked out of office immediately for not doing the job that he was hired to do as a public servant.
Which brings me to the thoughts of others currently running for president who know that they aren't performing the duties that they have been elected to do. For the Senators in the race; McCain, Obama, Clinton there have been missed votes in Congress and who in their right minds even thinks they are paying attention to anything that is happening in their state while they are running themselves physically into the ground trying to convince people of other states to vote for them? Is Congressman Paul doing his job while he moves around?
As far as the other candidates who do not currently hold political office; Giuliani, Thompson, Romney, Edwards at least they currently have no elected duty to represent people who voted them in. Which leads to the question that Governor Bill Richardson has now pointed out, should those who run for president and intend to spend every waking hour focusing on their own personal ambitions, be forced by law to have to relinquish any public service positions they have that they have been elected into?
I scream YES. These people going around yelling that they represent what you as a voter would want from them are the same people ignoring the people who elected them in their state. Good luck ever seeing that passed as a law though...
And yes, I was thrilled that Americans rejected supporting that openly racist and divisive Bill Richardson. He's no better than Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson, making all of his decisions based off of how it will help the people of only one race... Hispanics and Latinos. There's no room for that in this America and those who play that game need to be called out and removed from any position immediately.
I agree that Richardson is a racist and should be thrown out of office, however... do you really believe that if any of the Republican candidates you mentioned currently held an elected office, they would not have run for election?... Really!!!...give me a break... I'm 55 yrs. and know better... your either naive or would say anything to make your choices seem closer to what a good politician should be. The truth is that any politician is like a lawyer... he will either do ANYTHING allowed by law, including give himself and his peers a handsome pay raise or, in some cases just about ANYTHING that he thought he would certainly get away with. That's why time and time again so many of them are put under investigation or have been convicted of corruption... never mind the ethics that, contrary to what they may lead us to think they follow, are constantly ignored or have been erased from their consciences over the time they have served.
Posted by: Antonio Santos on January 11, 2008 08:14 AM
do you really believe that if any of the Republican candidates you mentioned currently held an elected office, they would not have run for election?... Really!!!...give me a break... I'm 55 yrs. and know better... your either naive or would say anything to make your choices seem closer to what a good politician should be.
Edwards is not a Republican, Giuliani is pro-amnesty and Romney really looks to me like a lot of talk and no action on illegal immigration. As for Thompson... who knows? More talk me thinks.
I personally find all of the current candidates repulsive.
And no I am not too naive to think that any of those four I mentioned that currently aren't elected officials would have given up their position in order to run for president.
There's no agenda here other than stating the truth, particularly when it comes to illegal immigration.
Posted by: Digger on January 11, 2008 01:13 PM
The constituents are aware of how their candidates disengage when running for higher office. We all know that the representatives' aids, Chiefs' of Staff, and others actually run things, anyway.
I propose we let them keep their titles to make the large decisions but since they reduce their work 90%, reduce their pay 90% from the time they announce to the time they win or drop out of the race.
And, unless one is a white male, it's not racist or sexist to support "one of your own." Hillary - women. Obama - African nationalism. Richardson - hispanics. (Kucinich - the vertically challenged).
Now stop whining you white male pig, do the right thing and hate yourself. Internalize your guilt...
Posted by: ken pope on January 11, 2008 04:29 PM