The punk you see at right has just been arrested for the assault of a patriot.
You may remember the story of Dennis Slater, the head of the group No More Invasion, who was viciously assaulted and hit in the head with a piece of concrete. This occurred at the Canoga Park Home Depot after a rally in November 2007.
There is good news today as it has just been announced, that by chance a member of No More Invasion spotted the little bastard who did the most damage that day walking across the street and cornered him in a store until police arrived!
He has now been arrested and if there is any justice this little punk will be put away for a good long while. There is currently no word on his immigration status.
Here is the word straight from NMI member SZinWestLA who cornered this punk. You can read more at the No More Invasion forum.

The person who did the most damage to AmericanPatriot77 during the attack at the Canoga Park Home Depot has been caught! He is in custody as I am writing this post. I know his name and I know where he goes (or went) to school.
Very briefly, it was a freak occurence. I was traveling down Ventura Boulevard near Calabasas. I saw an informal day labor site and one of the workers waved at me. It drew my attention to two other day laborers who were crossing the street and one looked and awful lot like that would-be murderer who tossed the chunk of concrete into Dennis' skull. I quickly parked my vehicle and ran up to him. I got a good look at his face and he took off. To make it brief: A chase ensued, he tried to hide in a nearby store where I cornered him. I locked the store door behind me and called 911. The cops showed up. I called Dennis. Dennis came over and ID'ed the felonious little motherfu**er, and the cops hauled him off to the slammer.
Two things are sticking in my mind:
1) It was the hand of God that put the little bastard in front of me. 15 minutes earlier we had wrapped up a Ron Paul Rally in Woodland Hills. As I left, OP's wife, who I had the pleasure of meeting for the first time today, made a reference to receiving the Lord's blessing and conveyed her good wishes as I left. That was it. It was divine intervention that caused this freak sighting to come about b/c the mathematical chances of me bumping into, much less recognizing the criminal, were remote.
2) For all of you who think most Latinos are "down with La Raza", the guy who helped me out in the store I won't name was a tattooed up dude who could have been an extra in Boulevard Nights or Colors. The suspect, who I wouldn't let get past me, tried to walk out the back. This dude stopped him from behind the counter. When Dennis arrived and was talking to the cops while the punk was cuffed and in the back of the squad car, this guy came out and said to me that the kid was pleading with him in Spanish. Apparently he said: Come on, help me out! I'm one of your people! And the store attendant responded: No you're not. I was born here. You have to face up to something if you did something. See it out.
I didn't put these words, above, in quotes because I didn't write it down and they're not an exact quote.
Doesn't a "day labor" site establish reasonable suspicion? Why isn't ICE regularly monitoring this?
And the farmers who openly say they need illegal aliens. Doesn't this establish reasonable suspicion to search their particular farms? The arrogance of these farmers to appeal for sympathy at the expense of the American worker (damn American workers who insist on fair treatment under law) is over the top.
This is all about labor supply and demand. It is fine if there are more American workers than jobs but reverse it and employers cheat and bring in cheap labor. Money talks, the system supports monied interests at the expense of our language, culture and paychecks.
Posted by: ken pope on January 28, 2008 04:59 AM