Maryland has gone from 1,054 applications from out of country applicants for driver's licenses per month to over 2,000 per week in just the last year. Why is this? Because out of country people know that Maryland is the only state that doesn't require proof of citizenship for a Driver's License and they are exploiting that fact.
Having a license allows illegal aliens to use it to obtain government services. Governor Martin O'Malley is currently contemplating issuing a separate license for illegal aliens.
 MD Delegate Ron George |
Maryland also has a Motor Voter law which allows people to register to vote at the same time they apply for their Driver's License. Currently there is no way to know how much voter fraud is occurring in the state and in national elections because of this issue, but you can be sure that it occurring.
Maryland Delegate Ron George has introduced legislation requiring proof of citizenship or legal residency in order to obtain a Maryland Driver's License. In the video below George discusses why this is needed to combat illegal immigration and voter fraud on the Bruce Elliot show on WBAL.
Motor Voter laws put our elections at risk. No citizenship requirements means voters showing Driver's Licenses have no real proof they are eligible to vote.
Anne Arundel County Delegate Ron George introduced legislation this week to require individuals provide proof of U.S. Citizenship, or proof that they are in the U.S. legally, in order to get a driver's license.
Earlier this month, the O'Malley Administration will implement the federal Real ID Act in 2010, where those applying for a driver's license must prove their citizenship to get a federally approved driver's license.
George is says once illegal immigrants have a driver's license, they can use that ID to obtain other government services.
George also says Maryland is the only state that does not require proof of citizenship for a driver's license.
(Video below)