Well I am absolutely stunned. After wondering for months about how serious Romney was on tackling illegal immigration and the strange endorsement of Tom Tancredo after dropping out of the race, Romney has issues the coup de grace. Mitt Romney has appointed Immigration Warrior Kris Kobach to his advisory staff.
 Kris Kobach |
Who is Kris Kobach? Well you may remember Kris as the lead attorney in defending
Hazleton, Pennsylvania's Illegal Immigration Relief Act. Kris has been a leader in the fight against illegal immigration in this country and his addition to the Romney team shows that he is deadly serious about ending illegal immigration.
I'm telling you, I'm sitting here just absolutely stunned. That is how unforeseen this was to me.
After this appointment, I see no way that I cannot at least support Romney's immigration stance now. Before it was all words. As for Romney's other positions, well that's up to you to judge.
This in from The Carden Chronicles
For those that are not familiar with Professor Kobach, he is a noted Immigration expert, Professor Of Law And Head Of The Kansas Republican Party.
In 1996, Professor Kobach joined the University of Missouri – Kansas City School of Law (UMKC) faculty.
In 2001, he was awarded a White House Fellowship serving in the office of U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft. There he would serve as the Attorney General's chief adviser on immigration law and border security. After the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Kobach was charged with the Department of Justice's (DOJ) efforts to tighten border security and implement the National Security Entry-Exit Registration System.
Before leaving DOJ in 2003, he led the reform of the immigration court system. Professor Kobach has litigated a number of high-profile immigration lawsuits including representing the city of Hazleton, Pennsylvania.
He is a Senior Counsel at the Immigration Reform Law Institute. At the Law School, he teaches Constitutional law and immigration law.
Absolutely stunned.
Contrast this with McCain's disgusting appointment of Juan Hernandez as his Hispanic Outreach Director discovered a few days ago.
For more on Kris Kobach read my extensive day by day coverage of the Hazleton trial from March 2007.
Thanks to Matt Carden for the tip.
McCain is trying to sell a popular image. That's what politicians do.
When you got no motivation besides commerce (the fuel of immigration), you lose culture, thus the ability to make sensible political action for a people and their ends. Yes, I know that it will be economic sensible to outlaw illegal immigration as of national wages, but this proves my point: the economy is for the people's ends, but now, it's the other way around.
The liberals first wage war between the ethnic groups by means of "tolerance" programmes and affirmative action. Then people (mostly whites) start killing their own culture to avoid conflict, and resort to standardized culture, clearing the path for totalitarian bureaucracies and race-to-the-bottom commerce (low wages, greedy corporations and corrupt politicians).
This is stupid. It has to be stopped.
Posted by: DD on February 1, 2008 04:16 PM
DD, putting culture over economics??? You must be a culturist.
Digger, Romney hasn't just spouted words in the past. He empowered state troopers to enforce Federal immigration laws in Massachusetts. As Governor, he set up training to teach police to check immigration status and got it funded. He also vetoed a bill that would have given in-state tuition to illegals.
Great research on Kobach, I would have never known.
I have endorsed Romney because he is the only viable candidate standing with ANY credibility on immigration.
Posted by: John Press on February 2, 2008 01:43 PM
Great item, Digger. Good news, too. The Republican candidates have drawn a bright line between their positions. On one side is McCain casting his lot for amnesty, along with Vincente Fox, LaRaza and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Romney is looking more like George Washington with the support of the American People, patriots, the regulars and the militia. Personally, Mitt had my vote with the endorsements from Tancredo and Sheriff Joe. It will be a good fight between Mexico and America tomorrow. Hope America wins.
Posted by: Nikita on February 4, 2008 11:46 PM
Thank God somebody had the good sense to appt. someone who is actually on our side. Immigration problems are much worse than most ppl can see. Our tax dollars and natural resources can no longer withstand the onslaught of "anchor babies" and their chain migrating relatives and in-laws.
The time to stop this problem is past due.
Hooray for Mitt....
Tell eveyone you talk with and tell them to pass this on...
We must keep McCain out. He is in cahoots with Kennedy and he wants to give amnesties, citizenship and bring in more...
illegals fornicating = tax payer handout dollars for anchor babies
Anchor baby = citzenship ticket = chain migrating relatives and in-laws of in-laws
massive immigration = giving away our childrens country, jobs and resources
It's the "new prostitution" illegals having sex for a baby for a citzenship ticket and welfare check.
I have actually worked with and known some that have told me they did this, go on to tell others in their countries how to do it.
Posted by: LiLy-Simone on February 6, 2008 12:41 AM