/ March 25, 2008 11:10 AM |
The whole "Organic" scam that continues on to sell people the same goods for 4 times the price is really quite humorous to me. Take a walk into your local Whole Foods store and you'll see what I mean. A bunch of hippie and overpaid liberals who think they are saving the planet and animals from torture by eating organic foods.
The funny thing is that these same people stand against true organic eating. Most are for gun bans and preservation of areas that should be open season for someone of their stature and beliefs.
In my opinion these people should be standing in tree stands day and night shooting every single "organically grown" deer that they see. I mean after all you can't get more organic than a deer raised in the wild.
No there's no story to refer to. It was just something I randomly was thinking about while smoking my organic Marlboro cigarette and getting organic cancer.
So all you damn dirty hippies get out there and commit mass slaughter... your belief system demands it!

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Posted by Digger on March 25, 2008 11:10 AM (Permalink)
Spoken by a true convenience food eater. You miss the point of "organic". It's not to save anyone but the person eating the food. It's not to save the planet. It's to avoid ingesting the thousands of toxic chemicals either sprayed ONTO the food while growing or actually mixed INTO the food to make it taste better.
I choose organic because I reject the poisoning of our food supply by chemical and food companies.
So enjoy your toxic food. I will choose organic AND pay more for it because I actually want my food to nourish me instead of POISON me.
And yes, we can't believe all organic labels because the greedy and corrupt also own food companies trying to sell stuff as Organic when it isn't. That won't stop me from choosing food grown or raised without unhealthy methods.
Posted by: Ruthiness on March 25, 2008 11:21 AM
While your choices are your own, you have to admit that many in those type of stores somehow believe it is "for the good of the Earth". These are the same type of people who believe that man-made global warming is the root of all evil and like to go burn down housing developments and spray-paint ELF all over the side of every new car in a dealer not selling hybrids.
Posted by: Digger on March 25, 2008 11:25 AM
What an idiotic article! If you actually had a brain you'd read a little more and realize that most of the foods we eat are filled with pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, hormones, etc. It's all about making a quick buck. Organic farming takes more time and uses none of the above. Sadly, I used to think like you --liberal hippies going organic, but the more people learn about what's really in their food (and water!) they'll want to go organic. It's pretty sad when you have to buy organic if you don't want junk in your food.
Posted by: April on March 26, 2008 09:39 PM
One more thing -- because "organic" is becoming huge, there are a lot of deceptive, unscrupulous companies out there capitalizing on it by mislabeling their products intentionally: "all natural", "certified organic", etc. Whenever there's $$$ involved, you can bet the scumbags will come out of the woodwork for their cut. Check out:, formerly There are many great articles on this site about organic, the FDA (what a joke they are), etc.
Posted by: April on March 26, 2008 09:42 PM
Ahh you caught my point in your second post April. The reality is that it has ballooned into a scale of mass fraud, just like the "low fat" and "low carb" scams. Sure it all started out legit, but then soon the whole of the industry is overwhelmed by scam artists.
I honestly believe that probably 75-80% of the food marked "organic" now, simply isn't. Especially if you realize that a lot of it comes form overseas. Who exactly is over there checking to make sure it's organic? The "Organic Police"? The FDA can't even ensure that food is good let alone organic.
And I still stand by my claim that a lot of lefties do it because they think they're saving the Earth.
Posted by: Digger on March 27, 2008 01:27 PM
Thanks April! I read the same site (Natural News ) and it doesn't matter what Digger says - he misses OUR point - hehe Organic is not just for hippies any more... It's for smart people who want to stay healthy as well!
Posted by: Ruthiness on March 27, 2008 01:29 PM
"Ahh you caught my point in your second post April. The reality is that it has ballooned into a scale of mass fraud, just like the "low fat" and "low carb" scams. Sure it all started out legit, but then soon the whole of the industry is overwhelmed by scam artists."
Yes but you don't have to BASH those who choose organic because there ARE some unscrupulous people who take advantage of us! I choose organic and hope that my gamble will result in safer food more often than not. If I choose "regular" supermarket food - I know I am getting toxic chemicals. So I opt to gamble on organic and hope that people like Mike Adams at Natural News and others will keep an eye on the unscrupulous organic marketing.
I don't agree that very many people choose organic food to save the earth. They choose "green" stuff like light bulbs and paper vs plastic for recycling to do that for sure. But the food they choose to ingest is really all about them, not the earth. There are SOME people who might eat the cage-free eggs and free-range meat because they only care about the animals - but that is a VERY small percentage.
Why don't you take a survey outside a Whole Foods Store and find out for yourself?
Posted by: Ruthiness on March 27, 2008 01:33 PM