/ April 2, 2008 06:38 PM |
North Carolina governor candidate Bill Graham has announced a tough enforcement based plan to end illegal immigration in his state. I applaud Bill Graham for coming out and stating his position unflinchingly and addressing the illegal immigration issue directly.
In his plan Graham will oppose driver's licenses and public benefits for illegal aliens, require voter ID cards to end voter fraud, end bilingual education in schools and sanction employers who hire illegal aliens. In addition he will push for English to be the state official language and outlaw sanctuary cities in the state. His plan is based off of those already passed in Arizona and Oklahoma.
North Carolina has more than 400,000 illegal aliens within the state.
Below is his announcement and plan.
According to Graham, “North Carolina has become a haven for illegal aliens. With this growing influx of illegal aliens, our government services have been stretched thin and many law-abiding, taxpaying citizens are being denied services to which they are entitled. Our schools are overcrowded; our hospitals are stressed; our healthcare system is on the brink of disaster; our jails are overcrowded; and gang violence has reached unprecedented levels throughout North Carolina. My plan will drastically curb this crisis and end North Carolina’s status as a safe haven for illegal aliens.”
1. No driver’s licenses for illegal aliens
2. Require Voter Identification Cards
3. No access to public benefit programs for illegal aliens
4. Employer Sanctions
5. Make English the official language of the State of North Carolina
6. End bilingual education in public schools in favor of English transition and immersion
7. Enhance the ability of local law enforcement to apprehend illegal aliens and enforce immigration laws
8. Outlaw Sanctuary City Status: Charlotte, Carrboro, Chapel Hill, Durham, Raleigh, and Winston-Salem
Sounds good to me!
Source: Bill Graham Website.
For a copy of the plan see "Solutions: North Carolina’s Illegal Immigration Crisis" (PDF)

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Posted by Digger on April 2, 2008 06:38 PM (Permalink)
Go Bill Graham!!! It's nice to see a Republican running for office come out with a strong plan against illegals. Most politicians are so wimpy they won't take a stand!
Posted by: April on April 2, 2008 09:16 PM
Well, what a breathe of fresh air for that state! Way to go Bill!! 400,000 illegal non-residents sounds like an invasion to me.Just hope the state can recover but I doubt that it will ever be the same. Sad that it had to take so long. I admire this governor for his courage and loyalty to the Constitution and our way of life.
Posted by: JustSpeakOut on April 2, 2008 11:12 PM
He's not governor yet!
Please help spread the word to others. Send them this article. Send them the PDF linked in it. Get the word out so that he CAN be elected.
Posted by: Digger on April 3, 2008 03:18 AM
This guy needs us. We'll never have candidates like this if we don't support them. Graham is running against a republican mayor of Charlotte who is liberal on immigration (his own city is a sanctuary city!). If I recall correctly, the NC primary is May 6. Let's get behind this guy and other candidates who speak the truth.
Posted by: JJ on April 7, 2008 09:52 AM
Its good to see that somebody in the state Of North Carolina has some sense and compassion for what is happening in this state. Illegals have been given a free pass in this state to long and I for one am glad to know that there is a caring person running for Governor who will see to it that our tax money stop taking care of people from other countries who are in the country and state illegally.As a former democrat he's got my vote.
Posted by: LadyStClaire on April 12, 2008 01:58 PM
Dear Bloggers,
I would like to take this time to completely disagree with Digger and his/her previous respondents. In doing so, I would like to point out specific areas of the original blog itself that I disagree with and why. To start off, the whole point of this argument is that North Carolina is over-populated with illegal immigrants. Digger writes that there are over 400,000 illegal immigrants within that state. But really, is there any way to ever really know how many illegal “aliens” there are? I mean, as much as the United States tries to keep these foreigners out, they just keep finding more and more ways to get in, no matter how difficult Americans make it for them to live here. The thing I doubt Bill Graham and his supporters understand, is that, if immigrants didn’t wish to leave their old lives behind so badly, they wouldn’t be continuously putting themselves in such grave danger to get to America. No matter what the American government tries to do to deport these people, nothing can really compare to their old lives. They led such terrible lives, and most of the time, America is a big part of why their countries are as corrupt as they are. America promotes itself as being “the land of the free,” and we pride ourself on being very opened and everyone here can have freedom of speech, freedom of this, freedom of that. We advertise America as if it’s an available product, and the second we’ve hooked an audience we try to find ways to get rid of them and then put all the blame on them.
To track back, Bill Graham’s idea of requiring ID cards to end voter fraud, ending bilingual education in schools, sanctioning employers who hire illegal immigrants, and make English the state official language and outlaw sanctuary cities in the state won’t do as much as he thinks it might. If there has been an “invasion” of illegal immigrants in North Carolina, then there are things in North Carolina worthy enough for foreigners to take that risk. Yes, ID cards will make life even more difficult for these human beings just trying to make better lives for themselves and their families, but they will not completely end this huge dilemma. The truth is, this dilemma probably has no solution because it’s a problem based on hypocrisy. The “true Americans” of the United States of America, are in fact illegal immigrants themselves. Our forefathers, who wrote the Declaration of Independence and those before them, illegally came to the territory now known as the United States of America. If the Indian tribes alive then were alive today, I bet you they would tell you our forefathers were unwanted and they didn’t pass the equivalent of a literacy test back then or need ID cards. They just barged right in demanding only the best from everyone. This is not even close to what the illegal immigrants of today are doing. At least they respect the fact that they will not have the best jobs with the best wages in a Country that is not of their origin. These people are even patriotic and share American ideals. Takao Ozawa once talked about how his race shouldn’t matter if his ideas were American, and because of that he should be eligible for American citizenship. There are many people roaming America who have no patriotic values, and obviously I’m not telling you to throw out American non-believers, but it’s not like that’s never happened before. Think back to the Cold War when “American Communists” were put in jail. Or back to World War II when America put all the Japanese Americans into concentration camps. Americans have this bad habit of arbitrarily labeling people and setting extreme limits on what is wrong and what is right. Why deport people who share the same values as you just because they weren’t born here or couldn’t pass a citizenship test that more than half the people in America couldn’t pass? To run for Governor of a state which used to be populated only with immigrants would make you, Bill Graham, a hypocrite to your state and unworthy of being governor.
Posted by: Madonna on April 17, 2008 10:24 AM
Posted by: Digger on April 17, 2008 02:45 PM
To: Madonna -- just curious -- do you smoke crack?!? Are you nuts?!? With your defeatist attitude, which the illegals and their supporters are counting on, you're right -- what's the use...they'll just take over more! STOP COMPLAINING AND START ACTING. IT'S THE ONLY WAY THINGS GET CHANGED. MAKE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE. CALL YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS!!!!!! AND DON'T STOP CALLING THEM UNTIL THEY GET SICK OF HEARING FROM YOU. Find ALL your elected officials at:
Posted by: April on April 18, 2008 09:00 AM
Hey Digger,
Bill Graham just released a petition I hope you don't mind sharing.
The politicians in Raleigh and Washington continue to ignore our ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION CRISIS! Why do they continue to ignore this crisis? They are afraid to change the status-quo and refuse to take the initiative needed to bring real reform to immigration. They have failed to do the jobs we elected them to do.
It is time that someone spoke for the hardworking taxpayers of North Carolina. Illegal immigration is costing our state billions of dollars each year. Wages have been depressed by almost $2 billion dollars. Our hospitals are losing hundreds of millions of dollars each year due to uninsured illegal aliens misusing our emergency services. Who is paying for this? YOU ARE.
As a citizen of North Carolina, a taxpayer, and Republican gubernatorial candidate, I refuse to remain quiet on this issue. Whether or not I win this election, I will continue my efforts to stop illegal aliens!
It is time that the liberal politicians in Raleigh and Washington listen to us. I have started a PETITION on my website calling for the North Carolina Legislature and Congress to take the following steps concerning illegal aliens:
1. No driver’s licenses for illegal aliens
2. Require Voter Identification Cards
3. No access to public benefit programs for illegal aliens
4. Employer Sanctions
5. Make English the true official language of the State of North Carolina
6. End bilingual education in public schools in favor of English transition and immersion
7. Enhance the ability of local law enforcement to apprehend illegal aliens and enforce immigration laws
8. Outlaw Sanctuary City Status: Charlotte, Carrboro, Chapel Hill, Durham, Raleigh, and Winston-Salem
Please join me in standing up for America today! Sign the petition by CLICKING HERE.
If we can gather 15,000 signatures by MAY 6th, I will personally deliver a copy of this petition to all candidates running for state and federal office.
Posted by: Bill on April 25, 2008 08:48 PM
Graham is a total IDIOT!!
Just another racist.
Posted by: Cornhusk on April 25, 2010 06:44 PM