/ April 21, 2008 05:26 PM |
As most of you know I have been silent on Jim Gilchrist throughout the whole fiasco of the Minuteman debacle in California. The other day I decided not to be silent after Gilchrist decided to file a defamation lawsuit against those in the grassroots - those doing the heavy lifting on getting the laws enforced.
Many of the patriots he filed the lawsuit against I know personally. These are the people who take the time out of their day for no pay to volunteer to hold rallies, send out information on legislation and take an active step against illegal immigration on a daily basis.
To Jim Gilchrist these people are a "couple dozen internet groupies". That's right, I received a comment at that post from none other than Jim Gilchrist himself. Through the years I have sent Jim Information via email. I have tipped him to stories breaking and things of interest that may help his group the Minuteman Project and may help him move on this information. I have covered an untold number of rallies under the banner of the Minuteman Project - most of which Gilchrist did not attend.
Here is what he thinks of those trying to help him and to the readers of my site and those in the grassroots movement.
The Minuteman Project will not associate with witch hunters, racists, law breakers, or those who make an earnest market in hanging the innocent. The support of Diggers Realm is neither needed nor wanted.
Such an outburst from a man whom I have attempted to help throughout the years is simply appalling. Those who know me know that I try to help out as much as possible and have never really asked for anything in return. Whether it is website design issues, advertising, sponsorships or sending out info on their upcoming rallies. We are all in this fight together, but for the few it seems like they are in it for themselves. All others - in their opinion - are fodder and just stepping stones for them to reach the top. According to Gilchrist, if you don't toe his line, you are a racist. This line sounds similar to that of the opposition to our cause.
I have now firmly come to the conclusion that Jim Gilchrist is a self serving lout who could care less about this country or the enforcement movement and is only in it for himself. Many would say it has taken me too long to come to that conclusion. Now that he has contacts in the Huckabee camp, the grassroots is beneath him. He no longer needs them. In Jim Gilchrist's mind, he's done it all himself and to hell with everyone else.
I do not jump to conclusions as many who read me know. For example I'm still not sold on the NAU. I wait for cold hard proof and facts that push me over the edge on determining something and in this case that cliff has been fallen from when it comes to James Gilchrist.

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Posted by Digger on April 21, 2008 05:26 PM (Permalink)
Seems to me he has been bought and paid for by la raza.....
Posted by: midwest minuteman on April 21, 2008 09:30 PM
Digger, keep up the good work on reporting the facts. Regarding the NAU, pleae read the book The late Great USA by Jerome Corsi, Ph.D. He also wrote the swift boat vet's book on John Kerry with John O'Neill. I'm halfway finished reading Dr. Corsi's book, and sadly, I believe it. He is very thorough in his research and it appears much of what he writes has come true already. We must speak out before it's too late as it was with Europeans and the EU!
Posted by: April on April 22, 2008 05:57 PM
I am so sick and tired of all the fighting, Jim was not the only one hurling insults if you have read immigration watchdog’s blog he has been SLANDERING Jim for quite a while.So what if Jim endorsed Huckabee so did Duncan Hunter who is staunchly against illegal immigration. We need Patriot’s in office, if we are ever to be able to change the catastrophic route we are on. Jim asking for donations is not a bad thing,it takes dollars to run a campaign.Jim was not the only MMP member who showed up at the Border, other respected members of MMP were there to show SUPPORT of border watchers, unfortunately some at the border cannot see the value of Jim bringing the media which in turn brings attention to the border and those serving there,if only they had their thinking hats on,they would have welcome Jim who DOES bring the limelight to the border issue and that serves all including those serving at the border. I have witnessed first hand the pettiness of a few border watcher’s and how they fight among each other over the silliest things. One navy man can’t stand another because he was a marine.You only have to watch the vid, it looks like a bunch of kids in a schoolyard brawl!
Jim’s endorsement of Huckabee was all the excuse his enemies needed. Jim is a hothead and that unfortunately has been used against him. I really wish he had kept his cool with those who have laid a snare for him, to me the fact that they continued to harass Jim after he had proven his case is proof enough for me that they are nothing more than vindictive egotistical morons! Why would anyone donate to any org if the man most responsible for bringing national MSM attention to the border can’t be trusted who can. As far as rallies go, I know for a fact attendance is down at our local rallies,Jim brought many dedicated MMP members with him, those who side with on side or the other,will not attend a rally if one side or the other will be there. The list of negative effects from all of the childish behaviour among org.leaders and members has caused a rift more serious than you can imagine. The name calling the lawsuits and whinning about who or who isn't at the border needs to end. When you are through slaughtering each other let me know, in the meantime I refuse to be a witness to the degradation of a Man who put media attention long before anyone else was capable of doing and now is being treated like a pariah. Who will be the next to get a knife in his back! The stress of our fight, with little successes is showing, I wish some of those in the thick of it would take some time off. I respect you Digger and frankly am surprised that you would take sides in this dog and pony show, it detracts from what we all should be focusing on,fighting illegal immigration. The war on illegal immigration is not a popularity contest between org leaders!
Posted by: STOP Fighting on April 29, 2008 11:32 AM
Posted by: Brad on May 10, 2008 09:03 PM
[This comment has been removed due to a jackbooted court order from the Gilchrist camp
Which states the following
A permanent injunction shall issue, ordering defendants Courtney, Stewart and Sielski to refrain from holding themselves out to anyone as members of Minute Man Project Inc., or members of its board of directors. This injunction requires the taking down of any web site, including but not limited to wherein defendants hold themselves out to be members, managers or spokespersons of Minute Man Project Inc., or members of the board of directors of Minute Man Project Inc.
It's good to know that a judge somewhere can take down AN ENTIRE website that a comment has been posted to by someone else. - Digger]
Posted by: MinutemenForTruth on August 4, 2008 09:40 AM
[This comment has been removed due to a jackbooted court order from the Gilchrist camp
Which states the following
A permanent injunction shall issue, ordering defendants Courtney, Stewart and Sielski to refrain from holding themselves out to anyone as members of Minute Man Project Inc., or members of its board of directors. This injunction requires the taking down of any web site, including but not limited to wherein defendants hold themselves out to be members, managers or spokespersons of Minute Man Project Inc., or members of the board of directors of Minute Man Project Inc.
It's good to know that a judge somewhere can take down AN ENTIRE website that a comment has been posted to by someone else. - Digger]
Posted by: MinutemenForTruth on August 4, 2008 09:42 AM
I Told You So.
After four years of litigation against the criminals who tried to hijack my organization, I have won all four law suits against them and have been fully exonerated of all the bogus claims they have made about me and the Minuteman Project.
A jury of their peers convicted them last June (2010) of U S Postal fraud, federal bank fraud and theft, internet fraud, and other torts. One of the hijackers I had arrested and sent to prison for six months. The others have been forced into bankruptcy. One is an employee of the federal government and could lose his job. Financial judgements against them awarded by the jury will follow them the rest of their lives.
We are a nation of laws, Americans. And that principle applies to everyone...not just illegal aliens. If we, in the activist movements, are going to hypocritically break laws and engage in criminal activity, then we cannot expect our bureaucrats to enforce our laws.
There are some in the immigration law enforcement advocacy movement who have sinister motives...stealing whatever they can under the veil of being a do-gooder activist. Not only did these persons con me. They also conned America and set back immigration law enforcement progress by at least four years.
In my opinion, William Gheen of ALIPAC, and his employee Brook Young of Immigration Watchdog (now defunct) were instrumental in aiding and abetting the hijackers in the failed attempt to take credit for something they could never earn on their own: bringing national attention to the issue of illegal immigration.
Jim Gilchrist, President, The Minuteman Project
Posted by: Minuteman Project on March 15, 2011 10:13 AM