/ April 23, 2008 03:33 PM |
I find it simply hilarious that year after year illegal aliens and their supporters come out against those expressing their free speech and expression rights by pointing out the ludicrous nature in which we secure our borders. The Young Republicans Conservatives of Texas [thanks for the correction Chris in the comments below] at Texas Tech University once again held their "Catch an Illegal Immigrant" game this year.
And of course there was outrage! Outrage that they should point out the obvious. Outrage that they should point out the illegality of illegal immigration. As usual, those opposed are bringing their politics from their foreign countries here. In their chosen country of loyalty there is no free speech, so they are outraged that we should have it here in this country.
Amarillo Globe-News
"ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT" read the T-shirts' fronts. "CATCH ME IF YOU CAN" read the backs.
Students in the Texas Tech chapter of the Young Conservatives of Texas wore the T-shirts on campus one day as part of a game, "Catch the Illegal Immigrant."
Although the game goes against the university's mission to build a diverse and welcoming atmosphere, the students have a right to play it, Tech President Jon Whitmore wrote in a response letter Wednesday to two students who were deeply offended by the game.
"All members of our university community have a right to express themselves, even when you and I or others disagree with them," his letter reads.
Two students informed the university's president of the event in a protest letter dated April 11 and endorsed by 15 faculty members and six student organizations.
The game promotes violence toward not only illegal immigrants, but all foreigners, their letter reads.
Hmm that's funny, I don't remember them calling it "Catch and Beat an Illegal Alien" or "Catch and Kill A Foreigner". The fact that 15 faculty members would chose to limit free speech and expression should bring into question their capabilities to teach. If any of these faculty members are teaching on the issue of history of the United States or the Constitution, their teaching credentials for those subjects should be revoked immediately for they have proven that they cannot even understand the first amendment.
"All this game is doing is creating this tension between students. ... It makes Texas Tech look like it does not welcome diversity. It makes all of us look bad," said Tomas Resendiz, a Tech junior and one of the two Hispanic students who drafted the letter to Whitmore, in which they urged university administrators to clarify their stance on the game.
I guess being diverse means you have to accept illegal aliens among your group, it's not good enough that you have just regular old legal Hispanics, Indians, Blacks, Whites, Asian etc... YOU HAVE TO HAVE ILLEGAL ALIENS as well or you simply aren't accepting of diversity.
"This offends the Hispanic community as a whole," said Resendiz
Oh Really?
Tipped by: Immigration News Daily

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Posted by Digger on April 23, 2008 03:33 PM (Permalink)
Go Texas Tech! Maybe these frustrated students wouldn't feel the need to "play" this game if the federal gov't would actually do something about the 38 million illegal invaders!!!
Posted by: April on April 24, 2008 09:48 PM
Catch an Illegal Immigrant game. This is a sick and perverse game. This is not a game of hide and go seek, these are peoples lives. The people who created this game are just showing their arrogance, their ignorance, and above all, their disrespect for others going through hardship while they sit back and take their citizenship for granted. By inventing, participating, or condoning this game at all, those people are abusing their right of free speech. The right of free speech was created to protect citizens from having their rights taken away by anyone else and to restrict the government of the future from keeping the people from being free. The right of free speech was made to give people a voice who thought they never had a one that was worth anyone listening to. It was not created for people to use it as a loophole for legalizing discrimination and oppression because it happens to be in verbal form. If anything should be done about the 1st amendment right to freedom of speech it should be taken away from these perverts and given to the aliens who are to scared to speak up because of the risk of getting caught. The republicans have essentially tied up the illegal aliens, put a muzzle on them and are now insulting them right in front of their face. The aliens are left to do nothing but absorb the oppression and not respond because in fact, they can’t. This isn’t the first time this has happened in this country. After 9/11, there was excessive discrimination against all those who looked or seemed as if they were from Middle Eastern or Arab descent. People would call them terrorists, just because the people who flew the planes into the World Trade Center had related ancestors. This is completely ridiculous. This stereotype is too broad for many people to even comprehend its implications. It is taking, not a mass movement by a race (at least not in relation to the race as a whole), and associating it with the rest of the race. This was and still is one of the broadest stereotypes known to man. “Digger”, the nickname for the pervert that wrote this article, responds to a fellow student of his, Tomas Resendiz when Resendiz says it makes the university “look like it does not welcome diversity” by writing, “I guess being diverse means you have to accept illegal aliens among your group”. What this imbecile fails to realize that connotation that goes along with a Republic club calling for people to join the “Catch and Illegal Immigrant Game”. If “Digger” can’t understand that then I call for an immediate “Catch an Arrogant Republican Game” to start immediately. What makes an arrogant Republican, you may ask? For starters we can round up anyone who participates in this sick and twisted verbal abuse of the illegal aliens. You may ask yourself, “Why is it justified for this guy to do the same thing and call what they are doing wrong?” I’ll give you the answer. They are on top. Look at Nat Turner’s rebellion in Southampton County, Virginia. This was justified because the slaves, through the act of slavery, were continuously oppressed past the point of slave and slave master. They were pushed so low that the uneven levels had to be regulated or at least attempted to be regulated. Resistance to oppression is what Nat Turner is known for after he and other slaves and freed blacks roamed the oppressive countryside of Virginia, eliminating those that were part of the problem and sending a message to whites across the nation. To beat someone who is already on the ground, to oppress a group that is obviously struggling to breathe in the ditch of refuse of America, that are largely responsible for any success in the U.S. economy for the past years because they were forced to sacrifice themselves to cheap slave labor. Resistance to oppression is what this country needs and it won’t come from the immigrants because they are too scared to put themselves on the line. It is up to the humans to stop these monsters. I am calling for Catch an Arrogant Republican Game to start now and end until the game is finished. There is only one way to show someone that enough is enough when it’s on a national scale like this. That is to follow in Nat Turner’s footsteps.
Posted by: NO PATIENCE FOR ARROGANCE! on April 27, 2008 11:34 PM
To "No Patience":
You say "these people are abusing their right of free speech". That statement only shows that you have no concept at all of the meaning of the words "free speech". You also make mention of "aliens who are scared to speak up". Pray tell, where might those silent frightened aliens be? Surely not here in the U.S. where illegal aliens are participating in mass demonstrations in our streets. Silent?!! I wish to hell they would shut up.
You know what, "No Patience"? In your overly long and sophmoric diatribe you haven't come up with one single reason why it's alright for citizens of foreign countries to blatantly break our laws. And don't give me any bullshit about our immigration system being "broken". The U.S.A. takes in more legal immigrants every year than all the other countries of the world combined.
So stick that in your liberal commie pipe and smoke it!
Posted by: Trish on April 28, 2008 04:32 AM
To "No Patience for Arrogance" I have "No Patience For Ignorance".
Of course this issue could always be solved if the illegal aliens just returned to their country. Then nobody would have to play this game that exposes the ridiculous nature of our government when it comes to enforcing the law and the borders.
Just remember one thing before you compare slavery to illegal aliens. One was involuntary, the other voluntary.
Your arguments against free speech are typical left wing crap. "Free speech for everyone... as long as I agree with it".
There is absolutely no excuse for illegal immigration.
Posted by: Digger on April 28, 2008 05:19 AM
To Digger, I just wanted to correct you in that it was the Young Conservatives of Texas, not the Republicans, which held this event, and thank you for your support.
Posted by: Chris on April 28, 2008 07:14 AM
To "Digger", what "No Patience" was saying about America oppressing them was that they don't have a choice. It is programs like NAFTA and other international marketing schemes that America pulls which don't give those immigrants the choice whether to leave. We are forcing them out of their country. Also, you seem to have confused my argument. It was not as you say "Free speech for everyone... as long as I agree with it" but rather "Free speech when it is not used to oppression". To Trish, no doubt the immigrants are speaking up, but it is not to the extent that is really improving anything. There has been no progress in the treatment of theses immigrants. Also, you will find that at most of these demonstrations, the largest group of participants are legalized residents or people that have either friends or family who are illegal. A very small portion of these protesters are the illegals themselves.
Posted by: NO PATIENCE FOR ARROGANCE! on April 28, 2008 04:05 PM
Thanks Chris. I have updated the entry.
Posted by: Digger on April 28, 2008 04:05 PM
Also, you will find that at most of these demonstrations, the largest group of participants are legalized residents or people that have either friends or family who are illegal. A very small portion of these protesters are the illegals themselves.
Where is your data to back this up?
And does it really matter? If they are actively aiding and abetting illegal aliens to remain in this country against our laws then they are putting themselves at risk of losing their legal status.
You cannot come into another country and march through their streets demanding rights. As a legal resident you can lose your legal status at any moment for doing things such as aiding criminals.
You are arguing from a position of having no national sovereignty, of having no countries where everyone should "just get along". That is pie in the sky Utopia.
Posted by: Digger on April 28, 2008 04:41 PM
Posted by: litew8 on April 29, 2008 08:49 AM
"To "Digger", what "No Patience" was saying about America oppressing them was that they don't have a choice. It is programs like NAFTA and other international marketing schemes that America pulls which don't give those immigrants the choice whether to leave. We are forcing them out of their country."
Please explain to me how NAFTA pushes people out of their home countries and then prevents them from leaving USA once here? uhhh... so.. the fact that US jobs and monies are going to their home country is pushing them out?
And, how can speech oppress?
comment: "The right of free speech was made to give people a voice who thought they never had a one that was worth anyone listening to. It was not created for people to use it as a loophole for legalizing discrimination and oppression because it happens to be in verbal form."
well, yes the right to free speech was created for all those reasons. It was created to give people the right to speak their minds even if those minds are discriminatory. Once again, it is called FREE speech for a reason. By the way, for discrimination to be illegal it has to have an action component. My saying I hate blacks is not illegal. Yes it is discriminatory but not illegal. Now, if I prevented a black person from riding a bus then that would be illegal discrimination.
Also, the Right To Free Speech clause, while it does give AMERICANS the right to speak freely, it does not give them the right to be listened to. If you do not like what these guys at this college are doing, don't listen.
And once again, how can you oppress via speech?
You are an idiot. And if you are an AMERICAN then you have that right to be an idiot. And I as an AMERICAN have the right to NOT listen to you. And thus, I sign off.
Posted by: captainfish on May 4, 2008 11:42 PM
"All this game is doing is creating this tension ..."
Uh, it's illegal aliens that are creating the tension, not a game.
And the open borders crowd has us using the term "illegal immigrant." Their propaganda is working. Calling an illegal alien (US immigration term) an illegal immigrant is like calling a burglar an undocumented house guest. My wife is an immigrant and we find the term "illegal immigrant" quite insulting.
The difference in status: an immigrant has received a green card on the way to citizenship (there is nothing illegal about immigrants); the illegal alien is awaiting deportation.
To "No patience," you're damned right this is people's lives; American citizens. Why does the left constantly identify with the criminal perpetrator and not the victim (are you listening, ACLU)?
This may surprise some but I consider myself a liberal capitalist (libertarian) pushed to the right as the left seems to have been taken over by the insane. When did a country enforcing it's border laws become "racist" or "xenophobic?"
I live in California and my local newspaper (with an internet comments section) recently ran a story about the shortage of affordable housing and how government was going to subsidize housing to make it affordable.
The perfect socialist storm. We welcome illegals with open arms which creates a shortage of affordable housing. After COMMENTING I was taunted, brutally assaulted with WORDS, No patience (something you object to), for my "insensitivity," yet it's not insensitive to BEHAVE illegally.
If every illegal was deported or caused to self deport yesterday there would be plenty of affordable housing in my community. Lower housing costs allows lower wages which makes American citizen workers more competitive on the world market, reducing the economic argument that illegals are good for our economy.
As far as illegal aliens being supported by the hispanic community, this is an admission that there is a problem of spanish speaking illegals altering American culture and legal immigrants being caught in the legitimate backlash.
If I were a German or Chinese immigrant and there were an influx of German or Chinese speaking illegals I would object to those illegals who were reflecting badly on my country and culture.
Digger, apart from T shirts how is this game played?
Posted by: ken pope on May 9, 2008 08:10 AM
To "No Patience," I suppose we ignorant people are also wrong to object to burglars, after, burglars are people, too, going through hard times...?
There boundries in life, learn them.
Posted by: ken pope on May 9, 2008 08:15 AM
"The aliens are left to do nothing but absorb the oppression and not respond because in fact, they can’t."
Actually there is something they can do; GO HOME!
"No Patience," you have a criminal mind. There is something the burglar can do to stop being criticized; stop breaking the law!
You are aware that Mexico stole their land, too, yet is Mexico "racist" for enforcing their more-strict-than-ours immigration laws?
Cut the BS, this is not about oppressing people, it's about protecting our jobs, wage levels, and culture.
Posted by: ken pope on May 9, 2008 08:22 AM
Digger, apart from T shirts how is this game played?
I believe it is a big game of hide and seek.
Posted by: Digger on May 10, 2008 01:08 AM
where can i find this game
Posted by: adhi on February 24, 2010 06:07 PM