I'm a little late in bringing you this report on the Jamiel Shaw rally that happened June 21, 2008 in Los Angeles. Below is a report from Chelene of
Save Our State and then video from Ted Hayes of
Choose Black America, Chelene and the Shaw family.
I would just like to note ahead of time that for those of you out there who think this cannot happen to you and your family, you are sadly mistaken. From all reports Jamiel was a good kid into sports and just trying hard to stay out of trouble and do a good job at school and his other activities. He was not some hood gang banger out causing trouble. He was just a good kid, like many good kids throughout this country.
 Anita and Jamiel Shaw Sr. |
His family is also made up of good people. People just trying to make a life in America. His mother was serving our country in Iraq when her son was shot and killed outside their house. His father heard the shots and went out to find his son shot dead. I teared up watching this man discuss the loss of his son and the tragedy of it all is that I will once again have to tear up as I watch the next American family that is devastated at the hands of illegal aliens.
Because our leaders don't care.
Be sure to visit www.JamielsLaw.com and support the end to "Special Order 40" in Los Angeles that refuses to allow law enforcement to initiate deportation of criminal illegal aliens. This order is what got Jamiel killed as his killer was an illegal alien released from jail only hours before the shooting - rather than being turned over to ICE for deportation.
Report from Chelene. (Videos below)
 Chelene Speaking |
Over 70 patriots braved the scorching 100 temperature on Saturday to support the Shaw family. Americans started gathering as early as 10am to rally for Jamiel's Law.
There were only a handful of counter-protesters, maybe 12, who followed us along our march route shouting ridiculous propaganda not even worth repeating. (Except I want to correct the LA Times statement that Najee Ali was holding a photo of Jamiel Shaw displaying gang signs. I saw the photo up close. First, the person in the photo is not only wearing a hat, but also a bandanna covering their entire face! All you can see are a pair of eyes. The eyes looked older than Jamiel's, and the eyebrows thinner. Another propaganda attempt.) They definitely showed their disrespect for the victim and his family and friends. Life means nothing to the criminals and their supporters.
We Americans marched for 2 miles in a somber tone to not only honor the memory of Jamiel Shaw, Jr., but also to prove that Special Order 40 is literally killing our communities.
 Brook of Immigration Watchdog |
When we arrived at City Hall, the entire steps to City Hall had been taped off to the Americans. (We had no intentions of standing on the hot city steps anyway.) Ted Hayes found a great shaded area for both speakers and supporters. Ted started off the rally. I followed Ted with an introduction to the very warm and wonderful Shaws. Mr. & Mrs. Shaw both delivered emotional speeches that really moved the audience of supporters. The heart of the messages touched on the fact that if U.S. immigration laws were enforced, Jamiel Shaw, Jr. would still be alive.
The Shaws speeches were followed by Terrance Lang, James Spencer, Marvin Stewart, Barbara Coe, and many new and young Black American voices! It was an honor to listen to them all.
Due to the heat, we ended the rally at 2pm and safely disbursed thanks to the class act law enforcement team! In fact, a warm thank you to the LAPD, USDOJ, FBI, and Fire Department!!! Very well organized!! And each of the team members were professional and friendly. The Fire Department even hoisted a water hose for us towards the end of the march to cool us all off. We can't thank law enforcement and fire team enough for helping we Americans with our Freedom of Assembly rights. Thank you!
And now I would like to share a message from the Shaws: "We're still talking about the March over here. LaOpinion called this morning and I did an interview with them. They were asking about the March and Jamiel's Law."
Their message is a reminder that every action we take helps bring our message to more people and just one step closer to victory!
For more photos and video from the successful event, please visit:
The Save Our State Forum
Video below this great picture.
Ted Hayes At Jamiel Shaw Rally
Ted is running for congress. Find out more at the official Ted Hayes website
Chelene At Jamiel Shaw Rally
Jamiel Shaw's mother Anita and father Jamiel
Raw footage of the march, including the racists who will stop at nothing to ensure that illegal aliens and members of their race remain in this country, criminals or not.
More raw footage. If you'll note the people participating in this march are of all races. That is what America is about! Those opposed to this march are doing so solely on racist beliefs and not on beliefs that "E Pluribus Unum". They even carry a foreign flag. James Spencer is interviewed in portions of this video and addresses the claims by the illegal alien supporters that the blacks are marching with the Ku Klux Klan. As one marcher notes if there was Klan there, "they wouldn't be standing by none of us".