/ August 6, 2008 10:46 PM |
It amazes me that when it comes to wars you will get a massive amount of people to come out and declare that we must "end the killing". All kinds of wackos and hippies and even a few actual intellectual people who do have a thought out argument or other course of action show up (though the intellectuals are few and far between). Yet in the past 6 months more than the people have been killed along our southern border than service-members in both Iraq and Afghanistan combined
Where are the protests? Where is the outrage? Where are the hippies with their little drums?
Nowhere that's where, because they don't really care about death, they only care about their agenda. These people are no better than politicians who would sell out their country for votes, money and power. They only actively protest when there's something in it for them. You see it's all about "me" when it comes to them. A by-product of the "Me Generation" where they can sit around and feel good about themselves that they are doing something. Not that they actually accomplished anything. Yet they ignore other, even greater, problems.
While they whine about Darfur and global warming there are innocent people within a few hundred to a thousand miles (and sometimes even much closer) of them being raped murdered and oppressed. Yet when it all comes down to it, when people actually want to do something to end the attrocities, they decry the decisions that must be made to set things right and proper.
They would be the first to cry about military intervention in Darfur, thinking that talking will work. They decry a deployment or increase in actual trained troops along our borders to protect us and end cross border actions by the drug cartels. In some deluded way they seem to think that problems will fix themselves because they say they should be fixed.
You can watch Representative Brian Bilbray in this entry on the Aldrete-Davila sentencing where towards then end he points out the facts. That our Southern Border is a warzone and nobody seems concerned about it.
Where are the hippies?

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Posted by Digger on August 6, 2008 10:46 PM (Permalink)
Bilbray is lying and you are a moron for believing him. He is obviously counting the Mexicans killed in the ongoing war -- as in an actual war -- with the cartels, which has nothing to do with us or undocumented immigrants in the United States. There is no other way to get a number so large -- 181 US troops have been killed in Iraq in the last six months. Border agents aren't getting gunned down on a daily basis. That would be BIG news.
They are manipulating you. I hope that makes you feel good about yourself.
Posted by: Svlad Jelly on August 7, 2008 05:20 AM
This is what I've been talking about. Anti-Hispanic fanatics just repeat whatever they hear or read that supports their pre-drawn conclusions. They almost never verify the facts.
Posted by: Ralph on August 7, 2008 06:03 AM
If Rep. Steve King's statistics are correct, over 60,000 people have been killed within our borders by illegal aliens since 9/11. That's more than the fatalities suffered by US Forces during the entire Vietnam War.
You are right! Where are the hippies?
In Congress, of course
Posted by: Rightwing Cowboy on August 7, 2008 10:30 AM
"It amazes me that when it comes to wars you will get a massive amount of people to come out and declare that we must "end the killing". All kinds of wackos and hippies..."
Uh, hello, that is why people oppose war, especially wars that are not defensive but wars we start.
Regardless, we are not surrounded by middle easterners but illegal aliens, and in this case we should declare war on Mexico and redeploy our troops to the souther (wait, I was about to write southern border but we should enter Mexico and formally occupy their country. After all they informally have invaded our country).
To Ralph, who likes to frame our being invaded as racist (anti Hispanic). The real racists are those hispanic voters who put their race ahead of their country's immigration laws/enforcement.
Ralph, you vastly under estimate the depth of resentment felt by millions of American citizens towards the Mexican govenment's sense of entitlement by their encouragement of their citizens to come waltzing across our borders.
Posted by: ken pope on August 7, 2008 10:49 AM
I forgot to add false accusations as one of the many common behaviors of anti-immigration fanatics. I've never framed anything as "racist".
Posted by: Ralph on August 7, 2008 06:15 PM
To Ralph, oh yes you have and I quote, "Anti-Hispanic fanatics...". Hispanic is not a nationality, it's a race.
As far as anti-immigration fanatics, quote a single reference as anti-immigration on any of Digger's posts; keep in mind that an IMMIGRANT has written permission to be in our country. This is all about illegal aliens, who make no promise to assimilate the way an immigrant does.
Our country is involuntarily being turned bilingual, and it's quite rude. Just as I would oppose attempts to turn Mexico, Cuba, Guatemala, or Spain bilingual, I oppose the flood of spanish speaking illegals streaming into my country.
Posted by: ken pope on August 8, 2008 11:59 AM
FYI: Hispanic is not a race, Copernicus. He opposes Spanish speaking people coming into his country, but nooooooooooooooo, he's not anti-Hispanic.
Posted by: Ralph on August 8, 2008 06:27 PM
He opposes Spanish speaking people coming into his country
Where have I ever said such a thing? Nothing wrong with speaking a language, just once you are here LEGALLY why not try to fit into the culture that you admired so much you waited to come to? Obviously our culture is part of the reason for our success.
As for Svlad...
Bilbray is lying and you are a moron for believing him. He is obviously counting the Mexicans killed in the ongoing war
Not once was it stated that these were all border agents being killed. The violence is spilling across the border and we should do everything we can to protect our people in this country. To use your own words, you'd have to be a moron...
Or is it ok that we just stand by while more Americans and legal residents who live along our southern border are victimized?
Stating otherwise shows your true beliefs. Expecting no one to note the violence along the southern border shows your true beliefs. Since when have we stopped caring about our fellow citizens that we would allow them to be put at risk?
They are manipulating you.
By telling the truth?
Posted by: Digger on August 8, 2008 08:46 PM
Ralph, I stand corrected. Hispanic is one who speaks spanish. Immigrants promise to assimilate and learn english like my wife has done; she is an immigrant.
And I repeat, you have no clue as to the depth of resentment in this country towards illegal aliens.
This resentment includes my asian wife of 31 years, who has learned english and assimilated. We are both tired of encountering bilingual english/spanish here in California.
Posted by: ken pope on August 12, 2008 09:28 PM
Ralph, I am doing your Mother. And I am Mexican. I love White Bitches........................Viva La Raza. White Boy
Posted by: Jack Ripper on September 14, 2008 04:51 PM
If they want peace, nations should avoid the pin-pricks that precede cannon shots. We should focus on improving the lives of the people and avoid conflict and learn to live together
Posted by: Home decor Stores on August 27, 2011 09:31 AM