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Immigration Watchdog Retires Website

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Brook Young
Long time pro-immigration enforcement activist Brook Young of Immigration Watchdog no longer has time to maintain the west coast based website Immigration Watchdog (website is now down) and has posted a message that he'll be taking a hiatus (possibly permanent). Don't be alarmed. Don't see this as waving the white flag. I am an old salty dog in the blogging world having been around for years and blogs and websites come and go.

It does not show a lack of caring by the individual, it all comes down to a lack of time. Brook is a person and like anyone else has goals for his future as well and sometimes those goals take up more time than you have to continue to volunteer large chunks on maintaining and running a website.

Brook says he'll still be actively involved in the fight against illegal immigration - and you can bet your bottom dollar on that! Most websites and blogs retire within the first month. The longevity and dedication that Brook has shown in actively participating on the street level, hours shooting and editing video and researching and writing content show his passion. I don't think most people realize the time dedicated to such a task for no pay until they try it themselves and become burned out within weeks.

There really is no money in political blogging and especially in activist blogging, so we all must do other things on the side - and when it comes to careers and family, well that comes first.

I personally send a congratulations to Brook for his longevity and his dedication and wish him well in the future as he moves out of the Los Angeles area. He'll still be around on message boards and at rallies, so don't count him out.

Cheers to you Brook!

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Posted by Digger on August 25, 2008 12:47 PM (Permalink)

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I am sad to see my friend do this, but he is a DEDICATED patriot and he WILL still be active in the fight. He has too much fight in him.

ONLY THING we can say to Brook is this: THANK YOU for ALL you have done !!

Posted by: Arizona Patriot on August 25, 2008 02:56 PM

Too bad we won't see Brook grabbing handfuls of coins from his ashtray as he drives down the 5 Freeway, and pelting the windshields of a Mexican couple, while the woman in the car screams. This was such an effective way to deal with the illegal immigration issue! I can't understand why he didn't choose to film this incident and show it to the world?

Posted by: LAWEDA on September 2, 2008 02:35 AM

I have to say I find his behavior to be fairly selfish. He has removed all of his assets, videos and information. This indicates to me that being involved in illegal immigration was nothing but personal expression and that he could care less about anyone else but himself. The fact that he completely removed his video channel from youtube, right before the election is suspect.

I think he was simply paid off. I know many folks know him and think otherwise, but there is no explanation as to why he would do this, without offering to pass on the information to others for distribution. In many regards he has painted himself as just a simple anti-thetical illegal. Which is a shame because he seemed to have done a great deal.

Some questions to ask are:

Why did he suddenly remove all of his content during the election season? Why couldn't he simply note that he would no longer be updating his site?

Who got to him and paid him off? (of course a valid question if you believe , like I do that there is no other explanation)

Did he even consider our purpose and cause? The ramifications of his removal of this information resource?

Of course its his choice and his info, but I consider it to be the actions of a traitor. I say this because he did not offer to pass on his information and methodologies, or to leave an archival record. Which would have required ZERO effort. His removal of the info was intentional.

This man was bought.

Posted by: Doubting Tom on September 19, 2008 06:46 PM

He is locked up for the assault of a Hispanic male, who ironically was born here. Nativists only care about the law when the law discrimnates against Latinos.

Posted by: jarbi on January 26, 2009 05:22 AM

There is no such news released anywhere, so stop spreading lies.

Posted by: Digger on January 27, 2009 07:20 PM

Brook Young is probably back in North Carolina where he lived and worked for the despicable, money-grubbing ALIPAC. His mission was to come to the west coast to build out ALIPACto attract more dollars for William Gheen and ALIPAC. It had little to do with illegal immigration.
Gheen's ALIPAC simply wants to dominate the immigration issue to rake in more money. He's just another scammer who makes an opulent living off donors, like many other activist organizations.

Posted by: HappyGoLucky on November 19, 2012 02:38 PM

Also see these other great immigration resources

The Dark Side Of Illegal Immigration
The Dark Side Of Illegal Immigration

A 28 part detailed report on the negative impacts of illegal immigration.
Immigration Stance
Immigration Stance

Find out how your members of Congress voted on immigration issues.

The Dark Side Of Illegal Immigration
Read the free 28 part report The Dark Side of
Illegal Immigration

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and statistics.

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