/ September 12, 2008 12:43 PM |
The people of Shenandoah, Pennsylvania are ready to take back their town and now they have a means to do it! Not having a website to coordinate, they were doing things the old fashioned way and many in the community were asleep. Oh they knew of the illegal immigration problem in their town, but not much was getting done about it. They were asleep until July 12, 2008 when an illegal alien in their community was killed in a fight with some youths in their town in the local park one night.
All of the race pandering hordes, MALDEF, the ADL and those opposing the Hazleton ordinance, came into their town calling them racists because the illegal alien was Mexican and the youths were white. Shenandoah was getting a bad name nationally.
Then they held a rally and 600 people showed up to stand up for their town. Residents now realized they weren't alone. I had the pleasure of attending and speaking at that rally and afterwards I received numerous calls for help from residents. "What can we do?". "How can we fight back?". So the results of those call is the Save Shenandoah website where they can communicate with each other and organize.
Go check it out, read their forum and watch as this small community takes back their town from the illegal alien invasion! It's already on fire just days after launch.
Help Save Shenandoah!

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Posted by Digger on September 12, 2008 12:43 PM (Permalink)
You are sick. Illegals aren't bad people. I don't know why you try to brainwash people into believing they are. They only come to this country for the same reason that our ancestors came to America. Freedom and a better life. They don't rape people, carry diseases, or kill Americans. They simply work to get their families out of poverty. I'm not saying that all Hispanic people are perfect angels. There are bad people of EVERY race. White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, name it! There are criminals of ALL races. There are MANY white men in this country who rape women, and kill people for their own sick enjoyment! There are white men who rob others, and then murder them. I wish people would stop being racist against Hispanics, and blaming all of our crime on them. And the Hispanics who are illegal, I doubt that they would be dumb enough to risk getting deported by raping someone, or killing someone. The majority of the illegal immigrants aren't doing anything wrong in this country. They don't deserve to be discriminated against.
Posted by: amy smith on September 13, 2008 01:36 PM
Dear Amy, there is a difference. Illegals are NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE! They make a purposeful decision to cross out border, knowing that they are not supposed to. At a minimum, they are international trespassers. They are turning our country into their country as they don't make the promise of an immigrant, that is, to learn english and assimilate. We know nothing about them as they are not screened the way an immigrant is.
Posted by: ken pope on September 13, 2008 02:23 PM
As far as improving their lives, let's all pick out the finest house on our block that is up for sale and move in without purchase or permission. Who could blame us, after all, we all want to improve our lives. There are boundries in life that we all must follow but some seem to think that rules don't apply to them. Such people DO rape and victimize others, because they don't recognize boundries. It's inherent in their character. BTW, I am married to an immigrant, one who recognizes the rules and follows them. The difference between rape and a lover is permission, the difference between a burglar and a house guest is permission, the difference between a bank robbery and a bank loan is permission, and the difference between an illegal alien and an immigrant is permission.
Posted by: ken pope on September 13, 2008 02:30 PM
"The majority of the illegal immigrants aren't doing anything wrong in this country. They don't deserve to be discriminated against."
Their presence is "doing wrong" as our country is being turned bilingual by multi millions of them coming here and not assimilating. LEARN ENGLISH!!!
Posted by: ken pope on September 13, 2008 02:33 PM
"Illegals aren't bad people. I don't know why you try to brainwash people into believing they are. They only come to this country for the same reason that our ancestors came to America."
My ancestors came here with permission from the US government.
Posted by: ken pope on September 13, 2008 02:35 PM
"Hate can be Fun". You people work on it. So when and illegal, drunk, no license , slams into your Family, and you find out it is his/her third conviction, and now he goes to jail, it will be, "FUN".
Posted by: Jack Ripper on September 14, 2008 02:49 PM
I also do not believe in violence but I do believe in revolution and if the people elected to Washington don't start performing I think it will be time for another revolution. How can they be so stupid and not see the threat to our security that 14 million illegals in this country present. Second, why would we offer to add 14 million more to, I quote," a social secuity system that is broken/robbed by the government"? Or medical care when we can't provide it for all the Americans. Third, Why 14-20 million uneducated workers when the government has sent low paying jobs overseas.
It has such a simple solution. Increase fines for hiring and harboring illegals so it doesn't pay. I also think there should be arrest in Washington of the people who have allowed this to become such a hugh problem along with the people in Washington hired for regulating and oversite of the banking and financial houses. When they ran for office with out experience or knowledge and didn't know what they were doing or were there just to party. Well its time they be held accountable for such short sighted treasonist policies. They have put our nation in real peril.
Our only hope maybe the Hazelton and other small towns challenge before the supreme court for the right to stop the Federal Government from breaking laws for there own self interest.Hopefully there are some supreme court justices that care about the US. I was always taught as a Municipal bond trader that the Federal Government could not impose taxes or other burdens on the states that would could cause them to cease to be. Seems to me the federal government is forcing states into bankruptcy by paying for their (The FED) non enforcement of illegal immigration laws.
Posted by: d livinston on September 16, 2008 04:07 PM