/ September 13, 2008 04:21 PM |
The video of Crystal Dillman holding a Mexican Flag at the Shenandoah Rally has finally been posted. The media portrayed this in the paper the next day as a "near riot" at our rally, but in the video you can clearly see that other than boos and some tough statements made at Dillman, nobody even came close to rioting or attacking her. If you missed it, I dissected a TV news story on Shenandoah showing the clear media bias.
This once again shows that the media bias against those who want immigration enforcement is quite clear, trying to make them appear as savages who will attack people. It also shows that Crystal Dillman was the instigator in this incident. Nobody went to the other rally that was being held and was organized by professional race baiter Agapito Lopez and disrupted their meeting.
I am quite convinced that Crystal was put up to this by MALDEF, the ADL and people like Apapito Lopez who wanted an incident to occur, though I have no proof yet.
As I have already pointed out Crystal Dillman has received monetary rewards for her antics. All for being the girlfriend in an "on again off again" relationship with an illegal alien, Luis Ramirez, who was hanging out with a young girl in a park at 11:30PM and got in an altercation with local youths that resulted in his death.
Some in the media have described Dillman as a widow, but she was not married to Ramirez, though she had two children with Ramirez and a third from a previous relationship, and the two were not living together. Just more media bias that we should feel sorry for Crystal Dillman who is collecting on her "15 minutes of fame" on the dead body of her boyfriend and through outside racist groups who want to insert race into this incident.
Tipped by: Save Shenandoah

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Posted by Digger on September 13, 2008 04:21 PM (Permalink)
I remember a couple of years ago when some Mexican immigrants were murdered for their money. The local town raised the Mexican flag the next day in mourning for the men. People were more upset about the Mexican flag than they were about the deaths of the men.
Posted by: Ralph on September 14, 2008 08:35 AM
Ralph, the local town shouldn't have raised the Mexican flag to honor them, and while you don't mention if they were illegal aliens or not, if they were illegal, then the town REALLY should not have tried to "honor" criminals. If they were legal, it was still inappropriate to do that. JMHO
As for the Dillman video, I hope a lot of people see it and realize what is going on (with the media bias lies, etc).
Posted by: SeaTurtle on September 14, 2008 09:36 AM
SeaTurtle, First I believe murder is on the higher scale of crimes then immigration. Even if they were illegal, they were trying to live a better life, and the right to live should overrule. In my opinion, they should be honored in the sense of trying to live, and that their lives were taken from them. However I do agree they should not be honored on the fact they are illegal aliens.
Even though immigration is a problem, murder isn’t limited to just immigrants; it’s a target for anyone. As stated above, I do agree on the point that the Mexicans were criminals if immigrated here illegally; however at this moment, they’re dead. PEOPLE have died. Not just illegal aliens.
What if former President Kennedy was an illegal alien and still made president (I know that would never happen but for example : ), and then the assassination happens? Honor him as a president? A person? Or don’t honor him because he was just another illegal alien?
As for the video: The media has always been a problem. I’m glad there are still people who tell the real truth of the matter.
Posted by: Daz on September 15, 2008 08:50 AM
When Juan McCain speaks of "country first," I guess we know which country he speaks of...
"What if former President Kennedy was an illegal alien..." WTF? Deport his ass.
Posted by: ken pope on September 15, 2008 10:08 AM
To Ralph, RE Mexican immigrants. We have a problem with Mexican illegal aliens in this country. Unfortunately, these immigrants were caught up in the backlash against illegal aliens; the backlash can be prevented by Mexico's cooperation in pulling the plug on their invasion instead of publishing pamphlets giving directions to illegals on how to break into our country.
Posted by: ken pope on September 15, 2008 10:15 AM
Rather than taunt American citizens, this bitch should move to Mexico where she will find dignity and justice...
Posted by: ken pope on September 15, 2008 12:22 PM
Posted by: April on September 15, 2008 03:29 PM
Deport Ralph, "The Shanky HO" and Kennedy.............
Posted by: Jack Ripper on September 16, 2008 10:12 AM
Jack Ripper wants to deport me. For what? For making a statement? That's ridiculous. Too many anti-Hispanic fanatics like this don't really care about upholding the law I find. They want to deport someone for just expressing something that they disagree with.
Posted by: Ralph on September 17, 2008 06:33 AM
Ralph, I want you deported to the "Land of Whiney, Liberal ASSHOLES". And you can be happy, FAGGOT!
Posted by: Jack Ripper on September 17, 2008 10:23 AM
wow, what an amazing show of force by the local police!
Did they feel that this lady was going to be harmed?
At least they didnt have on there riot gear!
Posted by: Curt on September 18, 2008 02:12 PM
Jack Ripper doesn't realize that his comments say more about him than they do about me.
Posted by: Ralph on September 20, 2008 03:18 PM
Stupid suck faces unfurl mexican flag and they are probibly the same liberal ilk who burn old glory in their stupid protests
Posted by: Flu-Bird on January 4, 2009 04:41 PM
LOL Stupid ignorant white trash pennsyltucky hicks.
Posted by: White lady from PA on March 5, 2009 12:06 AM
This is what happens when you move people who are different in to a town full of dumb, dirt poor, trashy white people
Posted by: Mel on May 2, 2009 08:17 AM
Ever meet anybody white, more stupid, arrogant and ignorant than the people from this PA area??????
Posted by: John on May 2, 2009 05:21 PM
To John: Yes, I have met people more stupid, arrogant, and ignorant than in this PA area -- in Chicago, LA, and any overrun border city.
Posted by: SeaTurtle on May 8, 2009 11:02 AM