Once again the House Republicans show that they are the only ones looking out for the American people as they killed another amnesty bill, this time for banks who played the super risky game of giving out loans to people who could never pay them.
I am pro-business, but there is a limit to business and ultimate asinine behavior that deserves to be condemned. And these banks deserve taking the fall for their ludicrous business practices. The leaders of those banks deserve to be hunted down by law enforcement and imprisoned for playing games with our nation for their own personal gain.
Every American should be celebrating today that our voices were heard. The Republican leaders in the House are the only ones standing up for you. The Senate is corrupt, the president is corrupt and the House Democrats are corrupt.
Just as with the amnesty for illegal aliens, it was solely the Republicans in the House who listened to their constituents who called in by the millions demanding NO on their ridiculousness. My hat is off to them.
As for the markets that tumbled because they didn't get "free taxpayer money" for failure... they will rebound. It's a good buying time because stuck up investors have oversold the market.
The House voted 228-205 against the bailout.