I'm not sure if there is a single tragic death related to illegal immigration that has affected me so personally as that of the death of
Amy Kortlang. I had the pleasure of meeting her mother Melanie in April, 2007 in Washington DC at the
Hold Their Feet to the Fire event and... well... words cannot really express that feeling. I had actually written on Amy's death and covered the trial of the illegal alien who killed her. She was sort of an adopted sister to me.
At that time in DC Melanie gave me a button in memory of Amy. I have worn that button to every event I have attended, spoken at or covered. From the streets of DC to the Capitol of Pennsylvania to a small town called Hazleton. I keep it within sight and it is a reminder of what we all in this movement are fighting for.
Below is a letter from Melanie that she just sent me. The second anniversary of Amy's death is approaching and there is a memorial vigil planned at the location of her death. If you are in the area please attend, if not please remember Amy on October 9.

I thought I would get in touch and let you know how things are going. It is fast approaching the 2 year mark of the anniversary of my Amy's death. I just made it through her 24th birthday on Sept. 19th. These are very tough and trying times. In fact, life has not gotten any easier and I am not able to "move on"...
I get so darned angry and so sad every time I hear the politicians even mention the word illegal immigrant... I still am fighting for Amy and doing whatever I can to keep her story and most of all her memory alive. This is all I have left and until the day I die, it will be my mission. I want to thank you for all the wonderful words you have written here on your website about our story. I also have the utmost respect for your hard work in keeping so many wonderful American Citizens informed of all the goings on in this country and how all the politicians are slowly trying to give away OUR country. Keep up the great work and kudos to you.
Let me also inform you and your readers that this coming Oct.9th I will be having a 2nd Annual Candlelight Vigil honoring our Angel Amy. It is going to be held at 6 pm on Highway 67, just south of Mussey Grade Rd., the site of where her life was so viciously and violently taken. If anyone would like to come I would love to see you all. I know Amy is watching over us and she deserves this tribute.
Still, to this day I have not heard a word from the monsters up on the hill who hired the illegal, knowingly I might add, no apology, not nothing. I can only pray that God is working on their hearts and filling them with the utmost guilt that they can take. I haven't heard a word from any ICE agents or anyone else to say that they have given any justice for Amy by punishing these guilty criminals. They too deserve sentences just as stiff as the murderer they hired.
Can you tell - yes! - I am still very bitter
OK, well I will send this off to you and if you are able or anyone else that may be available who reads this to come out on Oct 9th, I look forward to seeing or speaking with you.
All my Love,
Melanie Kortlang
An Outraged Mother
A Vigil for Amy Kortlang:
Time and Date:
October, 9, 2008 - 6:00PM
Just south on SR 67 from the corner of
SR 67 and Mussey Grade Rd
Ramona, CA
Google Map of the vigil location
Attend if you can. I will be there in spirit, as I am with Amy everyday.