/ October 4, 2008 02:49 AM |
Below is a list of the representatives who voted in favor of the bailout bill that will saddle every taxpayer in America with thousands and thousands in debt.
I hope you enjoy paying this courtesy of the individuals below. Below this list are those who voted against the bailout bill. Just as a side-note, some of these reps who voted against it didn't vote until late. In other words some of them waited to see if it would pass and then voted Nay as a political move once they were assured it was through. So not everybody on the Nay list is a hero either.
And just so you remember, BOTH presidential candidates, Obama and McCain voted in favor of this travesty. So feel good when you vote for them in November if you're sticking with these two lame parties. Especially if you are doing so because of their running mate.
Dems are in BOLD
Abercrombie (D-HI) |
Ackerman (D-NY) |
Alexander (R-LA) |
Allen (D-ME) |
Andrews (D-NJ) |
Arcuri (D-NY) |
Baca (D-CA) |
Bachus (R-AL) |
Baird (D-WA) |
Baldwin (D-WI) |
Barrett (R-SC) |
Bean (D-IL) |
Berkley (D-NV) |
Berman (D-CA) |
Berry (D-AR) |
Biggert (R-IL) |
Bishop (D-GA) |
Bishop (D-NY) |
Blunt (R-MO) |
Boehner (R-OH) |
Bonner (R-AL) |
Bono Mack (R-CA) |
Boozman (R-AR) |
Boren (D-OK) |
Boswell (D-IA) |
Boucher (D-VA) |
Boustany (R-LA) |
Boyd (D-FL) |
Brady (D-PA) |
Brady (R-TX) |
Braley (D-IA) |
Brown (R-SC) |
Brown, Corrine (D-FL) |
Buchanan (R-FL) |
Calvert (R-CA) |
Camp (R-MI) |
Campbell (R-CA) |
Cannon (R-UT) |
Cantor (R-VA) |
Capps (D-CA) |
Capuano (D-MA) |
Cardoza (D-CA) |
Carnahan (D-MO) |
Carson (D-IN) |
Castle (R-DE) |
Clarke (D-NY) |
Cleaver (D-MO) |
Clyburn (D-SC) |
Coble (R-NC) |
Cohen (D-TN) |
Cole (R-OK) |
Conaway (R-TX) |
Cooper (D-TN) |
Costa (D-CA) |
Cramer (D-AL) |
Crenshaw (R-FL) |
Crowley (D-NY) |
Cubin (R-WY) |
Cuellar (D-TX) |
Cummings (D-MD) |
Davis (D-AL) |
Davis (D-CA) |
Davis (D-IL) |
Davis, Tom (R-VA) |
DeGette (D-CO) |
DeLauro (D-CT) |
Dent (R-PA) |
Dicks (D-WA) |
Dingell (D-MI) |
Donnelly (D-IN) |
Doyle (D-PA) |
Dreier (R-CA) |
Edwards (D-MD) |
Edwards (D-TX) |
Ehlers (R-MI) |
Ellison (D-MN) |
Ellsworth (D-IN) |
Emanuel (D-IL) |
Emerson (R-MO) |
Engel (D-NY) |
Eshoo (D-CA) |
Etheridge (D-NC) |
Everett (R-AL) |
Fallin (R-OK) |
Farr (D-CA) |
Fattah (D-PA) |
Ferguson (R-NJ) |
Fossella (R-NY) |
Foster (D-IL) |
Frank (D-MA) |
Frelinghuysen (R-NJ) |
Gerlach (R-PA) |
Giffords (D-AZ) |
Gilchrest (R-MD) |
Gonzalez (D-TX) |
Gordon (D-TN) |
Granger (R-TX) |
Green, Al (D-TX) |
Gutierrez (D-IL) |
Hall (D-NY) |
Hare (D-IL) |
Harman (D-CA) |
Hastings (D-FL) |
Herger (R-CA) |
Higgins (D-NY) |
Hinojosa (D-TX) |
Hirono (D-HI) |
Hobson (R-OH) |
Hoekstra (R-MI) |
Holt (D-NJ) |
Honda (D-CA) |
Hooley (D-OR) |
Hoyer (D-MD) |
Inglis (R-SC) |
Israel (D-NY) |
Jackson (D-IL) |
Jackson-Lee (D-TX) |
Johnson, E. B. (D-TX) |
Kanjorski (D-PA) |
Kennedy (D-RI) |
Kildee (D-MI) |
Kilpatrick (D-MI) |
Kind (D-WI) |
King (R-NY) |
Kirk (R-IL) |
Klein (D-FL) |
Kline (R-MN) |
Knollenberg (R-MI) |
Kuhl (R-NY) |
LaHood (R-IL) |
Langevin (D-RI) |
Larsen (D-WA) |
Larson (D-CT) |
Lee (D-CA) |
Levin (D-MI) |
Lewis (R-CA) |
Lewis (D-GA) |
Lewis (R-KY) |
Loebsack (D-IA) |
Lofgren, Zoe (D-CA) |
Lowey (D-NY) |
Lungren, Daniel E. (R-CA) |
Mahoney (D-FL) |
Maloney (D-NY) |
Markey (D-MA) |
Marshall (D-GA) |
Matsui (D-CA) |
McCarthy (D-NY) |
McCollum (D-MN) |
McCrery (R-LA) |
McGovern (D-MA) |
McHugh (R-NY) |
McKeon (R-CA) |
McNerney (D-CA) |
McNulty (D-NY) |
Meek (D-FL) |
Meeks (D-NY) |
Melancon (D-LA) |
Miller (D-NC) |
Miller, Gary (R-CA) |
Miller, George (D-CA) |
Mitchell (D-AZ) |
Mollohan (D-WV) |
Moore (D-KS) |
Moore (D-WI) |
Moran (D-VA) |
Murphy (D-CT) |
Murphy, Patrick (D-PA) |
Murtha (D-PA) |
Myrick (R-NC) |
Nadler (D-NY) |
Neal (D-MA) |
Oberstar (D-MN) |
Obey (D-WI) |
Olver (D-MA) |
Ortiz (D-TX) |
Pallone (D-NJ) |
Pascrell (D-NJ) |
Pastor (D-AZ) |
Pelosi (D-CA) |
Perlmutter (D-CO) |
Peterson (R-PA) |
Pickering (R-MS) |
Pomeroy (D-ND) |
Porter (R-NV) |
Price (D-NC) |
Pryce (R-OH) |
Putnam (R-FL) |
Radanovich (R-CA) |
Rahall (D-WV) |
Ramstad (R-MN) |
Rangel (D-NY) |
Regula (R-OH) |
Reyes (D-TX) |
Reynolds (R-NY) |
Richardson (D-CA) |
Rogers (R-AL) |
Rogers (R-KY) |
Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) |
Ross (D-AR) |
Ruppersberger (D-MD) |
Rush (D-IL) |
Ryan (D-OH) |
Ryan (R-WI) |
Sarbanes (D-MD) |
Saxton (R-NJ) |
Schakowsky (D-IL) |
Schiff (D-CA) |
Schmidt (R-OH) |
Schwartz (D-PA) |
Scott (D-GA) |
Sessions (R-TX) |
Sestak (D-PA) |
Shadegg (R-AZ) |
Shays (R-CT) |
Shuster (R-PA) |
Simpson (R-ID) |
Sires (D-NJ) |
Skelton (D-MO) |
Slaughter (D-NY) |
Smith (R-TX) |
Smith (D-WA) |
Snyder (D-AR) |
Solis (D-CA) |
Souder (R-IN) |
Space (D-OH) |
Speier (D-CA) |
Spratt (D-SC) |
Sullivan (R-OK) |
Sutton (D-OH) |
Tancredo (R-CO) |
Tanner (D-TN) |
Tauscher (D-CA) |
Terry (R-NE) |
Thompson (D-CA) |
Thornberry (R-TX) |
Tiberi (R-OH) |
Tierney (D-MA) |
Towns (D-NY) |
Tsongas (D-MA) |
Upton (R-MI) |
Van Hollen (D-MD) |
Velazquez (D-NY) |
Walden (R-OR) |
Walsh (R-NY) |
Wamp (R-TN) |
Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) |
Waters (D-CA) |
Watson (D-CA) |
Watt (D-NC) |
Waxman (D-CA) |
Weiner (D-NY) |
Welch (D-VT) |
Weldon (R-FL) |
Weller (R-IL) |
Wexler (D-FL) |
Wilson (R-NM) |
Wilson (D-OH) |
Wilson (R-SC) |
Wolf (R-VA) |
Woolsey (D-CA) |
Wu (D-OR) |
Yarmuth (D-KY) |
Voted Nay against the bailout bill.
Aderholt (R-AL) |
Akin (R-MO) |
Altmire (D-PA) |
Bachmann (R-MN) |
Barrow (D-GA) |
Bartlett (R-MD) |
Barton (R-TX) |
Becerra (D-CA) |
Bilbray (R-CA) |
Bilirakis (R-FL) |
Bishop (R-UT) |
Blackburn (R-TN) |
Blumenauer (D-OR) |
Boyda (D-KS) |
Broun (R-GA) |
Brown-Waite, Ginny (R-FL) |
Burgess (R-TX) |
Burton (R-IN) |
Butterfield (D-NC) |
Buyer (R-IN) |
Capito (R-WV) |
Carney (D-PA) |
Carter (R-TX) |
Castor (D-FL) |
Cazayoux (D-LA) |
Chabot (R-OH) |
Chandler (D-KY) |
Childers (D-MS) |
Clay (D-MO) |
Conyers (D-MI) |
Costello (D-IL) |
Courtney (D-CT) |
Culberson (R-TX) |
Davis (R-KY) |
Davis, David (R-TN) |
Davis, Lincoln (D-TN) |
Deal (R-GA) |
DeFazio (D-OR) |
Delahunt (D-MA) |
Diaz-Balart, L. (R-FL) |
Diaz-Balart, M. (R-FL) |
Doggett (D-TX) |
Doolittle (R-CA) |
Drake (R-VA) |
Duncan (R-TN) |
English (R-PA) |
Feeney (R-FL) |
Filner (D-CA) |
Flake (R-AZ) |
Forbes (R-VA) |
Fortenberry (R-NE) |
Foxx (R-NC) |
Franks (R-AZ) |
Gallegly (R-CA) |
Garrett (R-NJ) |
Gillibrand (D-NY) |
Gingrey (R-GA) |
Gohmert (R-TX) |
Goode (R-VA) |
Goodlatte (R-VA) |
Graves (R-MO) |
Green, Gene (D-TX) |
Grijalva (D-AZ) |
Hall (R-TX) |
Hastings (R-WA) |
Hayes (R-NC) |
Heller (R-NV) |
Hensarling (R-TX) |
Herseth Sandlin (D-SD) |
Hill (D-IN) |
Hinchey (D-NY) |
Hodes (D-NH) |
Holden (D-PA) |
Hulshof (R-MO) |
Hunter (R-CA) |
Inslee (D-WA) |
Issa (R-CA) |
Jefferson (D-LA) |
Johnson (D-GA) |
Johnson (R-IL) |
Johnson, Sam (R-TX) |
Jones (R-NC) |
Jordan (R-OH) |
Kagen (D-WI) |
Kaptur (D-OH) |
Keller (R-FL) |
King (R-IA) |
Kingston (R-GA) |
Kucinich (D-OH) |
Lamborn (R-CO) |
Lampson (D-TX) |
Latham (R-IA) |
LaTourette (R-OH) |
Latta (R-OH) |
Linder (R-GA) |
Lipinski (D-IL) |
LoBiondo (R-NJ) |
Lucas (R-OK) |
Lynch (D-MA) |
Mack (R-FL) |
Manzullo (R-IL) |
Marchant (R-TX) |
Matheson (D-UT) |
McCarthy (R-CA) |
McCaul (R-TX) |
McCotter (R-MI) |
McDermott (D-WA) |
McHenry (R-NC) |
McIntyre (D-NC) |
McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) |
Mica (R-FL) |
Michaud (D-ME) |
Miller (R-FL) |
Miller (R-MI) |
Moran (R-KS) |
Murphy, Tim (R-PA) |
Musgrave (R-CO) |
Napolitano (D-CA) |
Neugebauer (R-TX) |
Nunes (R-CA) |
Paul (R-TX) |
Payne (D-NJ) |
Pearce (R-NM) |
Pence (R-IN) |
Peterson (D-MN) |
Petri (R-WI) |
Pitts (R-PA) |
Platts (R-PA) |
Poe (R-TX) |
Price (R-GA) |
Rehberg (R-MT) |
Reichert (R-WA) |
Renzi (R-AZ) |
Rodriguez (D-TX) |
Rogers (R-MI) |
Rohrabacher (R-CA) |
Roskam (R-IL) |
Rothman (D-NJ) |
Roybal-Allard (D-CA) |
Royce (R-CA) |
Salazar (D-CO) |
Sali (R-ID) |
Sanchez, Linda T. (D-CA) |
Sanchez, Loretta (D-CA) |
Scalise (R-LA) |
Scott (D-VA) |
Sensenbrenner (R-WI) |
Serrano (D-NY) |
Shea-Porter (D-NH) |
Sherman (D-CA) |
Shimkus (R-IL) |
Shuler (D-NC) |
Smith (R-NE) |
Smith (R-NJ) |
Stark (D-CA) |
Stearns (R-FL) |
Stupak (D-MI) |
Taylor (D-MS) |
Thompson (D-MS) |
Tiahrt (R-KS) |
Turner (R-OH) |
Udall (D-CO) |
Udall (D-NM) |
Visclosky (D-IN) |
Walberg (R-MI) |
Walz (D-MN) |
Westmoreland (R-GA) |
Whitfield (R-KY) |
Wittman (R-VA) |
Young (R-AK) |
Young (R-FL) |

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Posted by Digger on October 4, 2008 02:49 AM (Permalink)
» WonderGirl and the Sift linked with The List
McCain the comatose sell out with an R after his name! How did we get him anyway? Conspiracy that's how! He was one of the least attractive candidates but seemingly in GOP fashion is was his turn. So now we have the socialist-fascist Obama and the quasi socialist-fascist McCain.
Wow, how did we get here? Turn off the TV and become informed.
Patriot Dynamite
Posted by: Patriot Dynamite on October 4, 2008 05:48 PM
Yeah, complete sell out. Welcome to Venezuela lite.
Can't believe even my Okie repubs voted for this crap. Aint no way we lowly americans could have tried to pull the same crap on a bankruptcy judge. Had we tried to hold on to all of our investments and then demand someone else pay for our debt, we would be laughed out of the court room.
But yet, these companies can hold on to all of their investments, holdings, and units and still get government dollars. Now, it seems that ACORN and some Malaysian "sharia" insurance units of AIG will get tax-payer dollars as well.
Heaven help us.
Posted by: captainfish on October 5, 2008 06:03 PM
uh.. We arn't "giving" them the money. This is an investment which will pay for its self plus some over time.
Posted by: ugh on October 5, 2008 08:35 PM
uh.. We arn't "giving" them the money. This is an investment
Almost fell off my chair there.
So your idea of investing is buying the worst possible debt of companies that gambled? *shakes head*
If this is an "investment" wouldn't we pick the best investment possible vehicle, which would not be a risk?
No thanks. If it's an investment, give me back my money and I'll choose where to invest it myself. Nobody had the time to read any of this garbage, yet they voted for it.
Why do we even have "representatives" who are paid to review this stuff in depth and make an informed decision on what our beliefs are as a people on our behalf? They totally ignore what their constituents demand.
Posted by: Digger on October 6, 2008 02:03 PM
vote Democrat we know how to spend your money
Posted by: gettinafterlefty on October 6, 2008 02:14 PM
Easy there, Digger, I believe Ugh was being sarcastic... :-)
Now Juan McAmnesty has two major counts against him 1) bailout, 2) amnesty while Nobama has three 1) bailout, 2) amnesty, 3) socialist health care, plus associations with GOD DAMN AMERICA and a domestic bomber.
For God's sake, wake up America, vote third party. Your other alternative is to grab a rifle and take action in this anarchy created by our government.
Posted by: Kenneth E. Pope on October 6, 2008 05:33 PM