Allen West |
The smarmy Congressman
Ron Klein tried to play the "tough on illegal immigration" act in a recent debate with immigration enforcer candidate Allen West. This is all playing out in Florida's 22nd Congressional District. Klein, a Democrat, has repeatedly voted in favor of amnesty for illegal aliens, yet plays like he is ready to crack down on it. Two faced doesn't begin to describe the man.
Florida does have a hero on the ballot and that is Lt Col. Allen West who is challenging for Klein's seat. For more on Allen West, an impressive figure, please see his website at Allen West For Congress
Go West!
Video below
Democrats are trying to bring in Dennis Ross, former envoy to Middle East to Congregation Kol Tikvah on Sunday October 19. Ross will try to convince people that Obama and the Democrats are better for Israel than Republicans. Allen West will appear the following week October 26th to illustrate the true picture and give his thoughts on the situation in the Middle East. This is a must-attend event for Allen West. If you've never heard him in person before I strongly suggest you attend. Details below:
Location: 675 University Drive, Parkland, FL 33067
Contact Info: Manuel Mesa
Date/Time: October 26th, 2008 at 7:00 PM
Posted by: Matt on October 18, 2008 04:58 PM